Social Science Homework

List three long-term goals using the SMART acronym. 

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For each long term goal, you need to list five short term goals (using the SMART acronym) also.

Write a two-paragraph summary about your goals. You will do this for each long-term goal.

Paragraph 1

: Explain the importance of your long-term goal and why it is beneficial to your life

Paragraph 2

: Explain how and why your short-term goals will help you in achieving your long-term goals

Paragraphs should be 5-7 sentences each

All together, you should have three long-term goals, 15 short goals (5 for each long term goal), and a total of six paragraphs (two per LT goal).


I. Lose 30lbs in 12 months

  • 5 Short-term goals
  • Following the SMART acronym
  • These are the small steps to achieve the long-term goal
  • Make sure it is formatted in this way
  • You will provide 5 short-term goals for each LT goal

Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2

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