software testing

Finishing the essay question.(please see the attach

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Exam#2 essay question

Enter your name here: _______________________

Scenario: A team has planned for verification testing on requirement. Someday, when the system will become day-to-day operations in the client’s environment, consider two possible questionable ways someone could abuse the system. The perpetrator may be the same person, but the two actions must be different and may directly relevant to your project’s security and controls section. Using critical thinking, compose your ideas clearly, and precisely. Insert your answer into the cells of the table below, using as many sentences as needed. Vague answers will not earn points.
a) What is the

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possible motivation?

And by whom?
b) For that motivation, what is the

suspicious action or abuse?

c) What is a possible consequence if the action was performed and not be detected?
d) What control can discourage or prevent this action?
e) Why or

how will the control reduce the risk?

___ / 10

first questionable action:

2nd questionable action:

possible motivation?
suspicious action or abuse?

possible consequence if not detected?

controls to discourage or prevent this action?

how will the control reduce the risk?


___ / 10

Systems Quality Assurance

Lost Your Marbles

Team Agile

Project Analysis Report






Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Table of Figures


Project Analysis Report







An Overview



Project Objectives






Scope of Project






Present Situation




Data Flow Diagram



Logical Dataflow Diagram



Activity Diagram



Problems Identified: An Analysis



Item Number



Operation Action



Test Condition



Operation Location



Specification Variance






Description of Issue



Referenced Figure



Recommended Solution






Defects Found


Defects on the Main Page of the Game


Defects within the Levels of the Game


Defects on the High Scores Section of the Game


Miscellaneous Defects



Testing Plan



Requirements and Software Received



Software Evaluation



Test Tools Utilized




Risk Matrix


Risk Score Chart


Data Flow Diagrams




Test Data



Training the Test Team


Test Environment


When to Stop Testing




Perform Play-Tests




Record Results




Evaluate the Requirements with the Intended Results




Reengineered Specifications


Functional Specifications


Usability Specifications


Maintenance Specifications


System Performance Specifications


Operational Specifications


Tolerance Specifications


Authorization Specifications


File Integrity Specifications


Reconstruction Specifications


Continuity of Processing Specifications


Service Level Specifications


Security Specifications


Portability Specifications


System Interface Specifications




Confirm Play-test Results



Submit the results



Rapid Application Development Testing






RAD Applicability Checklist






RAD Appropriateness Rating



Spiral Testing Approach


Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4



Testing Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) and Contracted Software



Defining the Difference



Considered as COTS


Task 1


Task 2


Task 3


Task 4



Check Step



Recommended Solution









Future Possible Extensions to Recommended Solution





Appendix 1


Post-Implementation Test Spreadsheets


Windows 8 Test Results


Windows 7 Test Results


Appendix 2


UML Diagrams


Risk Matrix


Risk Scoring Chart


Test Matrix


Appendix 3




Appendix 4


RAD Applicability Checklist


Table of Figures

Figure 1: Testing Budget Overview 7

Figure 2: Test Tools


Figure 3: Workbench for testing COTS Software


Figure 4: Windows 8 Test Results Matrix


Figure 5: Windows 7 Test Results Matrix


Figure 6: Data Flow Diagram


Figure 7: Logical Dataflow Diagram for Validation of Software


Figure 8: Decision Logic Diagram


Figure 9: Risk Matrix 38

Figure 10: Risk Scoring Chart


Figure 11: Test Matrix 40

Figure 12: Windows 8 Charms 41

Figure 13: Almost Circular 41

Figure 14: Filled Bucket 41

Figure 15: Privacy Page 1 41

Figure 16: Reviews 41

Figure 17: Lym2 41

Figure 18: Offset Buttons 41

Figure 19: Speed Labels 41

Figure 20: Phase Labels 42

Figure 21: Resizing 42

Figure 22: Pause/Resume 42

Figure 23: OK Only 42

Figure 24: Off Centered 42

Figure 25: Enter Name 42

Figure 26: RAD Applicability Checklist


Project Analysis Report

Problem Definition

Lost Your Marbles is game about collecting marbles. These marbles were stolen by aliens and are the players’ job to get them back. Marbles can be found on each level and collected by clicking on them. All of the marbles on a level must be collected in order to unlock the next level and advance to it. Players are able to achieve high scores, but bonus points are lost if the marbles are not collected fast enough. When the game begins, two levels are unlocked in each Phase. Each level can be played in three speeds and all levels have music and sound effects that may be muted. Lost Your Marbles is in the Post-Production phase of testing. It contains multiple bugs and glitches that need to be worked out in order to function properly.

An Overview

New Tech Wave was created by a programmer for the purposes of branching out into game developing. This company has released a handful of games for Windows phones. The client has recently created a new game, Lost Your Marbles that has been released for Windows 8. The client’s goal is to improve the current version of the game before making it available for sale on Amazon and Steam, and then create a free version of the game. Lost Your Marbles needs improvement to become a more engaging and challenging game that is sure to occupy a gamer’s attention span long enough to want to pay money for the game. Once this goal is accomplished a free version will be released and levels will be added to full version.

Project Objectives

The primary objective of this project is to conduct post-implementation testing on Lost Your Marbles. Team Agile will develop a testing plan based on the requirements and specifications provided by the game developer New Tech Wave. This project will focus on identifying defects with the Windows 7 and Windows 8 versions of this application. Once the testing is complete Team Agile is responsible for providing New Tech Wave with the findings regarding defects, as well as any recommendations for enhancing the game. Team Agile has created budget overview for this project that can be seen in Figure 1.

1.3 Budget

Team Agile utilized a simple budget, depicted in Figure 1, for testing Lost Your Marbles. The entire project will cost $27,410 with the assumption that all major risks are identified and can be avoided. If a risk should occur and will need additional funding; it will be up to project stakeholders and steering committee to determine if the project should continue as scheduled with additional funding.

Figure 1: Testing Budget Overview

Scope of Project

Lost Your Marbles is a new computer game created by New Tech Wave. As this software was not designed or debugged in-house, Team Agile has been contracted as an outside source to perform post-implementation testing on the game. Team Agile will build a test plan, and following that plan through the phases of software verification and validation.

Building the test plan will be done by setting specific objectives and creating a test matrix. This will be accomplished by thoroughly defining any vague requirements of the game and testing all known requirements. Next, the testing administration will be defined in terms of schedule, milestones and resources needed. Finally, the testing plan will be approved for execution and carried out.

A part of the testing process, Team Agile has been contracted to perform verification testing of the application’s requirements to ensure the game functions as intended. A static analysis will also be performed to evaluate the structure and functions of the game. This analysis will be conducted through personal observation of the software and is highly effective at finding functional and syntactical errors.

Team Agile will complete the testing process by performing validation testing in three steps: building the test, executing the test, and recording the test results. The validation testing will include testing the following requirements:

· Marbles pass through other marbles

· Each level has marbles

· Marbles are collected when clicked

· Solving a level unlocks the next level

· Bonus points count down at start of level

· Bonus score stop counting down at -500

· Two levels are unlocked in each Phase of the game

· Each level can be played in three speeds

· High scores are created when game is won or the level is exited

· High scores can be cleared by use of a button

· Clearing high scores will lock previously unlocked levels

· Music plays for the duration of each level

· Sound effects play for the duration of each level

· Sound options can be muted individually

1.5 Assumptions

Team Agile will perform verification testing and post-implementation validation testing on Lost Your Marbles. Requirements and specification documentation will be gathered and evaluated by the team. Testers will be assessed and selected based on the results of the Certified Software Tester (CSTE) Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK) questionnaires, which will identify each tester’s competency level. A determination will be made if testers require additional training prior to the execution of testing. A test plan will be developed and followed. Lost Your Marbles version for Window 7 and version for Windows 8 will be the only versions of the game tested.

The principle guidelines for the test are to identify defects, record defects, determine where enhancements could be applied, and document all the analysis and verification reports. No further testing will be required by Team Agile once the test results are submitted. All results and recommendations for enhancements will be provided from Team Agile to New Tech Wave via a detailed written report. The budget of this project is shown in Figure 1; no further budgeting will be required for this project.

2. Present Situation Description

Each diagram listed visualizes the miniscule steps necessary to ensure that Lost Your Marbles is fully functional. The data flow diagram is used to visualize and ensure the flow of data throughout the game is flawlessly used and properly defined. The logical data flow diagram displays the business and testing aspect of Lost Your Marbles, which includes testing and retesting the game to guarantee perfection. The activity diagram visualizes Lost Your Marbles through the user/customer’s eyes as to how they will navigate their way through the game.

2.1 Data Flow Diagram

The data flow diagram depicts the flow of data through the game being tested. It starts with the user. As the user navigates around the game the data is stored or changed. Please see Appendix 2, Figure 6 for the data flow diagram. Before software validation begins, the test team gathers requirements documentations and chooses an operating environment that resembles the post-implementation operating environment as closely as possible.

The first step of validation is to build the test plan based upon the requirements documentation and use cases, and decide what the team will be testing. Based upon the developed test plan, the team them executed the test plan, testing for reliability, coupling and compliance. Testers then record the results of testing so that what was and was not achieved is known. These results are recorded in the Post Operational Test Report. If part of the test was unsuccessful the team repeats the process, otherwise the report is passed on to the game developer.

2.2 Logical Dataflow Diagram

Before software validation begins, the test team gathers requirement documents and chooses an operating environment that resembles the post-implementation operating environment as closely as possible. The first step of validation is to build the test plan based upon the requirements documentation and use cases, and decide what the team will be testing. Based upon the developed test plan, the team them executed the test plan, testing for reliability, coupling and compliance. Testers then record the results of testing so that what was and was not achieved is known. These results are recorded in the Post Operational Test Report. If part of the test was unsuccessful the team repeats the process, otherwise the report is passed on to the game developer. Please see Appendix 2, Figure 7 for the diagram.

2.3 Activity Diagram

The Activity Diagram visualizes the flow of operation for Lost Your Marbles. It begins with the game loading and expands to depict the user’s options for navigating through the game. The decision logic diagram shown in Figure 8 in Appendix 2 walks through the options from the start of the game to processes of the levels while playing the game.

3. Problems Identified: An Analysis

Post-implementation testing was performed for Lost Your Marbles. The testing process consisted of ten basic steps that were recorded in a separate spreadsheet for each operating system. The testing spreadsheets can be seen in Appendix 1, but sections 3.1 through 3.10 provide a detailed explanation of the steps that are listed as columns in the post-implementation testing process.

3.1 Item Number

Column 1, of Figures 4 and 5 accurately tracks the testing results as a unique number that is assigned to each record. The testing team recoded 27 unique entries for Windows 8 and 25 for Windows 7. While many of the combined tests performed the same operation action, the results from both spreadsheets are considered to be unique due to the change in operating system.

3.2 Operation Action

Column 2, of Figures 4 and 5 contains a string of words used as a title for the test performed. These words concisely summarize the operation that was validated. Full explanation of problems found can be found in section 3.7.

3.3 Test Condition

Column 3, of Figures 4 and 5 lists the results of the operations action. The only options to be used for this list are only “successful” or “unsuccessful.” The testing team documents whether or not the operation action performed successfully or not. The test condition refers to whether the step in the process was successful or not; it does not refer to whether or not the test was successful.

3.4 Operation Location

Column 4, of Figures 4 and 5 state where the action performed is located within Lost Your Marbles. Some of the locations used may include the main page, help file, privacy file, high scores page, and different levels. Lost Your Marbles has a simple game layout structure which limits the options of locations to choose from.

3.5 Specification Variance

Column 5, of Figures 4 and 5 state whether or not the tested function is a specification variance. The options for this column are limited to a “yes” or “no” answer. If “yes” is selected the operation action performed should be retraceable to the list of requirements to be tested that was listed at the end of section 1.4.

3.6 Defects

Columns 6-8, of Figures 4 and 5 are used to indicate what type of defect, if any, has been found. There are three different types of defects: wrong, missing, and extra. If the tested operation action is a specification variance that was determined to not function as required then the defect type is classified as wrong. If the tested operation action is a specification variance that does not exist within the game then the defect type is classified as missing. If the tested operation action is not a specification variance, but the test condition was unsuccessful then the defect type is classified as extra. Each test performed should only have one defect type selected.

3.7 Description of Issue

Column 9, of Figures 4 and 5 states a complete description of the issue and includes any specific screen resolutions used during this testing process. This column should be detailed enough to record the complete walk through of the test performed and issue found. Should an additional image be necessary in order to assist the explanation of this description then it can be referenced in the next column.

3.8 Referenced Figure

Column 10, of Figures 4 and 5 contains referenced images that provide further clarity for the description of issue. The testing team is not required to provide the name of a figure in this column, but they are encouraged to do so if the image provides a visual description of the defect found. Figures 12-22 are referenced in this column by Figures 4 and 5 and are located in Appendix 3.

3.9 Recommended Solution

Column 11, of Figures 4 and 5 lists a detailed explanation of the testing team’s recommended solution. This column can be left blank if there is no defect found for the operation action performed. The recommended solution should be concise as well as thorough enough to be understood by New Tech Wave as a solution to any problems found.


Column 12, of Figures 4 and 5 contains any additional comments for the operation action performed. It is not a requirement for the testing team to have comments unless the defect found is also a specification variance. If the specification variance column has the answer “yes” listed then the comments column should list what the variance in the specifications is.

3.11 Defects Found

Testing results for Lost Your Marbles version for Windows 8 can be found in Appendix 1, Figure 4. Testing results for Lost Your Marbles version for Window 7 can be found in Appendix 1, Figure 5. The following information is an overview of the testing results; for more complete information see the test results in Appendix 1.

Defects on the Main Page of the Game

· There are no identifying labels for speed selections or phase selections

· There are no sizing options or buttons for resizing the game

· Marbles fall out of a bucket, but the bucket doesn’t empty

Defects within the Levels of the Game

· There are no pause or resume options or buttons

· Unable to test the high score entry log after winning game; unable to win

Defects on the High Scores Section of the Game

· High score content runs off the screen (resolution 1600 x 900)

· Players do not of the option of identifying their high scores with a name

Miscellaneous Defects

· Help file and privacy information files are not aesthetically pleasing, both files are extremely difficult to read

· Windows 7 game is not named correctly in Windows; see icon

· Windows 7 game buttons within levels only function if you click above and to the left of the button instead of clicking on the button

4. Testing Plan

The rapid application development (RAD) test plan used by Team Agile consists of following steps: receive software and requirements, evaluate the software for tests to be performed, determine test tools, train testing team on proper use of test tools, perform play-tests, record results, evaluate the requirements with the intended results, re-engineer any missing specifications, confirm play-test results, verify testing record for accuracy, and submit the results. This is a spiral testing process that was developed for the purpose of compatibility with the RAD system development life cycle (SDLC) that Lost Your Marbles was developed with. The listed steps would be ideally repeated in four iterations that coincide with the four iterations of Lost Your Marble’s RAD SDLC. Due to unavoidable time constraints placed on Team Agile for the testing process, only iteration three was performed. The steps shown in sections 4.2 – 4.12 are listed as they were performed for the third iteration.

4.1. Requirements and Software Received

Team Agile received Lost Your Marbles v2.5.0.3 for Window 7 New Tech Wave via Windows SkyDrive. Lost Your Marbles v2.5.0.0 for Windows 8 was downloaded from the Windows 8 ecommerce store along with minimal list of requirements. Testing team members were established, and Lost Your Marbles was distributed accordingly. The testing team initiated the test process by installing Lost Your Marbles.

4.2. Software Evaluation

Lost Your Marbles was evaluated for tests to be performed and Team Agile decided to use the following testing techniques: requirements, regression, control testing, manual support, and parallel. The requirements testing technique was used for comparison with the intended specifications, during the play-testing process, and during the re-engineering of the missing specifications. The regression testing technique was used during the play-test to determine the areas of the game known to function in the prior iteration of Lost Your Marbles were still functioning. The control testing technique was used for the data validation portion of the play-tests. This technique was also used to implement the control testing by creating a risk matrix, shown in Figure 9 of Appendix 2, to identify the project risks in order to test the internal system of controls. The manual support technique was utilized by the testing team when they performed play-tests, recorded results, confirmed results, and verify will be performed by the testing. The parallel technique was used by the testing team during play-tests by determining that the game’s functions were consisted between both the Windows 7 and Windows 8 versions of Lost Your Marbles.

4.3. Test Tools Utilized

Team Agility used the test tools shown in Figure 2 organized by the SDLC phase they are most commonly used in. Team Agile only performed testing in the post-implementation phase, but the tests listed in Figure 2 are organized as though they were used during the entire four iterations of the RAD testing plan.


SDLC Phase















Risk Matrix







Risk Scoring Chart







Data Flow














Test Data







Figure 2: Test Tools


Team Agile used three different types of flow diagrams to visually illustrate to users and developers just how Lose Your Marbles functions as a game. These Figures be found in Appendix 2. A Detailed explanation for these flowcharts can be found in section 2.

Risk Matrix

A risk matrix was used to identify risks and to ensure proper controls are implemented to reduce risks for the user. The high and low risks were brought forward and given resolutions just in case the risk becomes reality. The completed risk matrix can be found in Figure 9.

Risk Score Chart

The risk score chart will visually interpret the risks and the levels at which the risks fall; being high or low, to determine which areas need more testing than other areas in the game. It will also interpret the risks to look out for issues within the testing group. The risk score chart works hand in hand with the risk matrix.

Data Flow Diagrams

Team Agile used two diagrams to represent the flow of data within Lost Your Marbles to give an inside visual look at the game. The data flow diagrams show executable logical decision processes of Lost Your Marbles from starting the game to game over.


Snapshots were used by testers to give a visual description of the defects found within Lost Your Marbles. They were also used to show certain levels within the game. All snapshots can be found in Appendix 3 and Figures 12 – 25.

Test Data

Team Agile used system logs in the form of a spreadsheet as a means to log and record all data both positive and negative. These testing forms were developed by Team Agile from combining and modifying Work Paper 11-1 and Work Paper 9-4 from Effective Methods for Software Testing by William E. Perry.

4.4. Training the Test Team

The test manager was appointed, the scope of testing was defined, and the test tools necessary to compete the testing were determined. The testing manager selected the test team and evaluated their skills. The testing team was determined to be efficient in the Windows 7 and 8 operating environments and no training was necessary. Training was conducted with the members of the test team on the proper use of the test tools, the steps needed to conduct the tests, the test environment used, and when to stop testing.

Test Environment

The logical testing environment for the version Lost Your Marbles includes: Microsoft Windows 8 operating system, Microsoft Windows 8 app environment, and the Lost Your Marbles application. The logical testing environment for the version of Lost Your Marbles includes: Microsoft Window 7 operating system, Microsoft Windows SkyDrive, and the Lost Your Marbles. The physical testing environment for both versions of lost your marbles include the computers used for testing.

When to Stop Testing

The testing process should be stopped when the tasks or the requirements are completed. The following list consists of constraints the situations that would warrant stopping the testing process:

· No defects found in the testing process

· Performance of the game decreases to the point of locking up

· All requirements have been verified and all other testing is complete

4.5. Perform Play-Tests

The testing team performed play-tests by executing the logical decision processes shown in Figure 9 and essentially playing the game. These tests were performed for the both versions in the following resolutions: 2048×1152, 1920×1080, 1680×1050, 1600×1024, 1600×900, 1366×768, 1360×768, 1280×1024, 1280×960, 1280×900, 1280×800, 1280×768, 1280×720, 1152×864, 1024×768, and 800×600. A post-implementation testing form was created in order to document the testing process.

4.6. Record Results

The post-implementation testing forms in Appendix 1 were used to document the play-tests. Each of the columns used in the testing forms are defined in Section 3. All of the testing documentation was completed during the testing process to ensure record accuracy. Screen shots were taken tests where more visualization was needed.

4.7. Evaluate the Requirements with the Intended Results

The requirements listed within the scope of this project were originally only vaguely documented. The intended results for the performance of the game were given to Team Agile verbally. This information was evaluated and Team Agile determined that a more detailed list of requirements would be needed in order to perform accurate tests. The requirements were reengineered to a combined list of user and developer specifications.

4.8. Reengineered Specifications

The following list of specifications have been created and reengineered in order to provide guidelines for the test plan to follow. This list has adequately identified the game’s policies and procedures for the functions and operations of the game. New Tech Wave’s Privacy policy has been identified and can be found under charms in Windows 8. Addition procedures have been identified by New Tech Wave under the Rate & Review section of the Windows 8 Apps store. All stated privacy policies and procedures are currently in effect due to this game’s operational status. All additional procedures are currently in effect due to the operational status as well. As Lost Your Marbles is upgraded any additional policies and procedures will be release with the game and placed into effect once released.

Functional Specifications

The object of the game is to collect marbles that are found on each level by clicking on them. Marbles are capable of passing through other marbles, but not other objects. On the initial load of the game two levels are unlocked in each of the three phases of the game. Locked levels can be unlocked by completing the prior level. Levels can be played at fast, medium, and slow speeds. Bonus time counts down at the beginning of each level. Bonus time counts down until it reaches -500. High scores are created when the game is won or a level is exited. High scores can be cleared and game can be reset to the initial load settings. Music and sound effects play throughout each level or can be muted on the main page of the game.

Usability Specifications

Lost Your Marbles is a simple easy to play game. This application has been assessed to ensure it is appropriate for the required age level parameters; ages 3 through adult. This game does not require installation instructions as the installation has no options to choose from. Additional software is not installed during the installation of this game. This application is controlled entirely by left clicking the mouse while moving the cursor. Lost your marbles is simple to play and high scores are achieved by quickly collecting all of the marbles on a level. Each level is timed with a countdown of the bonus points that stops at -500. This game can be reset to initial load settings and high scores can be cleared. Gathering additional balls within a level or completing a level very quickly should unlock achievements. Focus groups of likely customers have been established to obtain user feedback.

Maintenance Specifications

New Tech Wave plans to make Lost Your Marbles available on as well as the Windows 8 store. New Tech Wave will conduct all maintenance, to include updates and patches, to this game. Lost Your Marbles is currently undergoing upgrade development. Post-Implementation testing results are being gathered before implementing further changes to the game. Once the testing results have been reviewed, all testing defects will be fixed, and recommendations will be implemented. On completion of the upgrade development Lost Your Marbles for Windows 7 will be released for sale on Amazon and Lost Your Marbles for Windows 8 will be updated on the Windows 8 store. After the new versions of the game are released a lite or free version will begin production. The free game will undergo testing and quality verification before its release to the Windows 8 store and Amazon.

System Performance Specifications

Lost Your Marbles should perform without any hesitations or noticeable use on the systems’ resources. Performance of the system and application should not be decreased or affected by changing the level or speed within the game. The speed of this software as it executes should also not be decreased due to the quantity of marbles on any given level. Should the application require a patch to fix any known bugs, game performance should not deteriorate or be affected by any installation of said patches or upgrades.

Operational Specifications

Special processing capabilities are not required for Lost Your Marbles. The size of Lost Your Marbles is 33.7mb for Windows 8 and 34.22mb for Windows 7; this size may vary or increase as updates are released. The following processors are supported by Lost Your Marbles: x86, x64, ARM. Windows 8 is required for the currently released version of the game which is available for Windows 8 for $1.49.

Tolerance Specifications

All financial aspects of the game are currently handled by Microsoft and New Tech Wave. Due to the simplicity of interacting with Microsoft’s store a tolerance of 0% game purchasing issues are unexpected. User controls should be reliable, i.e. when a button is pressed the corresponding action should execute. Lost Your Marbles current defect level is expected to be around 10%. Future versions of Lost Your Marbles are expected to have defect levels of 7% or less. The defect levels measured are based on the variance from specification combined with the variance from what is desired that falls under the wrong category.

Authorization Specifications

Prior to purchasing the application at the Windows 8 store, the purchaser is required to acknowledge that they have read and understand the rules, terms, and agreements. Rules for generating transactions for the Windows 8 versions of this game have been established by Microsoft on the Windows 8 store. Rules for generating transactions for the Windows 7 versions of this game have been established by Steam and Amazon. Procedures to monitor the reasonableness of computer transactions have been already been established by Microsoft, Steam, and Amazon and will not be further developed. Individuals who have purchased the game for Windows 8 are authorized to Review and Rate the game per Microsoft store procedures. Other than the actual purchase of the game, no further authorization rules have been defined because they are unnecessary for this app.

File Integrity Specifications

By Microsoft accepting the sale of this application on their sites, they have established controls to ensure that file integrity is not compromised. The installation of Lost Your Marbles performs with no loss of integrity to the installation files or application files for the game. In a multiuser system, all users are capable of accessing Lost Your Marbles. The installation of Lost Your Marbles performs with no loss of integrity to the Users’ files. Controls to ensure this file integrity have been put into place by Microsoft. By accepting Lost Your Marbles to the Microsoft store, Microsoft has ensured this game will not adversely affect file integrity.

Reconstruction Specifications

The opportunity for data loss exists when a removal and reinstallation occurs, which may include loss of individual user settings and stored high scores. New Tech Wave considers these to be acceptable risks. Due to the simplicity of design for the Lost Your Marbles application reconstruction requirements have not been defined. Missing high scores have been determined to be an acceptable loss by New Tech Wave should the game need to be reinstalled. Further retention of information for Lost Your Marbles does not occur and would not be lost on reinstallation. Reconstruction is only available by removing and reinstalling the game. Removal and reinstallation of Lost Your Marbles can be completed on the Windows 8 home screen.

Continuity of Processing Specifications

Due to the simplicity of coding used for Lost Your Marbles continuous processing is unnecessary. If a system failure does occur during the game the minimal loss that could occur would only include the loss of a high score and potential the additional loss of an unlocked level. If a system failure occurs while the game is open and causes any errors within the game a removal and reinstallation of the game may be required. Further support issues with game errors are unexpected. If any unexpected game errors do occur, support will be provided by New Tech Wave.

Service Level Specifications

If a major programming error should occur, the system patch should be worked on and made available as soon as possible. If a minor programming error should occur, the next system patch will likely include the fix for this error. A system update should be sent every 6 months until the variance from what is desired remains below 10%. This update will patch any known errors and may include new levels or game data. Lost Your Marbles is currently released for Windows 8, and all services and updates will be conducted through Microsoft’s Windows 8 Store. Microsoft confirms that all applications meet their standard requirements before they are available for sale in their Store. Lost Your Marbles is currently undergoing upgrades in order to meet standard requirements for Steam and Amazon for future release in both stores. In order to obtain the most users for Lost Your Marbles it is ideal that this game will, in the future, be an ecommerce offering available on Steam and Amazon as well as the Microsoft store.

Security Specifications

Microsoft defines the access to Lost Your Marbles with a Microsoft Account. Users with Windows 8 are required to have a Microsoft Account and are capable of accessing the Microsoft Store in order to download the game. Users that download the game gain access via the Microsoft store to Rate and Review the game if desired. Without a Microsoft Account Lost Your Marbles cannot be accessed. Further access to the game without requiring a Microsoft Account is currently undergoing development by New Tech Wave. Additional access will be defined by the Steam and Amazon security specifications. Steam and Amazon will verify that Lost Your Marbles meets their security specifications during their acceptance process.

Portability Specifications

The operational environment is currently limited to Windows 8 based systems. Future development of the game will ensure that Lost Your Marbles can be played on multiple platforms of the Windows OS. The planned expectation for the portability of Lost Your Marbles is to be fully compatible with all Windows 7 and 8 systems, including Windows smart phones. Lost Your Marbles is currently portable for all Windows 8 systems whether they are pc, tablet, or mobile based. When Lost Your Marbles is released for sale on Amazon and Steam it will be portable for all Windows 7 and Windows 8 systems. Lost Your Marbles is functional on touch screens and well as windows phones. Lost Your Marbles is not functional on non-Windows platforms. Further compatibility for non-Windows platforms is not slated to be developed. Lost Your Marbles is currently available in English; additional languages may be implemented in future development.

System Interface Specifications

Lost Your Marbles does not interface with other applications; there will not be any data received from other applications, nor will there be data going to other applications. Information (scores & unlocked levels) should be able to be cleared and stored within the game. Lost Your Marbles interfaces currently seamlessly with Windows 8. Help, privacy, and rating options can be found under Windows 8 charms for Lost Your Marbles. Lost Your Marbles for Windows 7 does not interface with any additional software. This application does not interface directly with the internet. Planned development is underway to interface Lost Your Marbles with Steam and Amazon in order to expand the game across multiple applications.

4.9. Confirm Play-test Results

Play-test results are confirmed by the testing team with the use of the completed testing form. The information recorded in the Description of Issue column of the testing form is used by a different tester to achieve the same results. This verification process ensures the accuracy of the play-test results.

4.10. Record Verification

The record verification process is really a continuation of confirming the results. This portion of the process verifies the accuracy of the results recorded on the testing form rather than the accuracy of the testing process. The testing form in Appendix 1 is reviewed for accuracy and checked for discrepancies.

4.11. Submit the Results

Once all tests have been completed, all results are documented, and the quality assurance processes of confirming and verifying the results are completed these results will be submitted to Team Agile’s client New Tech Wave. New Tech Wave will then complete the acceptance process of the deliverables to finalize the project.

5. Rapid Application Development Testing

5.1. Definition

Rapid application development (RAD) is an evolutionary, iterative model of system development life cycle (SDLC) that is utilized when the initial requirements change frequently during development or when the requirements are not well known. New Tech Wave used the RAD methodology for the development of Lost Your Marbles. Using RAD development provided New Tech Wave with the following advantages: players were able to get a glimpse of the game before it was fully completed, improvement of customer satisfaction is broken up into a series of developmental iterations instead of being completed all at once, and the powerful development tool Game Maker will be utilized to reduce the cycle time for developing the final iteration.

5.2. RAD Applicability Checklist

Before developing a testing strategy utilizing RAD, Team Agile made use of the the RAD applicability checklist to determine whether the use of RAD for testing would be appropriate or not. This was accomplished by answering the questions in the checklist and determining if 25% or less of the results contained negative responses. RAD testing would be appropriate as long as the negative responses do not exceed 25% of the surveyed results. The following facts were determined by following the RAD applicability checklist and separating the results into positive and negative statements.


· There is a low technical risk

· Team Agile is familiar with the application

· Team Agile is skilled in the use of RAD development tools

· New Tech Wave is highly motivated to develop Lost Your Marbles using a RAD model

· Lost Your Marbles can be modularized

· The requirements for Lost Your Marbles are reasonably well known

· Development costs are not a critical concern to New Tech Wave

· Implementation scheduling is not a critical concern to New Tech Wave

· Lost Your Marbles is small enough to be developed within 60 days

· The functionality of Lost Your Marbles is being delivered in increments

· Users are willing to become heavily involved in the development process

· Users will be available during the development cycle


· The designed system is not a business application

· Lost your marbles is not relatively small when compared with other developments by New Tech Wave

RAD Appropriateness Rating

These statements provided Team Agile with a 14% negativity rating, well within the guidelines of less than 25%. Regardless of RAD appropriateness, Team Agile was not completely involved in the development process of Lost Your Marbles. However, all of the steps and processes of RAD testing were retraced and completed by Team Agile as though they were completed at the appropriate time during the testing process.

5.3. Spiral Testing Approach

The spiral testing approach was used by Team Agile because it evolves in a spiral just like the RAD SDLC. RAD testing was completed 4 steps: the appropriateness of RAD was determined, test iterations were planned, subsequent test iterations were planned, and the final test iteration was planned. These steps describe the best practices utilized by Team Agile while performing RAD testing. While Team Agile only performed step 3 of this testing process, this paper has presented the complete process as though Team Agile completed all of it for theoretical purposes.

Step 1

The appropriateness of RAD testing was evaluated and due to the results Team Agile determined that RAD testing would be appropriate for Lost Your Marbles. It is a best practice to follow this step because it will prevent wasted time by following a methodology that may not be the best for the software being tested.

Step 2

The test iterations were planned for testing Lost Your Marbles in beta phase. It’s a best practice to perform testing on the software at the earliest possible phase. The testing results performed during this step determined that extensive graphic development would be required for this application. The deadline for this additional graphic development was determined to be completed prior to executing the final test iteration. The 10 original levels of the game were determined to not be enough and an additional 8 levels would be added before the next iteration.

Step 3

Additional test iterations were planned for Windows 8 version and Windows 7 version of Lost Your Marbles. It is a best practice to test the software at each possible phase in order to prevent the high costs of finding errors at the end of the development process. Additional game requirements were determined and followed throughout the testing process. All testing was recorded and the results determined that minor graphically changes to the documentation would be required. Also determined were instabilities of the graphics for the marbles, and a lack of basic user options, such as pause and minimize that will need to be implemented before the final test iteration. Throughout this step the testing methodology was subject to change as specifications changed and increased functionality was introduced.

Step 4

Team Agile plans to see final iterations of Windows 8 full version, Windows 8 lite version, Windows 7 full version, and Windows 7 lite version. These versions will have an upgraded graphical design with all requirements established by New Tech Wave and testing recommendations implemented. The final testing iteration should result in minimal issues. The acceptance test plan will also be completed in this step. It is a best practice to follow all of the developed steps for RAD testing in order to create a process that can be improved upon.

6. Testing Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) and Contracted Software

6.1. Defining the Difference

There are some significant differences between testing COTS and contracted software. The differences range from who has the responsibility to write the requirements, as well as the level of influence and testing that is permitted during the development process. For instance, with COTS software there is little opportunity for the organization that requires the software to influence development of the product, but with contracted software the level of development influence that the requesting organization has can be negotiated and included in the contract.

However, the primary difference between these two is that the opportunity to test the software prior to delivery or release can only be accomplished with contracted software testing. Both of these testing processes have significant value in today’s software development and testing industry. The selection of which process to be used is determined by the organization that desires the software to be developed.

6.2. Considered as COTS

If Lost Your Marbles game application was considered as COTS software, rather than a contracted software application, there are distinct advantages and best practices gained in this testing environment. One major advantage is that the software would only be developed by one vendor, such as New Tech Wave. If Lost Your Marbles was contracted software, the testers would have had to evaluate multiple vendors to determine which was capable of providing the best software product to meet the customer’s needs. Team Agile was selected as the testing organization to test Lost Your Marbles. The project followed several of the guidelines of the COTS testing process that are illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3 shows two inputs were required for the testing process to initiate, the user manual and the software itself. Team Agile was provided with both of these by New Tech Wave. The basic user manual was provided in the game applications help page. The software was provided in the form of a download and an installation. This practice was very beneficial to the testing, since it provided all testers opportunities to accomplish testing the operational fit. This is shown in task 2, in Figure 3, during the installation process.

Task 1

Test business fit is an essential guideline in the testing process. The results of this step are more subjective as it applies to the Lost Your Marbles application. Task 1 is a guideline that focuses more on software needs, such as; will the game provide a sufficient level of challenge to keep the players enthused and entertained enough to recommend it to others? This is the principal purpose for the development of the game. This step can be used to answer the question, will people buy this game? Had this been contracted software testing, task 1 of the process would have required modification. This is the point in which the testers would have had to evaluate the testing abilities of multiple vendors to determine the most appropriate vendor to produce the software for the customer.

Figure 3: Workbench for testing COTS Software

Task 2

Test operational fit consists of three steps: test compatibility, integrate software into existing workflows, and demonstrate the software. Testing the applications compatibility with the operating systems that each of the testers utilized; such as, Windows 7 and Window 8. Integrate software into existing workflows was not applicable to this particular game application. Demonstrating the software is broken down into many aspects; however, this allows the testers to assess two aspects which were beneficial. The understandability aspect identified the simplicity of learning the operation of the application. The second aspect was the functionality of the software in which the testers were able to judge the skill level required to perform the functions within the game.

Task 3

Test people fit is an extremely important guideline within the COTS process. It was established to ensure that players of Lost Your Marbles can easily understand the concept and operation of the application. If they do not, the help resources are readily available to assist them.

Task 4

Acceptance-test the software process is the last task in the COTS process and considered to be the dynamic test or the validation process. This is a necessary practice in the process because it identifies whether or not the software application has met all of the desired results of the customer, and it determines the reliability of the product.

6.3. Check Step

The COTS testing process also includes a check step to verify that all of the testing requirements were accomplished in accordance with the test plan. This step is usually satisfied by the use of a quality control checklist. The final step in this testing process is the Output. There are three rating selections for the software: fully acceptable, unacceptable, or acceptable with conditions. All of the guidelines included in the COTS software testing process are relevant, important, and should be followed.

7. Recommended Solution


Team Agile has thoroughly tested Lost Your Marbles according to the test plan. Although two different versions of the game were tested only Windows 7 was found a unique error. The Windows 7 executable file and all associated shortcuts for Lost Your Marbles are incorrectly named as “Lym2.” Team Agile recommends changing the filename to “Lost Your Marbles.exe” to ensure that the correct name is displayed. All other recommendations apply to both versions of the game and should be implemented to both versions to ensure consistency for the game.

7.2. Recommendations

Reading text in the help file is difficult due to the current color scheme. Make the following changes in order to make the help file more aesthetically pleasing and easier to read. Change the text from blue to black, center the text, and insert a space after the email address and before the cheat button.

Reading the text in the privacy file is difficult due to the current color scheme. Make the following changes to the privacy file in order to make it more aesthetically pleasing and easier to read. Change the text from blue to black and remove the extra space found below the words “web browser cookies.”

On the main page of the game a bucket full of marbles is shown tipping over and losing one marble at a time, but this bucket never looks like it loses any marbles. Recommendation is to graphically show the marble loses to the bucket and allow it to empty. An alien can then walk into the screen and trade the empty bucket for a new one.

Game is not currently winnable. Recommend implementing the following solutions to fix this. Collection of 25 balls in the duration of one level unlocks an achievement, but performing this achievement 5 times unlocks a weapon. This weapon can be used only once and when it is used it will gather all of the marble on a level causing the play to win said level. The player can then apply strategy by using the weapon on the last level and being able to win the game.

When a sound option is turned off or on a message box pops up an alerts the user of this. Team Agile found this feature to be more annoying than helpful and recommends the following solution. Remove the message boxes and instead grey out the boxes when selected or show the box with a no symbol on it like what is typically displayed in Windows when there is no sound.

Speed selections and phases of the game are not identified. Recommend using text to identify this information to the player.

Team Agile was unable to resize the window for Lost Your Marbles. Recommended change is to add buttons that will allow the game to resize. This is especially important on large screens where the games limited graphics do not look goo enlarged.

There is no pause option for Lost Your Marbles. Team Agile recommends adding a pause button or shortcut key that can be used during the levels and programming the game to automatically pause when it is minimized.

8. Future Possible Extensions to Recommended Solution

Future suggestions for the project will include the extension the current system features. Some options of doing this are adding online chatting and sharing features in the system; which will allow players to chat with their friends online and share their scores with other users. Other new features for the game include a weapon feature. After each stage of the game, the player will receive some game coins base on their score, player can use those coins in the game shop to buy some weapon and also they can use those game coins to upgrade their weapon’s fire power or increasing the fire rate. Lost Your Marbles can also be made compatible with other operating system, i.e. OS X and Linux operating system. Also we will create an individual profile for each player in our database system for reconstruction purposes. This will allow the player to continue playing their previous level if something happens and the game needs to be reinstalled.

9. Conclusion

In summary, Team Agile has identified the areas in the game Lost Your Marbles that need to be tested. The description of how the game should work and the game requirements were reverse engineered along with some of the other aspects of this project. With the testing results completed the recommendations can be implemented and debugging can be conducted to reduce glitches and bugs. This was accomplished with a Rapid Application Development (RAD) testing system development life cycle (SDLC) approach and great teamwork throughout the project.


Appendix 1

Post-Implementation Test Spreadsheets

Windows 8 Test Results

Item No

Operation Action

Test Condition

Operation Location

Specification Variance


Description of Issue

Screenshot Image Name

Recommended Solution






windows charms





Windows 8 Charms

none: game functions seamlessly with Windows 8 “charms” feature


view help file







none: launch of help file was successful


reading help text


help file



Help file isn’t very aesthetically pleasing


center text, insert space btw email address & cheat button & change the colors


play music


main & levels




none: sound plays correctly on main page and throughout each level


play sound effects


main & levels




none: sound plays correctly on main page and throughout each level


moving marbles


Lvl 9 & on



oddly shaped balls

Almost Circular

none: levels are currently being graphically upgraded for the next release

balls are supposed to look like marbles


bucket doesn’t empty


main page



marbles fall out, but bucket doesn’t empty

Filled Bucket

change the graphics on the main page or show where the marbles come from

Not stated in specifications, should this empty?


ghost marbles


all levels




none: marbles ghost through each other in each level & act like marbles when interacting with everything else

unusual feature, but it makes sense for rendering


marble exist


all levels




none: each level has marbles


click on marbles


all levels




none: marbles disappear when clicked


levels unlock


lvl 2-5, 8-11, 14-17




none: if levels are not already unlocked, they unlock after completing the listed levels


bonus point count


all levels




none: bonus points count down at the start of each level


bonus point low


all levels




none: bonus point count down stops at -500


unlocked levels


each phase




none: at the start of the game, 2 levels are unlocked for each phase


three speeds


main page




none: 3 speeds are available for each level, selected speed applies to all levels until changed


high score creation


lvl exit




none: a high score is created anytime a level is exited


winning high score


after winning


unable to test


game does not appear to be winnable, unable to test if a high score is created when the game is won


clear high scores


high scores




none: button at the bottom clears all high scores

high scores are off center, recommend centering them


level locking


high scores




none: levels that were locked at the start of the game are locked again after clearing high scores


music plays continuously


all levels




none: a handful of tracks play continuously throughout each level


sound effects play


all levels




none: sound effects play throughout each level


mute sound


main page




none: sound effects and music can be turned off individually or together


mute sound message


main page


message box that pops up & tells you the soud effects/music is turned off is annoying


Recommend just displaying this differently: using “Sound Off/On” words above the buttons would work & wouldn’t require a message box

having an extra message box that you have to click OK on takes away from the game experience with it’s annoyance of an extra click


extra space in text


privacy page



“Web browser cookies” contains an extra space below it,


recommend removal of this space


reading text


privacy page



orange/yellow background with blue text is difficult to read

Privacy Page 1

change the colors on the privacy page to be more legible and not so painful on the eyes


view privacy info






none: link to privacy information functioned properly


rate & review game






none: link to rate & review the game functions properly

Figure 4: Windows 8 Test Results Matrix

Windows 7 Test Results

Item No

Operation Action

Test Condition

Operation Location

Specification Variance


Description of Issue

Screen shot image name

Recommended Solution






incorrect file name


start menu



does not display correct game name on any icon


change name to Lost Marbles or Lost Your Marbles, whichever is desired

specifications state that the game’s name is “Lost Your Marbles”


buttons are not clickable


level endings



clickable portion and button are misaligned, buttons only function if you click above and to the left of the button instead of clicking the button

Offset Buttons

make the buttons clickable

known issue, already fixed for the next release


holding left-click to cheat


help menu, lvls



cheating is possible by clicking the face in the help file & making it smile, but you have to hold left click for it to work


have the cheat function work without holding the button pressed


marbles pass through marbles


all lvls of play


marbles do pass through other marbles on all levels of play


consider having marbles bounce off of one another to further increase level of difficulty


each level has marbles


all lvls of play


each level has marbles




marbles are collected when clicked


all lvls of play


marbles are collected when clicked




solving a level unlocks the next level


all lvls of play


next level is unlocked when the previous level is solved




bonus points count down at the start of a level


all lvls of play


bonus points do count down at the start of a level




bonus score stops counting down at -500


all lvls of play


bonus score does stop counting down at -500




two levels are unlocked in each phase of the game


all lvls of play


two levels do unlocked in each phase of the game




each level can be played in three speeds


all lvls of play


three speeds were available in each level of play




high scores are created when game is won or the level is exited


scores page


game generated high scores after winning and upon exit




high scores can be cleared by use of a button


scores page


high scores were cleared when “yes” is clicked




clearing high scores will lock previously unlocked levels


scores and phases pages


previously unlocked levels locked upon clearing high scores




music plays for the duration of each level


all lvls of play


music plays continuously through each level




sound effects play for the duration of each level


all lvls of play


sound effects play continuously through each level




sound options can be muted individually


all lvls of play


music and sound effects were muted individually




speed selection labels displayed


main page



no identifying labels for speed selections displayed

Speed Labels

add labels to clearly identify speed selections in future version


phase selection labels displayed


main page



no identifying labels for phase selections displayed

Phase Labels

add labels to clearly identify phase selections in future version


sizing (minimize/maximize) option buttons displayed


all pages



no sizing (minimize/maximize) option buttons displayed


add sizing (minimize/maximize) option buttons in future version


pause and resume option buttons displayed


all pages



no pause and resume option buttons displayed


add pause and resume option buttons in future version


cancel or back option button displayed on sound fx page


sound fx selection page



no cancel or back option button displayed on sound fx page

OK Only

add cancel or back option button on sound fx page in future version


cancel or back option button displayed on music page


sound fx selection page



no cancel or back option buttons displayed on music selection page


add cancel or back option button on music selection page in future version


high score content is displayed within screen


score page



high score content runs off the screen (resolution 1600 x 900)

Off Centered

modify code to display content with center alignment on commonly used resolutions


identify high scores by player name


score page



no option available for player to type in their name to identify their high score

Enter Name

add option for player to type in their name to identify their high score

Figure 5: Windows 7 Test Results Matrix

Appendix 2
UML Diagrams

Figure 6: Data Flow Diagram

Figure 7: Logical Dataflow Diagram for Validation of Software

Figure 8: Decision Logic Diagram

Risk Matrix

Control Objectives
Rapid change due to RAD SDLC
Lost Your Marbles was created faster than testers could test it. To mitigate this problem with the time constraint only step 3 of the testing process was performed
Do testers possess the level of skill required to complete this test project
Applications being tested do not require a high level of skill, since this is a post-implementation test functional testing will only apply
Frequency of access to developers for requirements clarification
New Tech Wave has agreed to provide additional information as required. This has been documented in the contract
Availability of additional testing computers to accommodate various operating systems (Windows 7 & 8)
Testing facility has additional workstations to accommodate testers with multiple operating systems
Application failure
New Tech Wave will provide duplicate copies of the application as required
Not enough time for testing
The time constraint on the testing process is limited to two weeks.
Losing a trained tester after the start of the project
Have additional trained testers on stand-by to support loss of tester
Lack of team effort and/or communication
Select a strong and competent Project Manager to motivate and guide the team
Potential for project to exceed timeframe
Competent Project Manager will ensure that all test plan objectives are met on time
Customer requests changes to the testing requirements after the project start date
Build additional time into the test plan to accommodate tester and testing contingencies introduced by customer
Customer requests a large change that exceeds project scope
Suspend testing pending new scope definition and contract modification
Figure 9: Risk Matrix

Risk Scoring Chart

Figure 10: Risk Scoring Chart

Test Matrix
Software Function
Flow Chart
Risk Matrix
Risk Score Chart
Data Flow
Test Data
Reading Help Text

Music Play Button

Click On Marbles

Levels Unlock

Three Speed Features

Clear High Scores

Mute Sound Message

Reading Text

Windows Charms

Play Sound Effects

Bucket Doesn’t Empty

Ghost Marbles

Marble Exist

Marble Exist

Bonus Point Count

Bonus Point Low

Winning High Score

Mute Sound

Extra Space In Text

View Privacy Info
Rate and Review Game
Identify High Scores

Cancel/Back Displayed

Pause/Resume Displayed

Sizing Options Displayed

Figure 11: Test Matrix

Appendix 3


Interacting with Windows Charms

Figure 12: Windows 8 Charms

Oddly Shaped Balls

Figure 13: Almost Circular

Bucket Doesn’t Empty

Figure 14: Filled Bucket

Privacy Policy Isn’t Very Legible

Figure 15: Privacy Page 1

Windows 8 Rate & Review

Figure 16: Reviews

Bad Icon Name

Figure 17: Lym2

Buttons Are Not Clickable

Figure 18: Offset Buttons

No Label for Speed Selection

Figure 19: Speed Labels

No Label for Phase Selection

Figure 20: Phase Labels

No Minimize or Sizing Buttons

Figure 21: Resizing

No Pause and Resume

Figure 22: Pause/Resume

No Cancel/Back Option for Sound

Figure 23: OK Only

High Score’s Off Centered Formatting

Figure 24: Off Centered

High Score Recommendation

Figure 25: Enter Name

Appendix 4

RAD Applicability Checklist

Work Paper 16-1 RAD Applicability Checklist



1. Is the system being designed for user business applications?


The designed system is not a business application
2. Is the system being designed for user business applications?


There is a low technical risk
3. Is the project team familiar with the user business application?


Team Agile is familiar with the application

4. Is the project team skilled in the use of the RAD developmental tools?


Team Agile is skilled in the use of RAD development tools

5. Is the developmental team highly motivated to develop this application using the RAD model?


New Tech Wave is highly motivated to develop Lost Your Marbles using a RAD model

6. Can the system being developed be modularized?


Lost Your Marbles can be modularized

7. Are the requirements for the software system reasonably well known?


The requirements for Lost Your Marbles are reasonably well known

8. Is the cost of the development not a critical concern?


Development costs are not a critical concern to New Tech Wave
9. Is the implementation schedule not a critical concern?


Implementation scheduling is not a critical concern to New Tech Wave
10. Is the software project small enough that it can be developed within about 60 days?


Lost Your Marbles is small enough to be developed within 60 days
11. Can the software functionality be delivered in increments?


The functionality of Lost Your Marbles is being delivered in increments
12. Is the software system relatively small in comparison to other systems developed by the IT organization?


Lost your marbles is not relatively small when compared with other developments by New Tech Wave
13. Can the software functionality be delivered in increments?


The software functionality will be delivered in increments
14. Are the users willing to become heavily involved in the development?


Users are willing to become heavily involved in the development process
Figure 26: RAD Applicability Checklist

Area Scores Functional Usability Maintenance Performance Operational Tolerance Authorization File Integrity Reconstruction Continuity Service Level Security 7 8 10 5 6 8 10 10 9 9 10 10 Area Scores Functional Usability Maintenance Performance Operational Tolerance Authorization File Integrity Reconstruction Continuity Service Level Security 7 8 10 5 6 8 10 10 9 9 10 10

Labor fee cost for project team
Labor fee: $20/hr
Project M Labor fee: $40/hr
Supervisior labor fee: $30/hr

Team Members:
Jonathan D. Sowell(PM) Hrs: 180hrs Labor Fee:$7200
Sherri Pearlman(S) Hrs: 165hrs Labor Fee:$4950
Derik Millar Hrs: 160hrs Labor Fee:$3200
Linxi Fu Hrs: 159hrs Labor Fee:$3180
Vanessa Duncan Hrs: 162hrs Labor Fee:$3240
Jason James Hrs: 155hrs Labor Fee:$3100
Total Hrs: 981 hrs Total labor fee: $24,870
Equipments cost: Total equipments cost: $2,540

Total Project cost: $27,410

Team Members:
Jonathan D. Sowell(PM)Hrs:180hrsLabor Fee:$7200
Sherri Pearlman(S)Hrs:165hrsLabor Fee:$4950
Derik MillarHrs:160hrsLabor Fee:$3200
Linxi FuHrs:159hrsLabor Fee:$3180
Vanessa DuncanHrs:162hrsLabor Fee:$3240
Jason JamesHrs:155hrsLabor Fee:$3100
Total Hrs:981 hrsTotal labor fee:$24,870
Equipments cost:Total equipments cost:$2,540
Total Project cost:$27,410

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