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Utilizing the checklists prepared in Units V and VI, rev iew your current organizational safety program ,   and look specifically  for the following:   


   h azard identification ;   

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   p rovisions for the identification and/or treatment of muscular ,   skeletal , or cumulative trauma disorders;   


   environmental safety; and   


   e thical dec ision  making and corporate culture .   


If you do not have a current organization, use the safety program from an organization that has displayed their program  on the Internet, or have a friend or  family member   provide you with the safety program from their o rganization. If you are  still unable to obtain a safety program, then ask local industries in your area for a copy of their safety program.   


Review the safety program you have chosen.  In your review , write an  essay to address you r findings and   recommendati ons, and provide applicable references as   needed. This p roject should be  at least three pages in length (not  counting the title and reference pages), and it should be   created using APA style guidelines.   


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