sophmore english multi choice

multiple choice from the short poems … “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” , The Imagist Poets: “A Few Don’ts”, “In a Station of the Metro”, “The Red Wheelbarrow”, “This is Just to Say”, “The Great Figure”, “Pear Tree” , “Winter Dreams”, “The Turtle” from The Grapes of Wrath …. simple english need 100 percent 

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Question 1 of 20

5.0 Points

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In “From the Dark Tower,” which line is evidence of black pride at the time of the Harlem Renaissance writers?

A. “Not always countenance, … / That lesser men should hold their brothers cheap”

B. “Not everlastingly … Shall we beguile their limbs with mellow flute”

C. “The night whose sable breast … is no less lovely being dark”

D. “So in the dark we hide the heart that bleeds”

Question 2 of 20

5.0 Points

In “anyone lived in a pretty how town,” Cummings begins the word “anyone” with a lowercase letter in order to

A. suggest the character’s common humanity.

B. emphasize the character’s deceptive nature.

C. call attention to the character.

D. show contempt for the character.

Question 3 of 20

5.0 Points

What theme might the head of wild oats in the story represent?

A. reproduction

B. revenge

C. hardship

D. the importance of family

Question 4 of 20

5.0 Points

Which of the following best explains Hurston’s purpose in presenting her critical feelings about school?

A. to confess that she was a liar

B. to show that being educated is not dependent on loving school

C. to reveal how inferior her school was

D. to show how little she values education

Question 5 of 20

5.0 Points

Which of the following was probably not one of Zora Neale Hurston’s purposes in writing her autobiography?

A. to portray the African American culture of her community

B. to share the experiences of her life

C. to show how she struggled against racism and prejudice

D. to inspire others to get an education

Question 6 of 20

5.0 Points

Which quotation from “The Unknown Citizen” is the clearest example of satirical writing?

A. “Except for the War till the day he retire / He worked in a factory and never got fired, . . .”

B. “And his Health-card shows he was once in hospital but left it cured.”

C. “He was married and added five children to the population.”

D. “Our researchers into Public Opinion are content / That he held the proper opinions for the time of year. . . .”

7.What causes the narrator’s mother to want to throw a second shoe through the window?

A. She still hears the burglars.

B. She thinks the neighbor forgot to call the police.

C. She had so much fun throwing the first one.

D. She wants to get grandfather’s attention.

Question 8 of 20

5.0 Points

In “From the Dark Tower,” what does Cullen imply about the job situation during the 1920s for blacks as compared with whites?

A. It is equal after a long, hard fight.

B. It is the closest to equal it is ever going to be.

C. It is unequal, but the situation is much improved compared to a few years earlier.

D. It is unequal, but someday this will change.

Question 9 of 20

5.0 Points

In “A Rose for Emily,” what type of conflict is shown by Homer Barron’s not being “a marrying man”?

A. internal conflict in Miss Emily’s mind

B. external conflict between Homer and Miss Emily

C. ambiguity about what Homer may have felt

D. resolution to the problem their marriage might pose

Question 10 of 20

5.0 Points

Hurston carefully describes her reading likes and dislikes for the purpose of

A. persuading others that reading is important.

B. revealing her character and personality.

C. helping children choose appropriate books.

D. showing that she liked the same things white people did.

Question 11 of 20

5.0 Points

The theme of the “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” concerns the

A. long history of the black race.

B. human qualities of rivers.

C. religious beliefs of blacks.

D. travels of black explorers.

Question 12 of 20

5.0 Points

What idea does the repetition in the following lines of “Grass” reinforce? And pile them high at Gettysburg, And pile them high at Ypres and Verdun.

A. These battlefields witnessed many deaths.

B. Death and destruction are a part of history that does not go away.

C. Grass covers up the many sins of humankind.

D. Nature is indifferent to what people do.

Question 13 of 20

5.0 Points

Judy’s alternating indifference and attention to Dexter have the effect of

A. making him feel confused about what he wants.

B. ultimately strengthening his resolve to resist her.

C. making her even more desirable to him.

D. helping him learn that hard work is the best way to deaden painful feelings.

Question 14 of 20

5.0 Points

Which of the following lines from “A Black Man Talks of Reaping” most directly describes the results of inequality?

A. “I planted safe against this stark, lean year.”

B. “ … my children glean in fields they have not sown, and feed on bitter fruit.”

C. “ … wind or fowl would take the grain away.”

D. “I scattered seed enough to plant the land in rows from Canada to Mexico.”

Question 15 of 20

5.0 Points

In The Grapes of Wrath, the Joads encounter kind people as well as people who make their lives more difficult. Which character in the turtle story might represent people who help the Joads?

A. the sedan driver

B. the truck driver

C. the ant

D. the turtle

Question 16 of 20

5.0 Points

Which detail best conveys H. D.’s spiritual feelings about the pear tree?

A. “no flower ever parted silver/from such rare silver”

B. “higher than my arms reach/you front us with great mass”

C. “no flower ever opened/so staunch a white leaf”

D. “bring summer and ripe fruits/in their purple hearts”

17.Granny Weatherall’s thoughts about her old age are naturally linked to her thoughts about her children by her

A. memories of her father’s behavior.

B. children’s unwillingness to allow her to live her own life.

C. thoughts about her work as a country nurse.

D. children’s treatment of her as if she were a child.

Question 18 of 20

5.0 Points

What do the dust tracks in the title symbolize?

A. poverty in a backwater southern community

B. the path to a new way of life

C. finding the way home after getting lost

D. returning to one’s roots

Question 19 of 20

5.0 Points

A central theme of “The Unknown Citizen” is that modern society

A. encourages people to think on their own.

B. rewards people for behaving morally.

C. discourages people from acting boldly.

D. pressures people to report on their neighbors.

Question 20 of 20

5.0 Points

What is the theme of “anyone lived in a pretty how town”?

A. Ordinary people can achieve great things.

B. Loneliness and lack of love can kill people

C. True humanity is squelched by conventional society.

D. Creativity triumphs over small-mindedness.

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