REG : PGDE/2017/71257
CAT 1 2017
1. Characteristics of an effective research proposal
a) It is cyclic in nature.
The research is made up steps that are cyclic in nature ranging from the problem identification to conclusion. In fact a better research proposal arise a researchable problem after the conclusion so that it’s cyclic in nature.
Problem identification———–hypothesis————-plan———- data collection———-data analysis———– conclusion—————researchable question
b) It is a systematic or methodological process
The research is done in an orderly manner for example the experimental research is done in a controlled room.
c) It is an empirical process.
The problem of research must be realistic and existing. The search proposal must be about a researchable problem that really affecting the society whose solution must be existing.
d) It is a replicable process.
Being replicable means that when other people do the same research they be able to find the same problem as you.
e) It is a rigorous process.
This means that a research proposal requires resources such as time, money and the effort.
2. Discuss the preliminary pages of a research proposal (5 marks)
The preliminary pages includes everything up to the main body of the text or introduction. It includes the following.
1. The title.
The title page have the following information in that order.
The full names of the project and the subtitle.
The full name of the author and the qualifications.
The qualification for which the dissertation is submitted.
The name of the institution to which the dissertation is submitted.
The departments and the organizations which the project was conducted.
The month and year of submission.
2. The abstract. It should be short and not extend a single A4 slide. Should serve the following:
To introduce the topic.
To describe the how you did the research.
To discuss the results of what was done.
To explain the implications of the results.
The Acknowledgments
It should be short and thank those who helped you with your project. It is particularly important to thank any company or organization that provided assistance.
The Declaration.
Any material material contained in the dissertation must be indicated. The extend of your individual contribution must be indicated as well. You also should declare that the work is your original research. The declaration is then signed by your assessors at the oral examination.
The contents.
It should be listed in sequence, with the page numbers, all relevant subdivisions of the dissertation, including the title of the chapters, section and subsections, as appropriate any appendix; the glossary; the list of references; the bibliography if any; the index.
Finally the Definitions of specific terms that are relevant only to this dissertation and the Glossary provides the explanation of the terms or the abbreviations used in the dissertation.
3. Identify the unique characteristics of an abstract that are not found in other sections of a proposal
(5 marks)
An abstract one paragraph page of between 350-500 words that highlights the main selection of the whole research document. It is written in prose and single space. It is a brief of the whole research process that helps supervisor and the reader to know its whole content. Its contents are:
a) Problem statement.
b) Purpose of the research.
c) Objectives of the research.
d) Location.
e) Target population.
f) Research design.
g) Sample size and sampling techniques.
h) Data collection and instruments. And
i) Data analysis.
The abstract is written after data analysis is done.
4. State at least 5 sections of appendices in a proposal (5 marks)
An appendix contains information that is non- essential to understand the paper, but may be present information that further clarifies a point without burdening the body of the presentation. It is an optional part of the paper, and is only rarely found in published papers. The headings are identified by roman numeral in sequence, e.g., Appendix II, Appendix II, etc. each appendix should contain different materials for example.Explanation of formulas, either already known ones, or especially if you have invented some statistical or mathematical procedures for data analysis. The full generic names of the chemicals or the compounds that you have referred to in somewhat abbreviated fashion or by some common name in the text and diagrams of specialized apparatus.
Correspondence. For example if the research included the collaborations with others or outreach to others, then correspondence is in the form of letters, memorandums, or copies of emails from those you interacted with could be included.
Interview transcripts. In a qualitative research, interviewing respondents is often used to gather information, the full transcripts are found in the appendix so that the reader can read the entire dialogue.
Non-textual elements, such as figures, tables, maps, charts, photographs, drawings, or graphs. Some of them are found inside the research document and others are found in the appendix.
Sample of calculations. This is for the case of the quantitative research formulas or the detailed descriptions of how calculations were used to determine relationship and significances.
Questionnaires and surveys. They are found in the appendix so that the reader understands not only the questions asked but also the sequence in which they were asked.
The raw statistical data. Any numerical data that is too lengthy to include in the charts or table in entirely within the text.