scope of practice for pmhnp

Explore the Nurse Practice Act/Scope of Practice for the advanced practice nurse in your state or the state where you will be working.  

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Step 1:

The purpose of this assignment is to allow you the opportunity to explore the scope of practice for advanced practice nurses in your state or re-acquaint yourself with the guidelines if you are already an advanced practice nurse.  In addition, you will be looking at resources for mental health patients in your area to get an idea of the practice needs for this population of patients.  Answer the following questions by summarizing information from the board of nursing or another website. Please do not cut and paste technical information here as you need to be familiar with the requirements in the state where you will be working as a PMHNP.  Answer the following questions



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to complete this assignment

SCOPE OF PRACTICE FOR THE PMHNP IN _________________________

Name of State

Provide a link to the Board of Nursing website:

1. What influenced you to consider the role of the PMHNP for your future practice? 

2. As a PMHNP, you will be able to practice in your state with:

· Restricted practice

· Reduced practice

· Full practice

3. What are the requirements to obtain/maintain prescriptive authority in this state?

4. Does your state require any collaboration or supervision for PMHNP practice, including hours required immediately following completion of the program?  If so, what are the guidelines?

5. Does your state have specific scope of practice guidelines for the PMHNP?  Provide a summary of these guidelines and a link to where they are located.  

6. What is the legal title you are to use in your state as a PMHNP? ANCC recommends PMHNP-BC once you pass your boards. Does this suffice in your state or must you use additional credentials (i.e. APRN, ARNP, NP, etc.)

7. Describe the community where you plan to set up your practice as a PMHNP, including demographics? If you are not sure where you will be practicing, describe the community where you currently live.

· Name of the community:

· Approximate population:

· Would you consider your community rural or urban?

· Is this considered a medically underserved community? For more information on making this determination, refer to this website:

8. In general, what resources are available for mental health services in your community? You can look at, google, or word-of-mouth to identify providers. For this assignment, provide the number of each type of service available.

· Private psychiatric practices (physician or NP practices):

· Inpatient psychiatric facilities:

· Outpatient psychiatric services:

· Geriatric-specific mental health services:

· Community mental health services:

· Pediatric/adolescent-specific psychiatric services:

· Crisis centers for psychiatric-specific emergencies:

· School-based mental health services:

· Substance-abuse treatment facilities:

9. Do you think there are adequate resources within your community for patients? Tell why you feel this way.

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