Darby: Chapter 51 (HIV and Oral Health) and Little Chapter 18 (HIV and AIDS)
- What is the major consideration in dental treatment of the patient with HIV/AIDS?
- What is the CD4+ count value that is considered to be safe to receive all dental treatment?
- Explain the medication therapy of HIV infection
What is ART and HAART?
Little: Chapter 10 and 13 (Liver Disease)
- What is the difference among Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E? Create a table to summarize each type of hepatitis specifically related to transmission route, incubation period, fatality rate, chronicity rate, risk of becoming a carrier, and complication of the liver and availability of immunizations.
- Explain the management of the following patients:
- Patient with active hepatitis
- Patient with a history of hepatitis
- Patient with the hepatitis virus carrier
- Patient unknown status of their hepatitis virus
- Patient with signs or symptoms of Hepatitis
- What kind of cautions should be taken for analgesics and anesthesia with hepatitis patients?
- Define and discuss the following diseases and their complications and dental management.
a. Gonorrhea b. Syphilis, C. Genital herpes, D. Infectious mononucleosis, and E. Human Papillomavirus Infection.