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Pg. 01
Introduction about Fantastic Pastry Shop:
Fantastic Pastry Shop is a traditional pastry shop established in 1999. It is a
small shop owned by two persons. One of them was responsible for buying
goods and bringing them to the shop two times a day (every morning and late
afternoon). The other one is managing the shop activities and organizing shifts
for employees. They work 24/7 and have three shifts. They employ wellexperienced employees in each shift. The shop has three chefs for making the
dough and sauce, three well-trained employees for preparing and putting the
ingredients, and three well-trained employees for cooking the pastry and
controlling the oven heat. The owners work on this shop and have other
employees to help them.
The order process in Fantastic Pastry Shop:
The process starts by welcoming the customer and giving them the menu. The
customer looks into the menu then places their order. The cashier writes down
the order on a separate paper for each customer, calculates the prices, and then
asks the customer to pay (4 minutes). After getting the payment, the cashier
handed the paper of each order to the second employee. The next employee
then starts to prepare the dough based on the order (the shop has two bases of
dough: white flour dough and brown wholemeal flour dough) (4 minutes). The
next employee is responsible for filling the pastry with the ingredients based on
each customer’s order (2 minutes). The next employee takes the pastry, puts it
into the oven until it is ready, and then gets it back (2 minutes for white flour base
and 4 minutes for brown wholemeal flour base). The last employee cut the pastry
and packages it then hands it to the customer (2 minutes).
Pg. 02
The current situation of Fantastic Pastry Shop:
The shop starts to get a lot of orders that are over its capacity due to its
reputation. It usually gets around 20 orders from persons coming to their shop in
each hour. Each order – on average – includes 3-5 pastries of different bases
and ingredients. However, the shop lost a couple of its experienced employees
responsible for preparing and cooking pastries.
The Issues in Fantastic Pastry Shop:
The Fantastic Pastry Shop was very successful and had many customers and
significant revenue. However, the shop starts to lose many of its loyal customers
and receives a considerable number of complaints. The managers started to
investigate the complaints they received. They also contacted their loyal
customers to understand the different issues more clearly. After this deep
investigation, they categorized the issues into the following categories:
Some of the pastry’s bases and ingredients are unavailable in the early
afternoon or late night.
The waiting time becomes unacceptable to customers.
The quantity of ingredients is not always the same which affecting the
taste of the pastry.
The brown wholemeal flour base of pastries is sometimes undercooked.
The customers sometimes get some of their pastries cold.
The customers sometimes get the wrong order.
Pg. 03
The requirements to solve Fantastic Pastry Shop process
Besides the available information, you are expected and allowed to make
assumptions, if you need, to improve the process and solve the issue of the
Fantastic Pastry Shop.
You are requested to solve the issue of the Fantastic Pastry
Shop and improve its process and performance by answering
the following questions.
Pg. 04
CLO1: Explain
theories, and
trends in ES and
their role in
Question One
5 Marks
Explain the main Input, Process Activities, and Output of the Fantastic Pastry
Shop Process. Then, calculate the current cycle time of the process? Also,
calculate the throughput for this process in 1 hour? Further, find out the
bottleneck activities?
Pg. 05
CLO4: Design ES
models for
various business
Question Two
4 Marks
Model current (As-Is) process using BPMN 2.0 utilizing any tool such as Visio?
Then analyze As-Is process from both time and quality perspectives (mention at
least 1 issue related to time and 1 issue related to quality in the process)?
Pg. 06
Question Three
6 Marks
Suggest at least 3 ideas for improving the current process from the following
CLO3: Discuss
perspectives: a) employees’ perspective, b) equipment’s’ perspective, and c) IT
the issues and
& IS technologies perspective? Also explain how your suggestions will solve
Fantastic Pastry Shop issues? Finally, propose the To-Be process model using
associated with
BPMN 2.0 by utilizing any tools?
implementing ES
and their impacts
on corporate