Security case study

Cybersecurity Is Not (Just) a Tech ProblemAs remote work continues to be a pillar of our new normal, organizations are realizing
that the security environment has dramatically changed. Securing remote work isn’t
solely the job of the IT team, however – it also requires trust. Senior leadership needs to
be able to trust from the beginning that their teams have secured systems for remote
work. Customers need to trust that their data is protected. Employees need to trust that
there are systems in place to support them.
To get it right, companies need to weave trust throughout their entire ecosystem and
make security part of every job description. In my work as a global chief security of cer
at Box, I have identi ed four steps that business and technology leaders can leverage to
enhance trust among the people, processes, and platforms that contribute to secure
remote work.
Lead with empathy.
We live in an imperfect world, and fundamentally, trust is all about people. The most
effective way to enhance trust throughout your ecosystem is to acknowledge that it will
always be a work in progress.
In my experience, the most effective way to build trust is to listen, learn, and lead with
empathy. When people tell you that security protocols are dif cult to follow, don’t lecture
them – seek to understand and nd adoptable solutions. Encourage people to speak up
about mistakes, and reward proactive behavior. Trust within an organization multiplies
when it is generously and wisely given, and when people feel heard.
Empower employees to make effective decisions.
Unfortunately, some aspects of security practice have earned a bad reputation over the
years, as well-meaning IT teams implemented security solutions that placed barriers
between people and the information, they need to do their job. The fact is, people will
nd a way to work around security measures that don’t align with their business needs.
If end-users see security as something that gets in the way, we will always face
unnecessary risks. Effective security comes from having tools and solutions that are
easy to implement and follow.
My philosophy is that the best security solutions are built in, not bolted on. This means
giving employees guideposts to facilitate their decision-making without sti ing their
productivity and trusting them to succeed.
Technology can help us achieve this, such as using Al-driven tools that can
automatically apply security classi cations to different data types. But the goal is bigger
that the tool: The point is to seamlessly integrate security into work ow processes
without imposing new hurdles.
Investing in frictionless security solutions creates a sense of ownership and
accountability among users for the content that they create and share. This helps
Answer the THREE Questions based on the Case Study:
individuals realize that they’re bigger than just their title in a company, which grows the
trust ecosystem.
De ne what matters most.
Part of any trusting relationship is knowing what’s important. Not everything in an
organization needs to be as secure as a bank vault. Taking a one-size- ts-all approach
to security has never been economical or purposeful, even before Covid-19 changed
our work environments.
In every organization, different types of data hold various degrees of security
importance. Whether it’s nancial information or health care records, leaders need a
clear view of what data, if compromised, would do harm to their organization. The
appropriate security controls for these crown jewels need to be identi ed and integrated
into work ows with clear lines of accountability, so that the data is protected by both the
technology and the people surrounding the data.
By differentiating what’s critical from what isn’t, leaders can successfully maximize the
return on their security investments, by preempting problems that could irrevocably
damage con dence in their organizations.
Honor the distractions.
Trust is a two-way street. Security professionals know that end-user behavior is still one
of the biggest risks to security, but I also believe that, with the right approach, end-users
can be the biggest security advocates.
Educating users about security threats and best practices is often seen as a “nice to
have” that gets forgotten when a crisis emerges. However, this is exactly when security
education is needed most. Social distractions have long been a primary threat, and the
success rate with attacks is higher when everyone’s attention is diverted elsewhere.
The fact is, workers are more distracted than ever in this pandemic, with many
employees working from makeshift home of ces, surrounded by families and pets,
maybe in multi-purpose environments like kitchens and bedrooms.
Yet, these same people still want to make good decisions, and they can be trusted to do
so if they have the right support. Developing and communicating clear policies about
trusted devices and regularly sharing information about the changing threat environment
will help establish and reinforce a strong security culture, even in a changing
Organizations that don’t already have strong education programs don’t need to tackle
this alone. They can look at leaders in this space to support them in ways that
organically mesh into the culture of learning within an organization.
What roles do Transformational Leaders play in addressing challenges of Cyber
Elaborate your answer with real-life examples of transformational leaders and their
styles in successfully overcoming these challenges. (Answer not less than 150 Words,
you can refer to the Case wherever appropriate)
How relevant is the Peter Senge’s ‘Learning organizations’ framework in today’s Cyber
Support your answer with corporate examples. (Answer not less than 150 Words)
Analyze the role of ‘Trust’, ‘Empowerment’ and ‘Ethics’ in the context of Cyber business.
Present your answer with appropriate examples from the industry. (Answer not less than
150 Words, you can refer to the Case wherever appropriate)

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