DoMore Software Corp. would like to contract the INF43 Software Engineering group to build a new productivity suite of software called Dolendar. Dolendar integrates a relatively typical calendar software app with a to-do list manager. Tasks in the to-do outline all flow into and around the calendar events. This solution is envisioned by the president and founder of DoMore Software, Dom Dones, to help users manage their time better and see the effects of procrastination.
The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to write a fairly complete and precise requirements specification, which is a critical step in developing a large software system. Completing this assignment will give you experience in one of the most interesting and difficult software engineering tasks.
This assignment is to write a software requirements document for the Dolendar system. The details of the requirements should be elicited by client interviews with Dom Dones who is the customer. Your document should be based solely on the information discussed in these interviews. Do not add any requirements other than what was discussed in these interviews.
Complete all sections except for the Functional Requirements. Please include that section header, but simply put “To be completed.” as the body text for that section (for now). You are free to include some of your text and notes in that section that you submit, but this section will necessary right now.The deliverable is an electronic PDF copy due via Gradescope by the due date. The following late policy applies: Assignments turned in within 24 hours after the deadline will receive a 50% penalty. No assignments will be accepted after that.In the template, you can see a brief description of each section (that you will replace with your text). I have attached a chat transcript of Dom Dones client interviews along with the template.
The scoring criteria are outlined in the rubric below. Throughout the document we will be looking for:
- Adherence to the stated structure. Carefully follow the structure defined above.
- Clarity of writing. You should write your document in clear, precise, business-like English prose, avoiding jargon, humor, and wordiness. Correct spelling and correct grammar are essential. Avoid acronyms; common ones should be defined when first used. Bulleted and numbered lists can be used, with restraint, and not as a substitute for complete sentences and readable prose.
- Fidelity to customer’s desires. It is important that your document be true to the requirements stated by the customer. Don’t add or remove requirements without approval. When in doubt, ask the professor or TA — but only for clarification purposes (no new requirements).
- Your document should address all aspect of system functionality and constraints that are important to the user.
- Your document will contain many detailed requirements. Careful thought is necessary to ensure that no subtle contradictions are introduced.
- State detailed requirements in a manner that facilitates determining whether they are met in the final implementation.
- Avoiding implementation bias. Focus on “what” not “how”.
- Modularity and separation of concerns. Try to divide each section into subsections or paragraphs that are largely independent of each other. Ideally, each requirement or feature is discussed in its entirety in one place.
xxx System Requirements
Inf 43 – Homework 1
Oct 17, 2023
Peter Anteater
ID# 12345678
Inf 43, Homework 1
#1 of 3
Peter Anteater
Table of Contents
Include a table of contents that lists every section and the page that it falls on.
Hey look, everyone, I’m writing a Requirements Document. And it isn’t so bad after all.
Yes, I guess I should have started on it a bit earlier, but at least I didn’t wait until too late.
Now, let me see, what should go in this section? Introduce the document and the system.
Consider the primary stakeholder’s “pains and frustrations” that led to commissioning
this system. You can say a few words about the document structure and organization.
Make sure you change the footer to have your name in it and not Peter Anteater.
Executive Summary
This section’s audience is the non-technical customer and user. Think of a busy executive
with little time and little patience to read more than one page. It should address the goals
of the system and why it is needed. Describe the major features of the system and the
rationale for each (high level only, you will provide details later). Identify and describe
other software, processes, hardware, people, and policies that the system may or will
affect. List any assumptions made about the existing world or application context (high
level only, you will provide details later).
Application Context / Environmental Constraints
Now you can provide more detail about “context”, for example will the application run in
a business or office, home or outdoors, on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone?
Also discuss anything you might know about the operating system and “platform”,
hardware constraints, design constraints (for example, what should the UI look like),
software constraints (such as programming language) etc. Also mention any other
software that this software will interact with.
Functional Requirements (we will save this section, as well as
the use cases for Homework 2)
This section is the heart of the specification document. It clearly describes the proposed
software product, including its capabilities and attributes. Do not describe details of the
user interface, such as “button in the upper left corner” or “press Ctrl-S to save” or
“choose from a drop down box”. Instead, focus on the functionality that the system will
Describe the functional requirements of the system in precise detail. When possible,
identify the entities (components, sections, areas of functionality) that make up the
system. Characterize the properties, states, functions, and interrelationships of each
entity. Since this section is the core of the requirements document, it warrants its own
brief introduction.
This section will also include a use-case diagram.
Inf 43, Homework 1
#2 of 3
Peter Anteater
Non-functional Requirements
Generally speaking, software qualities are everything we want our software to be that is
not a feature or functional requirement. The categories are usually multi-syllable words
that end with “ility” or at least “ty”, such as safety, security, reliability, portability, and
especially usability. Discuss constraints pertaining to those qualities, if relevant, as well
as speed, space, robustness, implementation bias, etc. Your audiences here are the system
designers and programmers, who will probably not be in direct communication with the
users. This section will help them assess trade-offs in the system’s implementation. List
all of the software qualities and/or non-functional requirements that the customer
Other Requirements
We often feel we have more to say, in other words somehow the previous two sections
did not cover all requirements. This is the place to do it! Any requirements that you are
aware of can be described here; you can also add diagrams or other visuals that did not fit
in previous sections.
Define a Glossary of Terms. Include any terms that have a specific meaning for this
Assumptions / Risks
This is the place to cover any assumptions not covered earlier. Also, list any known risks
to the project from any and all perspectives, for example financial risks, business risks,
legal and ethical risks, project management and development risks, etc. List all of the
assumptions/risks that the customer mentioned in this section.
Priorities / Implementation Phases
If applicable, and following the request of the user, identify one or more subsets of the
system’s functionality which can or will be implemented first. Give any milestones that
were established, or give an order to the features that were prioritized, as agreed to by the
Future Directions and Expected Changes
Again you are providing insight and guidance to the system designers and programmers.
List all of the future directions/expected changes that the customer mentioned.
Inf 43, Homework 1
#3 of 3
Peter Anteater
My Notes:
Company: Do More
To do List and calendar app
App Name: DoLender
Make a todo list and a calendar
keep track of various events
Calendar with fixed events
Your todo list items, they float around but they do take time
When creating a Todo item you can assign it a duration
Free block of time between calendar events, showing to do list items
Will encourage people, psychologically, to use their calendar more. Documents
everything you want to do (eat dinner, sleep, watch tv)
2 main entities:
A check list view
and a calendar based view
priorities should be in what order they end up on your calendar
ios and android
Collaboration feature: Yes
Chat Transcript of Dom Jones (Stakeholder) from company Do More, interacting with us
(students) to create his app called DoLender (which is a mix between a calendar and a to-do
All right. So I’m Dom Jones. I own do more software. And I’m super passionate about productivity software, I just, I
think we all can just do so much more than we’re doing I you know I just really want to kind of turn up the dial. I
want everybody to be more productive I want, you know, us GDP to go up I want global GDP I want everyone to
just thrive, you know. So, with this in mind, I had in mind this like awesome like it’s it’s like a combination to do list
app and a calendar. And it blends the two together like quite beautifully and I think that it addresses a lot of the
problems with human psychology, procrastination, all kinds of things. I just think that this is really, you know, I
think it has the power to really change how much we can get done. And I mean that both like in. Obviously, like
work productivity that’s really my main focus but also I think you know in terms of like your personal goals you’re,
you know, you know, whatever is this that you strive to do whatever success means to you. I want to help you
achieve that. Um, so let me just give you kind of a quick overview of what I’m thinking. Um, the name of the
software that I’m thinking of. It’s do lender, like do do like do more software on lender like calendar. and This is
how I see it. And you all maybe can help me kind of flesh out exactly my vision. Um, and I had to make sure. Okay,
so this is what I’m thinking. You have today, you all probably use some kind of a to do list app, or you write it on
scrap pieces of paper or whatever like you somehow you capture the things you’re like oh yeah, I need to make sure
that I, you know, respond to that email. I need to make sure that I get my homework one done you know like you’re
making it to do the staff. You probably all have a calendar of some sorts that you put like birthdays and, you know,
informatics 43 on, you know, like, you know, any, all of your events that you know are going to happen at
different times throughout your day. And, you know, for the most part, having two separate sources. What works I
mean there are even some software that allow you to keep track of both a to do list app and a calendar. But what I
don’t see is is kind of a useful way of time management and an understanding of what it means to commit to all the
to do list items and how they fit into your calendar. Um, And I think that it seems kind of obvious to me that
this should have been a solid problem already there already should be what I’m envisioning. Um, here’s, here’s,
here’s the gist. You have a calendar that has events on it, just like you have today. These events, they’re fixed that
they like this class that happens from 330 to 450 on Tuesdays and Thursdays according to your professor who
talked to me before class. That doesn’t move. I mean you can move it manually if you change up, you decide to take
later section or whatever like but but you decide that that’s there. Your to do list items, those like, you know like, it’s
up to you to decide when you want to do them. They float around. They’re not on your calendar currently. But they
do take time.
So what I’m thinking is You’re when you create a to do list, a to do item on your to do list app, you can assign it a
duration. And you can say, I think this is going to take five minutes I think this is going to take half an hour I think
this is going to take four hours total. And you can imagine.
I’m imagining. If I’m looking at my calendar. Like, let’s say a weekly view like your weekly view of your calendar
Sunday through Saturday. Um, and you got your blocks of time that are chopped off for classes or whatever your
obligations are. You can imagine starting from now, the moment, wherever in the calendar you are now, Tuesday,
346. As soon as you have a free block of time you can imagine, I can imagine that your, your to do list items start
appearing there. And so you say, Oh, okay, well, I’m supposed to, um, you know, You know, write that letter that
I’ve that that thank you card that I was supposed to write, and then I’m supposed to, I need to drive to the, the post
box and you know drop it off that’ll take this much time or whatever. And you can see all that kind of flowing into
your calendar.
And, you know, you know, it’ll flow into the next day and so on. Of course, there will need to be some kind of like
affordance for sleeping. But maybe that’s just something, maybe. I think what the way I’m thinking about it is it’s
going to encourage people, I think the psychological portion that works in a couple of different ways. It will
encourage people to use the calendar more, actually documents, what all you actually want to do.
And that includes things like eat dinner, sleep, watch TV, I like this one TV program I’m going to put that on my
calendar. Anything that you actually intend to do, put it on your calendar, even the things that are fun that are, you
know, things that, you know, hang out with your, you know, your partner, whatever. Put it on your calendar that way
it’s, you know, it saves that time from having to do your to do list stuff. And also, I’m not like this because I’m like
super productive, but like, I remember like when I was a kid. I used to just kind of like waste time sometimes, like
just, you know, I’d end up sitting down on the couch and just kind of just wasted time. And I think that by having
such an application, you can see all the time that you’re wasting pushing all of the everything that you need to do. It
just starts moving later and later and later, they just start animating about so like, you know, as you know if you’re
looking at your calendar. Let’s say your weekly view, you know, there’s a line that says, okay, this is where you are
your Tuesday at 349 and your to do list that actions start happening immediately after this faster. So like at 450. And
so, as the time moves, you know, the red line moves down down down and start to approach 450, nothing changes in
terms of your where your, your tasks are on your calendar until you get to 450. And at 450. If you’re not making
progress they just start moving down, which is pushing things into the next day which is pushing things in the next
day, and so on you start seeing, well I’m not actually going to get to the thing that you know all the things done until
Sunday night or something like that and you’re like I don’t want to have to work all weekend. And so it might
actually encourage people to stop procrastinating as much or wasting their time on things that aren’t actually
getting them towards their goals. So, when I think about this app. I’m thinking of two main entities. There’s tasks,
those are the things that are on your to do list. And there are events. Those are the things that are traditionally on
your calendar. Even though we’re putting them all together, it’s still important to distinguish them, because events
happen at a specific time. Tasks happen. They flow around the events. And, and I think there’s two different
ways that I imagine interacting with and viewing them. The tasks, I think still need probably like a traditional to do
list kind of a list of, you know, a checkmark kind of list that you can kind of check things off as you complete them
or as you’re creating your to do list. And there’s also a view into the software that’s a calendar based that shows you
all of your events on the calendar and the tasks that flow around. I think I’ll leave it there.
Do you only have any questions for me. So, should the program like automatically, or should there be some sort
of like priority marker on certain tasks like setting some more important to others. I’m thinking, good question. I’m
thinking, no. But the way in which I might imagine that priorities might come into play is how, in what order they
end up on your calendar. And I’m saying no because I’m imagining that by creating a task, putting on your, your task
list, and it has a duration it takes up time that By seeing that it’s using up your life, you’re just don’t put it on your
task list if you don’t actually intend on getting it done. But order still matters right so like there’s things that I wanted
to get done today. There’s things that are urgent that have to happen today. And so we need to be able to change the
order of the events. And that will then.
So in your list view you can change the order and that will change the order in which they appear in your
calendar. Is there a way for tasks that can only be done during a certain time of day. Should we be able to add a
feature for that so that if you don’t get it done during that time today, it gets pushed automatically to the next
day. Um, that’s a really good question.
Can, can, can you all help me remember I be further recording. I need to repeat the questions. So, I just remembered.
So, so your question was the prior question that Dom just answered was Is there do what do we need to have
priorities for our tasks. And then your question was Should the events that there might be events. Sorry, yeah, events
or no tasks tasks that can only happen during certain like there’s certain kind of limitations on when a task can
happen. And so, should there be some kind of a feature that gives you an opportunity to assign Somewhat like say
allowable times, so that they appear only on those times and that if that time is inspired that day would then flow
through to the next day. Really good question.
And I’m trying to think of what that means to my idea, because if they have limitations on time.
We have these two views that are both The truth.
One is your, your calendar view has like when the task actually happened. And the other is the to do list which is
order in the order that we want to do things. If the if a task in your to do list reaches or it would be scheduled in a
time that it can’t be scheduled. And it gets moved its order then is different than the order on the list like should be
list automatically like resort like move that item here. Even though the user didn’t choose that to happen. I’m going
to say for now, it’s too complicated and and I’m just going to allow the user to move it if it looks like it can’t happen
that day. So traditionally calendars like a grid of small squares.
So you want events and if you do this to fit on a small square or if you want it. Okay, so traditionally, a calendar is a
grid, you know, it would. Well, we should talk about, you know, There are different views right so you can have.
But yeah, okay, so let’s just say a week view. Um, has You know, has, you know, seven days on it.
And then it has, let’s say 24 hours, if it goes all, you know, all the way.
Um, and You want to separate and for the viewer to actually see them to do this. Okay, so it’s a lot of information in
a small space that how would you want to organize the all the data because they you also have the list. Okay, I’m
thinking that on a so on a smaller size device. With a smaller screen.
I’m thinking that you have different views. So you have a that you just have like a tab at the bottom or whatever they
have like, or some way I don’t want to over specify the, the UI, because that’s kind of why I like you all to, you
know, hire your best designers but and you know we’ll, we’ll, we’ll come up with something together but Basically,
I’m thinking of different views. I’m thinking of view, they just have the list and a view that has the calendar and
that calendar view might be week based or day based. So, you know, you just might have to like go from like day to
day. So it’s a kind of see like wherever you have a follow up question. Well, kind of a separate topic but is there like
a blocking system where the user goes into the app and boxes, I’m working on my house, so it doesn’t move to the
next. Well, it doesn’t.
So, it assumes that you know, so the question is, is there like a It’s like, it’s like punching in like an employee that
says okay I just, you know, I just clocking in here like it says okay I’m starting and I’m actually working on it. I’m
thinking, no. Just to clarify there for the recording.
The reason why that would be is because otherwise, it just start like as you’re working on the thing, you might be
moving from 0% done 10% to 30% to 50% to 70% but the whole time, the entire block is moving later and later and
later. I’m thinking that’s okay. Because there’s going to be the satisfaction that happens at the end. When you’re done,
and you click it, and boom the entire thing goes away and every other tasks then gets earlier, and you just created a
bunch of space and time. So, to allow you that dopamine rush of like, yeah, I just did it will just will allow it to kind
of push down push down push down until you click it done.
Yes. Are there any metrics that you’re trying to present to the end user, like they might be saying something like
maybe chart on a draft. He tracked this program. Okay, the question is, is there.
Are there any metrics that I’m imagining that can be tracked and presented to the user to kind of give a sense for
maybe how much work they have coming up, how much work they’ve done. How many hours days locked, how
much maybe procrastination or let’s say unlocked time because we don’t, we won’t know what that is maybe you’re
actually doing something really important it just didn’t appear on your calendar or justice. I love that idea. Yeah, I
think there should be a, there should be like a panel or screen or, you know, a display that has such stats. Not the
main focus of the, of the app but I, but I think that it’s something that it’s kind of like a bonus that just kind of comes
along for the ride with, you know, everything that you already have. Yes. Yeah, so okay so the question is related to
the previous question, we could you could imagine there being kind of like prompts, you know, scheduled kind of
information like pop ups or notifications that say, Good job, this is how much work you got done or this is how
many things you’re running late on or like but basically some kind of push based information, as opposed to whole
which is like you go to that screen and you see that the information. I think it’s a great idea. I think just to kind of
keep the core products more focused and doable. Um, I say no for now. I think that I could see such a thing being
something that we might think about in the future but that’s something that I want to be part of the core. That’s a
good idea. So, say that again. Okay, what systems will we be kept compatible with, and what do you mean by that
question. Okay, good.
Okay. Okay, because I can, I can answer the question for multiple. Okay, so what I’m thinking is different
phases. So, so my number one priority is development on mobile devices. This is where people get most of their
productivity done on their phones and each other. So, so I want to support iOS and Android simultaneously. In the
first one.
So that means in that in so when I’m say iOS and Android I’m thinking, you know, in the scale of a mobile phone to
a tablet.
Second phase. I computer desktop. And I haven’t.
I don’t know what kind of technology that would be, I don’t know if it’s a web for the desktop if it’s a web based or if
it’s like one of these platforms that do like all these things. Just to take desktop, and I’m going to leave it up to you
all to find figure out like what’s the right way to make that transition into the desktop. There’s one over here, I’ll
come back to you. Okay. Age range for the imagined users of this app. And I well you know I think about my, my
I started getting them involved in, you know, calendaring and to do this items when as soon as they, they were, you
know, four. So no, I don’t have any limitations. Yeah.
Okay. Yeah, so great, great question. So, so the question is, how does a user, um, like, Change or update or the
status of an of a task to indicate that it is either completed completely or partially completed completed on one
option is deleting if it’s done. Or something else.
Okay, so this is what I’m thinking. The, the interface is in the.
So the primary way of doing such a thing is in the task list. You have a check mark that just says done or not. I’m
checking it means that it disappears from your calendar, and then everything else kind of slide up, you know, you
know, back towards the, you know, the current time. Is there a way to mark something partially done so 50% done
and then maybe I’m thinking no. I’m thinking that there’s a couple ways that I can imagine a user doing so
though. One, you can just edit the task duration, if you want to. So you can simply say, you know, I worked on this,
I think I only have half an hour left, you can then go edit that task and change it to be happen. Another way that I
think it would be good practice is and this kind of gets to another feature I hadn’t yet said I’m imagining the task list
that I like allowed you to have It’s like an outline view.
So you can you can dissect something into sub tasks. And then so you can give the sub tasks, you know, you know,
like, okay, so I’m Mail a letter, mail a card to my mom for her birthday.
And you can put some sub tasks in there and it’s like I say I need to drive to Target, pick out a card, drive
home, write the letter, drive to the post office, and drive off the letter. And then so you give each of those sub tasks a
duration, and that way by checking out the sub tasks, the, you know, the parent task, you know, has a shorter
duration. But if we have such a thing, I’m just, I’m just now thinking of what that means. In the calendar view, then
what are you showing you showing the parents task is showing the sub tasks.
I think it’s got to be sub tasks. So all of the, the leaves of the tree and of being the things that populate the
calendar. Do you want to have a feature that gives suggestions of how long tasks could take place on the calendar
for you to submit? Or do you want it to fully have it? Yeah, so the question is, do we want the app to offer some
assistance or automation or suggestions for how long tasks should be based upon perhaps the history with use of the
thing? Good question.
I think, no, it’s kind of more. It’s a good, I mean, especially nowadays with the, you know, all of the learning models
and things that you can imagine such thing actually being kind of nice. But thinking, at least for now I’m
thinking, no, I think that there should be a default duration.
So if you’re just brainstorming all the things that you need to get done. Having to go in and assign a duration to
everything while you’re in the brainstorming phase might be a little too tedious. So if we just give everything say a
default duration, which the user can change in settings. Maybe the default default is a half 30 minutes. And, but that
default duration can be changed in settings.
So every new task, if they change it to an hour, then every new task traded up to that point will be automatically
assigned an hour, unless the user then goes in and changes per task like says, oh, this one actually takes five
minutes. This one’s a, you know, then they can change those. But I think there should be a default duration of tasks
that gets assigned before, you know, The user then goes in and says, no, this one is exactly this long. Good question.
Yeah. Yeah, that’s a good question.
So should there be a collaboration feature, some way of sharing to do assignments, calendars, these kinds of
things. Yeah, that’s how I’m going to make my money. So what I’m thinking is This app, just to kind of get
people In Like slack, you know, give it away for free. But that’s just for a personal use.
So like, there’s no, we don’t have to maintain any back end. We’re just giving you the application. It syncs up with
your calendar and you’ve got your own to do list just locally. There’s no syncing.
There’s no anything. So I don’t have to worry about, you know, dealing with all that stuff. But of course, if you’re
working with others. Now, it has to be stored somewhere. Now you need a cloud. Now you need to, we need a way
of sharing state of, you know, what, what everybody’s working on. I mean, not only that I’m imagining companies
and that’s where I’m that’s probably where I’m gonna make my most money is not just individuals but corporations
that, you know, want to like they need this for their entire team. And so Yeah, I’m imagining that there will be paid
tiers that allow for collaboration for for a boss for me to put things on your to do list, for example, tasks to put on
your to do list and to get some visibility of what everybody’s working I’m sensitive about the privacy issues because
I don’t want to see personal, you know, I don’t want the company to automatically see all your personal things. But
it’s actually an interesting.
Why don’t I just open that can of worms. How am I going to do that. Um, But the answer to your question is yes, I
do want collaboration because that will allow us to charge money. Of course, that may also mean that we have to
provide a cloud service to do all the sinking and, you know, and everything to So that it can be shared.
But, but yes, I do. I do want Okay, so do I want the app to send notifications or alerts or anything like that.
Um, I guess, the only way I’m thinking about it is It if the user chooses that they want to be notified at the time of an
event or in advance of an event or something like that. For the tasks I can’t think of what Oh, yeah, so like you could
like so like a pass can have a due date, for example. And I can imagine Notifications needing to be sent If you’re are
you cross the line for something to be done before it’s due date. I’m trying to think if that’s like what you would want
if you want it to be like at the moment that you see because like because like This thing helps you plan. So like if if
you need to do all these things before and then this task is like you’re it’s creeping up on its deadline and it’s now just
across the point where you can’t even get it done unless you go in and start changing moving the order around and
things are Or maybe deleting an event to be like I actually just can’t attend class this week because I if I don’t if I do,
I won’t be able to get the thing done for whatever. Um, so yeah, there should be a way to do that now. Yeah, I think
that’s that’s how I answered that you all.
It’s just an additional thing that I think that addresses one of the questions that was brought up yesterday. So,
everything stays the same with the addition of tagging.
So your to-do list items.
Now you can put tags on them. And tags are optional.
You don’t have to have them, but if you have them, then They can be useful and I’ll explain here in a second. So one
of the questions that we had on Tuesday was, what if there were certain tasks that only can be done during certain
times of the day? I started thinking about that. And I was like, actually Kind of makes sense.
But then it kind of breaks the entire Idea of the ordering, you know, being what actually out of your list shows up as
what’s on your calendar. I was like trying to think of how to how that actually could be accomplished and in a way
that preserves kind of some kind of a simplicity and elegance. It doesn’t make things too complicated. So what I was
thinking was, you know, you have your calendar view and you have your your task list, your outline, task outline
view. In your calendar view. You can add like time windows like Like, um, they would Almost look like the regular
events that you have. So you have informatics 43 and on Tuesday and Thursday, um, it almost looks like that. But
it’s, it’s something that’s unique to do under And they don’t. It doesn’t actually mean an event. It just means kind of a
window of time in which a filter is applied. So you could say, you know, you can create any filter. So it’s a it’s a it’s
a it’s a time window filter and they apply to the tax that you that you can optionally apply to your Events in your in
your task list. And You don’t have to use those either like so. So this is an optional feature altogether. The tags in
your tools to those items are optional.
The time window filters are also optional. But if you use them, what you can what you can do is you can apply them
to certain time ranges and you can give a filtering criteria. And the filtering criterion is based on the tax. So you can
say, I mean, the simplest kind of form that probably most users would use is just give specify a tag. That gets
populated there. And so what then what happened is then, you know, the algorithm would be pulling from your task
list based upon, you know, whatever the current time of day is let’s start filling them in at that point. And then the
moment that it Gets to one of these filter windows filter top time window filters. As soon as he gets there. It
says, Okay, what’s the first task that I haven’t already put before here that matches the criteria.
So it applies that tag. And it might need to like jump down in the list to find the first one that matches and then it
pulls that in and then includes only the matching Events that happen, you know, sorry, the event matching tasks that
apply there. And then when it reaches the end of that window, then, you know, It will then Um, it’s going to jump
back to the regular order. So basically, the, the order that ends up being so your outline view still stays on the same
order, but the way that it appears on your calendar is slightly Different because it’s going to kind of go down and so
it finds the matching things. It’s going to pull them up before the other things. And then it’s going to jump back into
your regularly scheduled program after that, like the regular order, but those items now have been used kind of
shifted off in time. Um, so, like I said, the time filter windows.
Um, The most simple way to use them is just apply a tag.
So let’s say, um, There might be tasks that you can only do while you’re here at UCI And so you could create a
tag. In your to do some to do list items that require that you need to be here at UCI and then you can go into
your calendar. You can say, oh, I expect to be On campus, you know, Monday through Friday from this time to this
time or whatever. Like you just drag these filter windows onto your thing and then it will apply them. So the
simplest form of of the filters is is just say this tag must be true.
But I was thinking, like, it might be helpful to To to provide basically like a What’s the word for it. It’s like to
expand the criterion to not just be a single tag, but maybe multiple tags in the tags can be basically say Boolean
expression. So if you’re looking at a nerd, then you could be like, okay, not to this and this or that, you know, like
you can do parentheses or whatever. Um, probably most people won’t use that advanced feature, but you can you
can just drop a tag there and say this must be true in this in this time. But you can also get complicated with it if
you want to. And you can say, okay, this or this and so the tags can be used in any way. So you can say, you know,
say, for example, you could I mean, another question that was asked someone over here was, was, what about
priorities should you want high priority, low priority, you know, medium priority. This tagging system kind of takes
care of that too.
So, but everything’s completely optional is completely user defined. The application itself doesn’t know what tags
me doesn’t have any sense for human meaning or tags.
It’s just, it’s just the label. But, you know, if you label things high, medium, and low, and you or you and then you
can apply those tags in your in your time with us if you want to, if you, you can also do things like Um, like energy,
like, like, for example, in the morning.
Um, I’m like, I’m really slow.
I’m like, not, it takes me forever to kind of get going. I’m gonna go. Um, so I could like in the top in the morning, I
can say, um, only low mental, like, you can get tags to your tasks and say this is like an easy thing to do, like, how
hard something is, like, how cognitively hard it is, you can say easy, medium and hard or something like that. And
so you don’t try to get anything, you know, really demanding done first thing in the morning for somebody who
doesn’t like to do those things. Then you can just say, okay, only easy things in the morning. But you could get like
kind of more complex with it. And you can say, Um, you know, maybe I’m willing to do easy or medium. And then
that would pull in anything that matches that any items that match that criteria. Um, that’s my idea.
Yes. I just clarified kind of one, like, higher level, like, question all kinds of purpose of that. So the idea that you
have with a collection of tasks, and then you don’t necessarily see all of them, but then the application sort of, like,
eats you a task, it’s like, this is a task that you need to come eat right now, eat dinner, or a specific task that you need
to eat right now, so that you see it, right? Um, no, I mean, It serves that purpose, but it’s not limited stuff.
It serves that purpose, but it’s not limited stuff. So in your calendar, okay, so, so all of your tasks would be visible in
your in the task view, just in a regular outline, let’s see, you know, you can scroll and go, you know, you might get
1000 pages, scroll and see them all. In your calendar, you’re also going to see all of your tasks, they’re just going to
be interleaved into your regular calendar events. So where are they?
So where are they? So tasks are sending So like, so I asked when I have a certain period of time duration, you know,
so I think that doesn’t really. So basically, like, if you free a task, you’re also committed to that a certain thing like to
do it so there’s no so associated with it. Okay, so I’m going to, I’m going to, I just remember I’m supposed to
repeat questions so you said, so there’s no way to have a task without a duration. Um, that’s true.
And so that’s why last time we said that there should be a default duration. So if you’re like if you’re just in
brainstorming mode and you just want to kind of just this task to let go, this one’s going to take five minutes, this is
going to take three hours, like, you just want to just get it all out and then you can come back later and you can kind
of fill in the durations later. You can do that. But then if you do that, then a default duration will be assigned to those
tasks. So say by default, maybe add application as you download it, the default duration, let’s say is an out But it’s in
a but in a setting screen, you can then the user can then go say actually for me that I want the default duration to be
30 minutes And then that from that point forward every new task that’s created automatically gets assigned
a duration of 30 minutes, unless the user says, Oh, this one gets, you know, specify the duration So you say give it a
duration from the time of the day. No, just just the duration, just the duration. Yeah. So automatically like schedule
it for a certain time. They said it’s on the calendar. Does it automatically schedule.
Yes, that’s the point. It automatically schedules all of your tasks on your to do list into your calendar based upon
where you are currently how they fit around your what’s actually on your calendar. You’re the event that are on your
calendar. In the order that they follow So you’ll see everything kind of laid out.
No. It’s no contract like it doesn’t mean that you have to do any.
I mean, you can just be like most people and just not get the stuff on there to do is done. But then what happens is
that as time goes on the task list starts. Okay, so in the task view that doesn’t change. But in the calendar view. The
current time is moving forward. And so you’re in your task list just start moving down and start kind of blowing is
the next day flowing to that and everything starts to get pushed out further and further. As time moves forward.
And then as soon as you check something off everything just immediately slides up and then you start seeing
everything else. I mean kind of just like the The use case that I’m imagining. And the reason why I think that this has
traction is it gives people a sense for how much they’ve committed to and what it means if I’m gonna if I decide that
I’m actually gonna Not follow my calendar and I’m just, I’m gonna You know, goof on for 20 minutes or whatever.
You can see the effect of that actually happening on when things get done. Everything’s getting pushed later and
later and later as things are happening. The other thing that I think that just kind of as as like why I’m getting how I
want to sell this, you know, how I’m going to motivate people to buy it is that I think it encourages you to take care
of yourself also in the sense that now you might start doing things. You might start putting more on your calendar
than simply obligations.
So like right now you have to be in this class from this time from 3.30 to 5. You have to, you know, like generally
the way that I think most people use their calendar is they put the things that are like their like responsibilities on
there. But like we don’t put things like sleeping.
We don’t put things like having fun, hanging out with friends like, like, or maybe you do, you know, if you have
like, oh, I know I’m going to dinner on Friday, you put may put that in your calendar. But like, if you just know that
you want kind of some time, like, you know, you want to like you enjoy watching TV or you like what kind of video
games, whatever, put it on your calendar because then that affects, you know, then then you’ll be like, okay, so this
is time that I get to do things and it pushes everything. And you can see how it actually affects your task because
everything is pushed out and goes around that. The other thing too is like with this new task, this tag idea that I got
from you all’s questions, you can actually create a time filter that say I want to like during this time I want to do
fun. Maybe your tag is called fun. And so in your task list, maybe you have some items in there, you know, kind of
sub items or whatever that are things that are titled tag fun and so then, you know, during this time you can have all
the, this here’s all the things that I wanted to do. I want to play guitar, I want to, you know, whatever. And then those
things kind of populate in that area. So it just kind of gives you a sense for all of the things that you want to do and
how those things might fill into your game, your week.
Yes. Do the blue filters apply to both the tagged tasks and the windows because like, for example, if you only want
to do fun things during a search in the rain. Like, that would have to apply to the tags task rather than the tag
window, like, like if you tag something like fun.
Would that appear both in the window and not in the window. Okay, so okay so so the question is, do the tags
appear in both the tab tasks and in the windows. So, when you say windows you don’t mean like Microsoft Windows
you mean the filter. Yeah, the time window. Um, um, they apply to both I mean you need it in both places but you’re
asking what are they do they appear in the user interface like okay in the calendar view if there’s a window for fun
things. Yeah, but you have time before that and only have something planned with the fun things pop up outside of
the front window, like in the empty space that you have. Okay yeah so that’s so the question is, um, well, I mean,
your clarification question is, if you have a fun window.
Let’s say, a fun time window labeled for fun that you want to do fun things only from 8pm to 10pm, for example,
and you get out of class today at five. And your task list only has fun things in it. Does it save the fun things to put
into the time window or do they automatically get put now. During the period that it’s like unfiltered. I think it’s so
that the so this is a good question because what I’ve defined is these filter time window filters. But I haven’t said
what happens outside of the time filter window.
And I think what happens is it just pulls the first thing off of your chest. And if your first thing on your chest this is
all your fun stuff. It’s going to put it now it’s going to put or it’s going to put at 5pm the first free time that you
have. And you might run out of fun things, and then you get to your homework, but then you get to the fun time
window that says only put fun things here, but by that point you’ve used up all your fun things. And so that window
just stays empty. I mean, by the functionality that I’m defining gather would just stay empty so it might encourage
you to look at your calendar and say, actually, maybe we’ll put some homework things first so that I can do the fun
things during the fun window. So that when that time windows are just empty. Okay, but then does that go against
the idea of if there’s a specific time you can only do certain things during a certain window of grocery shopping,
right, the stores only open for a certain time. Yes, it would automatically push it and you had nothing to do with
push that test before the time for the window that you could go grocery shopping. So it wouldn’t like fit in the
area. Yeah, so then would you have to add like millions to the test to say like this can only happen in the window,
or so like the like the task tag, either appear only in the window or whatever. These questions are getting hard to
summarize for the recording.
Um, okay so the, I mean you’re also really close to the microphone is picking you up. But, uh, to repeat for the rest
of the classroom. So, if you had like for the example that was given is a task that says grocery shopping in grocery
shopping, we know can only happen when the grocery store is open. Um, by what I just said, if, if you’re looking
at your calendar at midnight, then that’s the next thing on your to do list says, go to the grocery store. It’s going to
put there, even though the grocery store in the top. Yeah, I think that’s true.
I mean, the, I think that the only way that I can so I, given my framing of this, the way to solve this problem on
the way that I can think to do that with two ways. One would be to not have growth grocery shopping at the very top
of your task list. So you can push it down and just be like, okay, that’s not the next thing I want to get done. Okay.
Um, and then, you know, if you had enough things to, you know, if you had sleep on your thing, it would push that
naturally later. The other thing you can do is you can create time windows you can basically cover your, your entire
calendar and you know 24 seven with link filters that say, you know, grocery store not open so you’re really an
expression could be Everything, but not grocery store shopping, you know, grow, you know, you know, you could
create and, you know, negative knots and not. Okay, so it’s putting it like on the user to go around that. Yes.
Um, Okay, the first two questions that you have are are reasonable questions for an interview.
I think the top three qualities sound like maybe you need to poke a little further to get done with talking about that.
But, um, okay so When do I want this project to. Okay, so I’m thinking, okay, let’s see. We, so I said last time that
I’m imagining Kind of two versions that I’m contracting you want to make the initial or version one would be a
mobile first app.
So Android and iPhone. And I’m thinking for that probably a year from now.
So, let’s say, let’s say we want to have our, you know, our first kind of You know drop Let’s say Halloween of
2024 That’s for the mobile. And, you know, could be that I’m sorry tablet and phone for Android and iOS.
And then I’m thinking like six months after that, which would be like what April end of April 2025 for the desktop
version. But preceding that I would like to see some Some prototypes like I kind of want to be involved in the
process of kind of designing what the way the UI kind of feels and stuff. So, Let’s say first initial prototype is
in Let’s say the What was the second question budget.
Um, okay. My budget is a million dollars for version one and Another million upon completion of the desktop
And that’s, that’s what I’m contracting you all to to create Anything that we talk about like features that might not fit
into this that first two or two version one version two and mobile desktop. Anything we talk about like that like You
know, it’s not part of this contract and see, you know, maybe just those things like areas that we might want to go
into the future. Um Your final question was about qualities.
I’m thinking like, I mean, honestly, the biggest The biggest risk that I can think of right now is that I spend this
$2 million on this investment and it doesn’t catch on people don’t like it just doesn’t catch. And then just I’m just out
that one. Now, I mean, I wouldn’t be, you know, the successful entrepreneur that I am. If I didn’t take some risks
and, you know, with that some, you know, some bets you went on some bets you lose, but So I think the thing that
I’m like I think that the application needs to be I think what I’m worried about Most in terms of like people getting I
mean, so, you know, all I will spend money to market and so on to try to get it out in front of people. Um, but if it’s
if it’s It looks it looks modern and sleek and elegant and Those are things that I that I really value.
And also, I think there’s there’s something to Like in terms of the User interactivity.
I want it to be what’s the right word to describe it. It’s like, I want it to be painless to like to enter new tasks. So
like Low like low friction like it’s intuitive and it in Inefficient from the point of view of user and so so an elegant
user interface that minimizes like the amount of effort that it takes. So that’s kind of like the number one thing that
I’m thinking.
Yes. Red can’t stop There be any Yeah.
Would there be any advertisement on this idea. Of course, but that’s not Any Oh, I see.
Okay. So is it is the question is, is there going to be Advertise but inside of the app. I’m going to say no, the hope is
that it it’s so attractive that People want to start paying for a subscription that it becomes like slack that Individuals
use it Which then causes companies to say, hey, we, we want to get on it on that too. So they start companies start
paying for a subscription in the corner. Yeah, I’m talking about Yeah, okay.
So the question is, um, given that I said that I want it to be frictionless and you know they’re easy for people to
use Would Would I like there to be integrations Such as like canvas like canvas plugin and then every
time Professor creates a homework it appears on your your calendar.
For example, um Long term.
Yes. Short term.
I think not. Yeah. So I guess what I’m what I’m asking you all is Try to keep that in mind that down the road. I
might want some additional integrations.
Um But it’s not part of what I’m contracting you all to build for as part of, you know, the mobile desktop application
cycles. Now that said, I do want it.
I there are some integrations that I think fit into the initial versions. A calendar. So, I mean, I don’t expect users to
manually, you know, recreate their entire calendar inside of do under So, you know, I would like it to sync up
with First at least the part that I’m contracting you all to build is sync up with Google Calendar and Apple icon
calendar or whatever I can I have intentions of supporting more calendaring systems like Microsoft Outlook, you
know, Exchange stuff And others But let’s put that into future directions. Okay, so the question is modern iPhone
mobile apps have widgets. What would I like in those widgets. Um, yeah, I think let’s let’s say which is for for
later. Okay, good question.
So, um, the question is, is there are there any minimum stuff or like Like infrastructure requirements like
specific iOS version or Android version. Um, let’s say let’s say the The current version in the end also the prior So,
and so, you know, at the time of release. So if we’re saying, you know, October 31st of 2024 For iOS, that would
be I guess then when we see saying 17 and eight If we’re assuming that Apple comes out with a new iOS that next
year which they’ve never not done so Yeah, so let’s say, you know, kind of more broadly speaking, because I
also don’t know what the Android versions are. So let’s just say at the time of release the current one and also the one
Yes. The question is, is there any subscription things or any features that we want users to pay for I’m thinking No,
I’m thinking that the subscription is based upon whether or not everything’s local to a user’s device. Well, okay.
I’m saying we there’s an integration with gal Google Calendar or Apple calendar. Right. So that part is going to be
like in Google’s cloud or Apple’s cloud. But like all of your tasks and how to get put into your calendar and all that
That’s just on on your device itself. Which means that there’s no sinking, you know, between your phone and your
tablet and your desktop and all that stuff. It’s just local And the reason why I think that I can kind of get away with
giving this out for free is because there should be no there’s no server costs for us that you know for that. Now, of
course, I’m paying you all the $2 million so I have to make that money back. But, but at least that’s not on, you
know, increasing revenue and I’ll probably have to pay somebody to maintain the software, but But there’s no server
costs to kind of keep it running. For the free version. The paid version gives you sticking capabilities. Which means
there’s a cloud service and the cloud service is going to back up your, your tasks. You know, all of your information
that’s that’s on your That’s in your to do list. And also that also gives you the added flexibility.
So, okay, so Just for just for an individual who wants to purchase it for him or herself, they can they can do that and
it gives them the ability to then have everything saved up among their different devices. But if you go to like one of
the company sponsored subscription levels, then you get things like you can you know your boss can assign you
tasks. You know, and so on.
So there’s there’s more there’s more collaboration features that start to appear in the in the page. In the kind of in the
tier make it say to the car. But other than that, no, I think that full functionality comes to the not for the free versions
with the exception of anything that requires service.
Yes. Yeah. Space requirement. What do you mean like like screen real estate. Or just space. However big it ends up
being There’s no there’s no megabyte limit.
I mean, I guess I I can imagine, you know, if you start having videos and in such a there. I mean, but I think, you
know, it’s a calendar to do a staff.
I don’t imagine it’s going to be a problem. Yes. Are you contracting this to work as individuals for work. Um, I’m
contracting you all to develop this system as a team and that includes you all I know you all are
requirements engineers and you know you all employ some developers and some UI us designers and testers and so
Yeah, I’m paying the company. Now I know Professor Jones said that each of you are supposed to provide your own
requirements specification document yourselves and not let him Handle how that works out.
Yes. Are there any requirements in terms of like the maintenance of the app of key. So, um, you know, like in terms
of What we’re talking about here. I’m contracting you all to develop up through the desktop. So I know there’s going
to be some development along the way of that. Um, and of course you I’m sure I expect that there will be some But
hopefully not many but he takes along the way. Um, but for the cloud syncing service.
I’m imagining that We Do more software will host the cloud on seeking some service there. And so with that, You
know, there will need to be some IT support for Any of the data that we, you know, we sync up and that we kind of
leverage that so that way if there is anything that happens in terms of Some of these data is lost and and so on we
can we can go in and we can try to look and see if we have the backups for and restore it or whatever. So there will
be some some support staff at two more that will Be able to Address anything that happens, you know, to the the
data that’s stored on our service servers.
Yes. Okay, so the question is, is there any themes like, you know, kind of to be festive for Christmas or scary for
Halloween. Nah. All right.
You first So the question is, is there any reward like kind of system like I think what you’re like.
Okay, so To clarify, so that I’ll ask. So like, do you mean like I I check off my 10th item for the day and confetti
follows and it says, Good job.
You just got your 10th item done today or something like that. Yeah.
Um, okay. No, in terms of like, like Like personality and like, you know, kind of chattyness of, you know, kind of
giving you rewards or these kinds of things. But you asked about giving the app personality.
I’ll tell you one thing I know for sure that I want in terms of giving a personality is the ability to Okay. So it pulls in
your question chip. Um, I wasn’t thinking like holiday based themes. That gets a little complicated because I
imagine this can be sold worldwide and you have to like know what the different cultures are and all the different
holidays and all the different seasons and this kind of thing. But what I am thinking, though, is one thing I know I
want for sure is dark mode and like I do everything dark mode and all the people prefer light mode. But I like it to
be more general purpose than just those two things like and I know some people are color blind and so they have to
have their own. So a coloring theme. That’s user definable.
I think does make sense. So we could have like some default kind of just like a light mode and dark mode and then
maybe like customizable and so the user can go in and select, you know, RGB values for for for kind of the And I
just want to leave that kind of it for the purposes of kind of requirements capture. Um, let’s, let’s see that kind of just
just as a note that it should be the user should be able to define the colors. I don’t want to go into like how many
items and elements and things should be because like, I think, as we go through the project, maybe we can figure out
some of those things, but just make a note that That, you know, the customer wants to be kind of to give the user to
be able to create custom themes, color things. Um, yeah, so I guess from a business perspective, the biggest
risk would be going into like a market. You have like Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, and we plan on like
differentiating this app. Like, going into market. Okay, so okay so the question is, is like the assumption is that the
biggest risk is that It’s not successful financially, because there’s too much competition for Apple or Apple Calendar,
Google Calendar. So first of all, I don’t agree with the premise. I mean, this is going to build on Google
Calendar and Apple Calendar. This depends upon there being those things. The calendar is going to, you’re going to
be required to either plug it into Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, maybe you’ll have calendars for both, I don’t
know, but um The The functionality, the kind of the unique Business player, whatever, the thing that we’re going to
market it as is kind of getting a handle on your to-do lists because it shows you how everything that you’re
committed to falls onto your calendar, how your day is going to be used up. It’s going to, I think it will encourage
people to start putting You know, not just their obligations on the calendar, but also the fun times or time reserved
for fun things or sleeping in eating like you’ll start filling out your calendar, because your calendar in this new world
with this do-loader It will be full.
It’s going to be full. And so if it’s full and you’re actually working on your to-do list, you’re never going to sleep,
you’re never going to eat, you’re never going to shower. So put those things on, you need to start. So I think by
giving people a better sense for what their day is actually like, they’re more likely to put things on their calendar and
I think then it will then cause people to be more intentional with their time. And not only, you know, have TDM
stuff on there, but also schedule time for cuddling with your partner or, you know, like silly things, I don’t know,
like fun things that are good for your life and for human beings, you know, like have things like that on your
calendar. So make sure that you’re giving the proper model, like, you know, balance to everything. Because if you’re
always just kind of just stressed out and worried about getting everything done, then you’re probably going to be
unhappy. This is, I’m telling you what the marketing play is. But yeah, it’s still a risk.
I mean, yeah, I mean, that my, I’m trying, I’m, I’m excited about this. I’m willing to invest my $2 million in this.
So clearly, like, I’ve convinced myself. But whether that’s going to sell to customers to the point where people are
going to pay for it, yeah, it’s a risk.
I don’t know. Oh, yeah, us too. And they then implement the same features that, you know, of course, if Apple
doesn’t build into iOS 18, it’s a risk. So I’m relying upon you all not to leave this to Apple. If you could keep it all
just within yourself. Yes. Because we’re going to be using like online servers for syncing and many businesses are
going to be using this. How much focus should we put towards security so that we don’t get like packed. Yeah. You
know, there’s personal data that’s going to be stored on our servers that we’re syncing.
How much do I prioritize or value security in privacy. Um, I think it’s, you know, I think it’s important. Um, I think
it’s, it’s something to keep in mind and something that we need to take seriously. I mean, partially because like
that’s another risk is that if we leak sensitive data. It’s consumed and then maybe suit on existing.
So, um, you know, that’s a risk and something that I think we should try to try to do our best to try to use modern,
you know, encrypted protocols and so on to make sure that minimize the risk of people drinking into our servers
and You know, leaking because, you know, we’re successful companies like, you know, you know, big Fortune 500
companies are going to start paying us to synchronize all of their task lists of all their employees and in those task
lists are going to be plans for secret projects that are going to come out and let you imagine corporate espionage and
all that stuff. So yeah, I guess you’re convincing me I think it is important to make sure that that’s a, that’s a
priority. Is there a programming language.
No, just, just that I’m targeting those I’m targeting Android and iOS. But I don’t.
And then desktop. I know I’ve heard of different ways of doing that, such that you can unify the development effort.
I know that there are benefits to having native apps. I don’t know about that. I’m going to leave that also you to
figure out the best way to handle that. Yes. So you want the enterprise version to work exactly the same version
or different. For example, there could be additional features like kind of felt like I’m out with the schedule of getting
someone else’s calendar. Maybe you’ve been assigned past someone else like you know, meet with me or call
me. Okay, so the question is, in the paid subscription version that includes the team like version with collaboration.
Are there any additional functionalities that I want to be part of those kind of paid Yeah, I think so.
And you, you, you mentioned one like Um, I think we you should be able to I have to think about this exactly how
we wanted to be. But there ought to be a way to assign a task to someone else.
Now, can anyone in an organization within a team assign anything to anyone, or is there a hierarchy that
only Bosses can assign to their subordinates and subordinates can assign to their subordinates, you know, like, is it
only top down or it can in can, you know, average developer put on Tim Cook’s calendar to do list, give everybody a
race. I think, okay, this is what I’m gonna say.
For now, maybe we’ll think about changing the kind of the dynamics and the structure of this. But for now,
anyone within a team can can put an item on anyone else’s Task list. Now, I, you know, you know, you guys are just
the developers requirements engineer, but like the eventual users, I would warn against putting Give us all raises on
10 on your CEOs, because you might get fired, you know, you that might not be viewed very favorably. But yeah, I
think for the initial version of this probably the easiest way to So yeah, so I mean, that’s the other thing to think
about too is in there’s a team. Implicit with this and we were saying that there are team members. Um, then there
must be Some way to specify what you’re seeing this right.
So what I’m thinking in that regard is There’s going to have to be some for every team subscription, there would
need to be some team admin who chooses who’s on the team and who’s not Um, I think for the sake of simplicity,
because I think we could just say, whoever You know when you when you pay for the subscription, you then get to
set an admin user in passing And then how you manage, you know, how do people manage that username and
password that they share or whatever that’s Just a team admin account that can assign who’s part of it. Of course, that
means that they meet, you know, when somebody Quits or retires that are it’s fired. We’d have to remove some
people and we hired the people that out some people so that that list can be dynamic, but that would be on the admin
to keep up One other functionality goes with that.
I think there’s something about visibility Of items or the tasks in calendar events that goes with the teams based
functionality Um, and I want to be careful about user privacy, but at the same time the name will so like Um,
maybe The events and tasks can have a visibility flag or switch or something like that Um, each of them can have
whether it’s Public shared among the team Um, or private so you have something that you know, you need different
personal you don’t want anybody like cuddling Um, you didn’t want anybody seeing that part. You can you can buy
it, you know, you can go in and you can say this is a private task and then Your boss your team members, whatever
would see that you had an Task that you know, it was going to follow on this, you know, the way they get sorted. It’s
gonna follow the state or whatever can be half an hour or whatever But they it would just say private and not show
what it actually is So you know that you’re doing something about what that’s all I can think of Would you like the
application to provide users with the ability to show metrics or statistics In the form of visuals and the form of
graphs to so users can track their productivity over the long run. See how they did. So, so the question is, is That we
like the app to show some kind of metrics Particularly in the form of like graphs or visuals There’s a question in the
last time about metrics that I said yes to Let’s just say for now There is going to be a panel that has the metrics
such as number of tasks completed number of hours where these kinds of But I’m not going to overly specify that
for now. So let’s let’s just say, yes, there will be And I don’t know.
It’ll be visual or Textual or something for now, or just I think some simple metrics is something that I think we can
do back in the room.
There was a hand raised Yes on color coding of tasks. Yeah, I mean, I would like that. The thing I’m like trying to
think of is are those automatically Tied to your tags. Let’s just say you can color code your tasks so that when you
look at your account, you can see the color. I mean, I would like that personally just because I like to see how much
time I’m spending on Class stuff versus research versus, you know, organization can be committee work versus, you
know, like Personally, you know, I could kind of see like how my time is being spent. But let’s just say yes. So color
coding task is an option by default.
It probably has some default color that just you can just use if you don’t want to do that. Yes. Onboarding Okay, so
there’s there any onboarding tutorials and that kind of thing. I think I think I think I’m gonna say no, not not an app,
but On our, you know, promotional material.
Yeah, I imagine, you know, a different team will be like uploading YouTube videos and Marketing like I’ll pay an
agency to do that stuff. But don’t worry about Yes. How would we help one Oh, yeah. Accessibility.
So how are we going to support Disabled or other enabled People. This is something I’m not an expert.
So it’s hard for me to say How it’s all going to work. But like one example we already talked about was people 10%
of men have Color blindness, but it’s not actually blindness is like just, you know, different like red, green,
colorblind. It’s different. Um, the color themes could help with that for those for that kind of thing. But, but I mean, I
mean, there’s so many different ways in which there’s so many different What do you say abilities right I’m getting
older already and it’s like now I need to increase font size. So like that should be an option to increase font size. But
then what about somebody who is not sighted at all. Does is there any kind of like voiceover as you move your
finger across the thing.
It’s important. I just don’t know how to support it. Um, How about if we document that as a future direction to
look into support other abilities. I know it’s important. I just don’t know how to answer the question.
Um, like, okay, we should So there’s Oh, so the question is, when you have it when you’re a team based
subscription. Um, okay, so this so the so the question is, is there some way to know when you when an assignment
when you just got a task assigned Yeah, okay.
Um, so first of all, the way I specified it earlier is not only an admin that has power to assign tasks anyone on the
team can assign a task. Or create an events.
Right. So, not so so just to open up the question just it’s not just the admin that will then create tasks and
events. Anyone can but are the people who are involved that have just been assigned something. Are they, is there
announcement. So, so last time we talked about Notifications like would you be notified if like say and I said, um,
you know, like you so tasks can have like a due date and like at the due date, you can say, hey, your thing is due
right now, then you know you would want to know Hey, you’re supposed to be here in this room.
Um, I think you can also have notifications and take that Take that job.
So you get a notification if you get assigned something.
I’ll just say that That that’s a solution. Yes, you said that Tasks and due dates.
So do you want It to automatically put things that Do closer higher or that’s a good question.
So, so given that tasks can optionally have due dates on them. Do we want the Sorting and filtering algorithms to
address that.
So maybe say, oh, I know this thing is due today. So let’s move it earlier and the list.
No, I think, no, I think that the order that you did that you specify in your task list is the order that gets Flowed into
your calendar with the, you know, the, the added complication of these time window. So like, you know, it’ll You
know, if you have one of these time window filters is going to go into your list and find the first items when it gets
that far into the list in on that time. It’s going to look and see what matches the criterion. And then kind of put those
there. But otherwise, everything gets ordered in the way that however it goes in. But that might mean that you’ve
discovered that some of your tasks are not going to get done in time. I think No, I don’t want anything algorithm to
happen about that.
But I think somehow on your calendar those tasks probably shouldn’t be like highlighted. Maybe like red or, you
know, some, some way of like letting the user know, hey, at your current pace. You’re going to be late on these
things. So the user, you know, has the option of, you know, they can handle it however they want to, but it’s on them
to handle so that you know they could Move things around in the in their task list. So they make sure that they get it
done earlier. They could, you know, work faster, you know, just start checking things off or they can start deleting
items or whatever they that however they want to handle is up to them. But the algorithm itself.
I don’t want it to be too smart. Yes. Yeah, so the question is, is, like, given that That, you know, the The user might
have a task list and items that might not be doable before the due date of their due date. Would we want the app
itself to offer suggestions on how they could solve that problem. You know, you know, I think I want to kind of
keep it simple.
And I think people are capable of You know, figuring on, you know, what they need to do. I mean, if you’re in a
team basis situation.
One way of kind of doing this is you just delegate give it somebody else like get some, some of the things off your
list so you can get to the other things that you need to or whatever but Yes. Okay, and your question.
I mean, I know how to answer it up until the last part.
So is the question is when you complete a task. Does it just get deleted or does it get saved, say, for example, to
someone archive that you can view it and kind of get a sense for how much you’ve gotten done. Yeah, so And then
I’ll get to the last question last portion. Yeah, so I don’t want it to. I personally okay so so okay so there’s two
different views right there’s the calendar view and here’s your task list right In the when you check something off is
completed. From your calendar disappears and everything slides up. You know that that’s your that’s your reward
that you see like I’m actually making progress and things are actually, I’m going to be able to take this weekend
off. In your task list. I think you can have there. I think it should be an option of You know, retain them or like show
completed tasks or remove them. I imagine that the default will be you check it off and it goes, you know, like it
disappears and you know so you have like your keeps it clean. But I also kind of know that it’s kind of nice to toggle
that on every now and then just to see like in a sense for how much you completed or you know kind of the progress
you’ve been making our So I’m guessing that there’s like a toggle to say show completed tasks versus not. The final
portion of the question is What about teams. Okay, so I think for teams is It’s very similar. The way I’m thinking
about right now. Anybody has visibility to everyone else’s task list and calendar. Including the complete status of
them. But those items and events may be public or private.
And so if they’re private, you can see that there was something done, but you can’t see what it was. Yes. Any plans
in the future make it like a Google thing. Okay, so any plans in the future that you have like a Google program or
Google Chrome like Yeah, or like extension or I think no for now.
I mean, the only thing I’ll say To kind of what is like I said, I’m not specifying what technology use to implement
And so if you end up making this as a web app that runs in, you know, it’s like a I’m here like electronic which is
basically built on probably and which is, you know, I shouldn’t know anything about like their words and things
sound. Maybe that’s a possibility, but I’m not specifying that that’s a requirement. Like, so I guess no
requirement. Well, thanks. Well, that’s so so what if the question is, what about Linux. Oh, my goodness. Am I
planning on supporting. I think that’s not, but I didn’t say one platforms.
Right. I guess. Okay. Let’s say this.
Let’s do this. Maybe I maybe I’m going to go back up. I’m actually going to say I would like it to support Linux Mac
Windows Or whatever.
So maybe that hints us actually towards a platform requirement. Maybe it really should be across
platform technology, which maybe means a web version. I’m not going to say I need a web version. I’m just going to
say I want it to be supported on all major desktop platforms.
And so if that means that it’s a web application or electronic app or something like that.
So be it like but yeah I would like to support Linux as well as Windows and Mac. Yes. Do we want to have like QA
testers or get feedback from users, users want to slide and I have that affects and Question is do we want to have
like Like basically like some kind of a feedback loop from users back to the development. Maybe a beta program or
something like that. Maybe, but I know it’s not for that. And we so we covered everything.