SOC 312 Week 4 Bullying…Change

SOC 312 Week 4 Bullying…Change

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Bullying…Change. Read the following essay, written by Antonio, a fourth-grade student.

The Bully in the Mirror

Antonio, 4th Grade

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Mirror Mirror on the wall why must I be the

Bully that has to fall. I beat on kids around the school

The mirror told me it wasn’t cool. The mirror told me to change.

My ways I have beat up kids all by days. I have no friends.

It’s just not right. The mirror said cause you like to fight.

I am a bully how could this be. The mirror is starting to

Change me. Reflections are now flashing back to me.

Someone plant the seed inside of me. Now the mirror has

shown me poor. I’ll change my ways and start

new days the bully is no more part of me.

Any bully can change

Imagine that you are Antonio’s teacher. Antonio obviously wants to make a change. As a fourth grader, it is almost impossible to do this alone. Therefore, he has handed this writing piece to you, his teacher. Understanding that this transformation involves far more than you and Antonio, you will devise a plan to help him change his history and be a good person.

First, read the Kenny (2007) article and discuss how Antonio’s “looking glass self” has been influenced by the agents of socialization. Be sure to explain how this looking glass self is related to his “answerability” and what role that has in his desire to change his behavior.

Next, devise a game plan for Antonio’s change:

a. Share one lesson or activity that can be completed with the whole class. The lesson or activity should focus on the importance of awareness and bully prevention. Describe the lesson or activity and how it will benefit the class as a whole.

b. List one idea showing how the class can support Antonio’s change. Explain how you would help your students support their former tormentor.

c. List one strategy that you can help Antonio implement in order for him to stay on the right path (e.g., literature, a check list, or a change in routine).

d. Provide one suggestion you would share with Antonio’s parents, so that this change in behavior is a true partnership between you (the teacher), the child, and the parents.


Use the information from your text and the Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center website to create your plan. You must include two scholarly sources in addition to the two given.

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