Simulation 2

Answer the following 4 questions. Around 4 pages. Do not do it as Essay format. Just answer the questions one by one, each question should be at least more than half pages, also answer with evidence that  provided relevant information from personal experience, powerpoint slide or other outside sources with appropriate interpretation.

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For writing this assignment, we started with a debase, the title is: is it ethical for hiring managers to using information found on social media (facebook, twitter, instagram) during the hiring process? 

For my opinion, I think is yes. And I didn’t change my thinking at the end of the debase. So, answer the 4 questions base on “yes” . Also, it is important to read the powerpoint that I uploaded first. 

The 4 question you need to answer are:


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1.Describe the pros and cons of using SNS (social networking sites) in hiring.

2.What’s your position on whether companies should use SNS? Is it ethical for potential employers to factor in content from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Myspace when hiring potential employees? Did you change your mind after the debate? If yes, why? If no, why not?

3.If you favor using SNS in hiring, what would you suggest to minimize risk and adverse effects associated with using SNS? If you oppose using SNS in hiring, what would be the right approach to the online screening of potential employees?

4.Have you ever googled yourself? If not, try now! What did you find? Do you think your ‘digital footprint’ would affect your career positively or negatively in the future?

I had upload to rubric about how my teacher grade this assignment and powerpoint slide about what we learned in the class. This is a  Business & Professional Ethics class, all we learn is about business ethics. The most important thing is answer the question with evidence (  from slides, personal experience or other outside sources).  Don’t plagiarize, my teacher will find out. Again, don’t do it as essay format, just answer the 5 questions and total 4 pages.  

Social Networking Sites in Hiring

MGMT 3560, 2018

The use of social networking sites is growing among hiring managers

77 %
of companies are using social networking sites to recruit candidates for specific jobs (SHRM Survey, 2013)
50% of companies report doing background checks on their candidates by searching through online contents, and claim to have not hired candidates based on finding “provocative photographs” or “poor communication skills.”
Is it ethical/necessary for employers to factor in online profiles in hiring decisions?

Adapted from

13%: Lies about their qualifications
11%: Posted inappropriate photos
11%: Posted inappropriate comments
11%: Posted negative comments about a previous employer
11%: Demonstrated poor communication skills
10%: Made discriminatory comments
7%: Shared confidential information from a previous employer
7%: Never rejected because of information on SNS

39%: Positive impression of their personality
36%: Profile supported their professional qualifications
36%: Profile showed the candidate was creative
34%: Good references posted by others
33%: Showed solid communication skills
33%: Showed the candidate was well-rounded
24%: Received awards
18%: Never hired because of information on SNS

Adapted from

Cases of firing employees because of their posts on Facebook
Kimberley Swann, 16, was fired after three weeks as an admin assistant for writing on Facebook about how bored she was with her job. Her status updates included: ‘first day at work. omg!! So dull!!’
An 18-year-old Buckingham Palace guard was fired ahead of the royal wedding after he allegedly called Kate Middleton a ‘stupid stuck up cow’ in a Facebook post.
Stephanie Bon was fired from her role as an HR assistant at Lloyds after posting a comment about her boss earning more money than her. She wrote: ‘New CEO gets £4,000 an hour. I get £7. That’s fair.’


Write-up 2 Questions
Describe the pros and cons of using SNS (social networking sites) in hiring.
What’s your position on whether companies should use SNS? Is it ethical for potential employers to factor in content from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Myspace when hiring potential employees? Did you change your mind after the debate? If yes, why? If no, why not?
If you favor using SNS in hiring, what would you suggest to minimize risk and adverse effects associated with using SNS? If you oppose using SNS in hiring, what would be the right approach to the online screening of potential employees?
Have you ever googled yourself? If not, try now! What did you find? Do you think your ‘digital footprint’ would affect your career positively or negatively in the future?

Rubric for Simulation Write-Up


Below Expectations

Meets Expectations


Content (25%)

Students did not completely answer most questions or gave answers that were irrelevant to questions

Students attempted to answer all questions but did not give relevant answers to many questions. Or students gave answers too succinctly.

Students answered all questions and all answers were complete and relevant.



Students did not use textbook or other outside sources at all to support answers

Students attempted to provide information from textbook or other sources with some interpretation. But not all information was relevant or complete.

Students provided
relevant information from textbook, personal experience or other outside sources
with appropriate interpretation.

Critical thinking


Students did not clarify their perspectives or positions. No attempts were made to think critically about questions.

Students attempted to specify their positions, perspectives, or opinions about the assignment. Students attempted to think critically about the issue.

Students clearly stated their positions, perspectives or opinions about the assignment. Students also considered others’ points of view within position.



Awkward phrasing, unskillful or inappropriate voice/tone and imprecise vocabulary.

Document is unreadable.

Phrasing is generally effective but inappropriate tone and imprecise vocabulary appear occasionally.

Phrasing is generally effective. Voice/tone and vocabulary are generally appropriate.


3 points

4 points

5 points

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