Assignment: Project 3 This week’s assignment is even more open than the last one and has requirements above and beyond just coding. Instead of a flowchart that shows how the code needs to be structures, you are given a number of required flowchart elements and it is up to you to build a story and code with them. You will also complete your own flowchart, and you will use Git for revision control.Reading & ResourcesWeb linkDeliverable 3 FlowchartThese flowchart elements are the ones you need to work into your assignment.InstructionsThis assignment is in 3 parts: JavaScript code, Google Drawing flowchart, and Git repository.JavaScript codeThis part of the assignment works the same as the previous two assignments, but with a small twist. The flowchart you’re coding to has only elements and no arrows:You are open to code any story you want, as long as you can use (at least) all of the elements in that flowchart. Don’t worry if some of the symbols are new—they will be covered in this week’s activities.This part of the assignment is graded on your syntax, coding style, functionality, and feature completeness. You mayrefactor your Project 1 or Project 2 code, so you don’t have to start fresh. You also may reuse your theme or come up with a new one.Google Drawing FlowchartYou can use the Google Docs Drawing web app to create a flowchart that represents your story and reflects your code. The intent here is to show that you understand the building blocks of the processes you are coding.You can create your flowchart before or after you are done with your code, but it will be easiest to do if you work on them both together. Look at the required elements, write a little story and code to implement a piece or two, add the elements to your flowchart, and then repeat.This part of the assignment is graded on how well your flowchart matches your code, its logic, and its correct use of the flowchart symbols.You should download a PDF copy of your flowchart often as you work on it. If Google Docs goes down or something happens you will want at least something to turn in.You are not required to use Google Draw to create your flowchart. You can use any softeware you like. You can even draw your flowchart by hand, but it must be legible and readable.Git RepositoryThis assignment and the next will be tracked using Git, software that you’ll learn how to use in the Revision Controlactivity. Git will help you to keep a log of the changes you make to your assignment files, but it’s not automated magic. You’ll need to have the presence of mind to work in small chunks, save often, and work with Git each step of the way.This part of the assignment is not on the rubric, because it is required but doesn’t count toward your grade. Please, please, please take the time to read and digest what is required for revision control, because the other two parts of the assignment may be perfect and you could still get a zero.DeliverablesYou must compress your entire repository before uploading it. Do not upload an unzipped file or you will get a zero for the assignment.You will upload a compressed (Zipped) file named which should include:PartFile NameFormatNotesRepository This is the folder that holds your entire local repository. You can compress the folder by right-clicking it in Finder and selecting the “Compress” option.Flowchartlastname_firstname_assignment3 pdfDownload the PDF version of your flowchart from Google Docs, save it to your assignment repository, and commit it before compressing your repository. You may commit this file multiple times, just like any other source file. Your flowchart should include your name, date, term, and assignment (Deliverable 3) in a text box.
Topic % Excellent (100%) Good (75%) Fair (30%) Poor (0%)
Coding RequirementsCoding RequirementsCoding RequirementsCoding RequirementsCoding RequirementsCoding Requirements
Completeness 15 All required elements are present,
correctly declared and de!ned,
with descriptive names.
Up to three missing
elements or poor names.
Up to !ve missing
elements or poor names.
More than !ve missing
elements or poor names.
Encapsulation 15 All variables and functionality are
scoped according to logical need
and encapsulation principles.
Up to three examples of
poor or questionable
Unable to demonstrate understanding of proper
Unable to demonstrate understanding of proper
Logic 15 There are no logic errors present
in the code, and elements “ow
Up to two logic errors are
present, or some illogical
More than two logic errors are present, or element
More than two logic errors are present, or element
Syntax 10 There are no syntax errors, and
syntax conforms to taught style.
Nonconformant syntax or
up to two syntax errors.
Up to !ve minor syntax
Clear problems with
Flowchart RequirementsFlowchart RequirementsFlowchart RequirementsFlowchart RequirementsFlowchart RequirementsFlowchart Requirements
Completeness 15 All required elements are present,
of the correct type, and are used
Up to two mistyped or
missing elements, or minor
sequence problems.
Up to !ve minor element
Clear problems with
“owchart elements.
Logic 10 Flowchart accurately portrays the
code and story.
Up to two minor variances
from the story or code.
Up to !ve minor variances
from the story or code.
Flowchart seems
unrelated to story or
Support Details 10 Supporting details are present,
clear, and well placed to support
the “owchart.
Up to two missed support
details (assumptions) or
minor placement problems.
Up to !ve missed or
misplace support details.
Flowchart has little or no
supporting detail.
Story RequirementsStory RequirementsStory RequirementsStory RequirementsStory RequirementsStory Requirements
Coherence 5 The code tells a story that is not di#cult to follow.The code tells a story that is not di#cult to follow. The story is disjointed, but
an e$ort has been made.
Little to no attempt has
been made.
Investment 5 The theme and story show creativity and personal investment.The theme and story show creativity and personal investment. Some lack of creativity or
Little to no attempt at
creativity or investment.
Be careful: your !nal Professionalism grade is a$ected by your Story deductions.Be careful: your !nal Professionalism grade is a$ected by your Story deductions.Be careful: your !nal Professionalism grade is a$ected by your Story deductions.Be careful: your !nal Professionalism grade is a$ected by your Story deductions.Be careful: your !nal Professionalism grade is a$ected by your Story deductions.Be careful: your !nal Professionalism grade is a$ected by your Story deductions.
Rubric: Project 3! Scalable Data Infrastructures
Due: Thursday, Week 3
alert(“JavaScript works!”);
Project 3
In this space you should provide a short (one paragraph) explanation of your theme and why you chose it.
You may also use this space to explain any elements of your code story that may not be entirely clear. For example, if your theme is thirteenth century Italian poetry, not everyone may be familiar with that.
Don’t forget to replace all of the capitalized elements in this template with your information. Your term number should be in a yymm format, including the year and the month.
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