Submit your Comprehensive Program Proposal. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course.
For additional details, please refer to the
Final Project Guidelines and Rubric PDF
HCM 700 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is the creation of a comprehensive program proposal.
Over the course of the term, you will immerse yourself in integrating what you have learned in your coursework and practice to create an authentic
demonstration of your abilities as a healthcare administrator by developing a program proposal to address an identified healthcare issue. This artifact will serve
as evidence of your professional identity and represent the knowledge, skills, abilities, and dispositions you can bring to a potential employer.
Evaluation of Capstone
This capstone will be assessed somewhat differently than other courses you have taken online at SNHU. Your final artifact will be evaluated in determining
whether you have demonstrated proficiency in the outcomes listed below. Your instructor will guide you through this process, keeping a running narrative of your
strengths and weaknesses in relation to the outcomes as you progress through the class.
The project is divided into six milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submission. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven. The final comprehensive program proposal will be submitted
in Module Nine. Your final submission will be a culmination of the work you complete for each milestone assignment.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Demonstrate interpersonal skills, effective collaborative practices, and cultural competence through meaningful verbal and written communication in
individual and group interactions
Assimilate management principles and functions to foster organizational development, promote effective use of human resources, enhance operations,
and position the organization through application of market analysis
Integrate knowledge of microeconomic, macroeconomic, and financial principles to monitor, analyze, and interpret healthcare financial and economic
data for decision making and strategic planning
Appraise the effectiveness, utilization, and integration of information-management systems within the organization’s microsystems and mesosystems
Translate the knowledge of the U.S. healthcare delivery system, healthcare reimbursement, health policy, governance, and ethical considerations to
promote population health and strategic planning at the organizational level
Propose strategies that foster a dynamic organizational culture that clearly defines its strategic vision, identifies opportunities, and methodically engages
in data analysis using epidemiologic and statistical principals to support strategic planning, operations management, and continuous quality
You will develop a comprehensive, professional proposal that addresses an identified healthcare issue by interpreting the existing literature regarding the issue
and developing a proposal that uses evidence-based resources throughout.
Program Proposal
For your capstone proposal, you should first conduct a preliminary search of literature to help you define a healthcare problem that health-service organizations
face. Limit yourself to evidence-based sources only. Select a specific issue or problem confronting a health-service organization that you can effectively address
through your capstone program proposal. Examples might include financial challenges, implementation/operationalization of new legislation (such as the No
Surprises Act), patient safety and quality, improving internal cybersecurity, or improving the organizational culture. You will identify a target audience or
governing body, such as the CEO or board of directors, who would review and approve implementation of your proposal. You will also identify who will be
affected by implementation.
You must include, but are not limited to including, the following sections in your program proposal. If certain elements of your program are important but not
covered below, you should also include them in your proposal.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
This should include a brief statement of the issue/problem, purpose of program, and its impact. Identify the issue to be addressed and include an
accurate and detailed overview of the issue, including a discussion of the effect of your identified issue on your health-service organization and any
affected population. You may consider negative patient outcomes, financial implications, cultural implications, etc. In general, include all information
necessary to establish a comprehensive analysis and foundation for understanding your chosen issue and proposed program. This section should
also describe the target audience to whom you would present your proposal for implementation (such as healthcare executives, administrators, and
board of directors) in relation to this proposal and explain why your proposal would be relevant for this audience. For example, how might your
proposal help hospital administrators make effective and ethical decisions surrounding patient safety and quality, culture, finance, etc.?
Proposal Needs Assessment
Develop a statement of need that allows the reader to learn more about your selected issue, presents evidence that supports the need for your
proposal, and demonstrates that your organization understands the need and can address the issue. If the issue involves a specific affected
population(s), such as employees or patients, be sure to identify that population’s specific needs. Refer to the Module Two resources to discuss
specific management theories that will be useful for solving the issue.
Resource Allocation
Provide an in-depth description of the resources required to implement your program, such as qualified staff, information-management systems,
other technology and equipment, and financial resources, among others. Also describe your plan for accessing and assigning available resources in
the most economical way to achieve your program’s future goals. In other words, how will you schedule activities and acquire the resources
required for those activities while considering both resource availability and the project timeline?
Provide a comprehensive program plan that includes its objectives (i.e., measurable improvements in behavior, performance, process, or a tangible
item that will result from your program); ethical and legal considerations, including a review of the four ethical principles, ensuring appropriate legal
and social responsibility of your proposal; financial considerations and their anticipated effect on internal policy and operations; anticipated issuerelated outcomes and your plan to address them; and a timeline for meeting program objectives.
Provide a detailed description of the activities leading to achieving the objectives identified, including your rationale behind their selection, their
sequence, and your reasoning behind why these methods may work.
Evaluation Methodologies
Provide a comprehensive description of how your organization (and potential funders) will know the program is successful. Items to consider include
methods for measuring success, who will be performing the evaluation, which two methods will be used (you must include one type of financial
evaluation). You should also include your plan for gathering data, including the identification of the sources from where the data will be acquired
(CMS, quality data, leapfrog, turnover rates, etc.), analyzing data, using evaluation for program improvements, and producing any specific evaluation
Your program proposal should be submitted in a professional format. The final product is suggested to be in the range of 15 to 20 pages; however, design and
proper professional presentation are more important than page count because in the real world, there are usually not any page-length requirements. Therefore,
the 15- to 20-page range is a suggestion, and you should use your best professional judgment regarding the length of your proposal.
Milestone One: Introduction
In Module Two, you will submit a draft of your introduction (Section I). Milestone One will encompass the introduction. You should first conduct a preliminary
search of literature to help you define a healthcare problem health-service organizations face. Select a specific issue or problem confronting a health-service
organization that you can effectively address through your capstone program proposal. Examples might include financial challenges,
implementation/operationalization of new legislation (such as the No Surprises Act), patient safety and quality, improving internal cybersecurity, or improving the
organizational culture. You will identify a target audience or a governing body, such as the CEO or board of directors who would review and approve
implementation of your proposal, and you will also identify who will be affected by implementation. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One
Milestone Two: Needs Assessment
In Module Three, you will submit a draft of your proposal needs assessment (Section II). You should include a statement of need that allows the reader to learn
more about your selected issue, presents evidence that supports the need for your program, and demonstrates that your organization understands the need and
can address the issue. If the issue involves a specific affected population, be sure to identify that population’s specific needs. Using what you learned about
management theories in Module Two, discuss specific management theories that guided your identification of the issue. This milestone will be graded with the
Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Resource Allocation
In Module Four, you will submit a draft of your resource allocation (Section III). Provide an in-depth description of the resources required to implement your
program, such as qualified staff, information-management systems, other technology and equipment, and financial resources. Also explain your plan for
accessing and assigning available resources in the most economical way to achieve your program’s future goals. This milestone will be graded with the
Milestone Three Rubric.
Milestone Four: Planning
In Module Five, you will submit a draft of your planning (Section IV). Provide a comprehensive program plan that includes its objectives (i.e., measurable
improvements in behavior, performance, process, or a tangible item that will result from your program); ethical and legal considerations, including a review of
the four ethical principles, ensuring appropriate legal and social responsibility of your proposal; financial considerations and their anticipated effect on internal
policy and operations; anticipated issue-related outcomes and your plan to address them; and a timeline for meeting program objectives. This milestone will be
graded with the Milestone Four Rubric.
Milestone Five: Implementation
In Module Six, you will submit a draft of your implementation (Section V). Give a detailed description of the activities leading to achieving the objectives,
including your rationale behind their selection, their sequence, and your reasoning behind why these methods may work. This milestone will be graded with the
Milestone Five Rubric.
Milestone Six: Evaluation Methodologies
In Module Seven, you will submit a draft of your evaluation methodologies (Section VI). Provide a comprehensive description of how your organization (and
potential funders) will know the program is successful. Items to consider include methods for measuring success, who will perform the evaluation, and how the
methods will be selected. You should also include your plan for gathering data, using test instruments, analyzing data, using evaluation for program
improvements, and any specific evaluation reports that should be produced. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Six Rubric.
Capstone Final Submission: Comprehensive Program Proposal
In Module Nine, you will submit your comprehensive program proposal. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the
final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric.
Final Project Rubric
This rubric will be applied to all components as a whole, and no component will be assessed on its own. The “Possible Indicators of Success” are examples for you
and the instructor of the types of concepts for demonstrating proficiency. They are neither exhaustive nor proscriptive and should be used as guides for
illustrating how your capstone embodies the outcome. All outcomes are weighted equally.
You may include illustrations, photographs, graphs and charts, and other nontextual materials, as needed, to support the underpinning thesis (though all should
be placed in an appendix or appendices if used).
Guidelines for Submission: Your comprehensive program proposal should be 12 to 15 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and written in APA
format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
MS-HAN-CORE-01: Demonstrate interpersonal skills, effective collaborative practices, and cultural competence through meaningful
verbal and written communication in individual and group interactions
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to assess the needs, benefits, and barriers encountered in diverse populations?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively and meaningfully with the target audience?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to use evidenced-based strategies for the purpose of successfully completing projects and solutions relevant to the
healthcare administration issue being investigated?
Does the student demonstrate a professional identity through reflective, concise, and accurate responses in the professional reflection?
MS-HAN-CORE-02: Assimilate principles and functions of management to foster organizational development, promote effective use of Proficient
human resources, enhance operations, and position the organization through application of market analysis
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to harness the appropriate management theories in identifying a need or issue? Does the capstone demonstrate the
student’s ability to design program proposals that address healthcare administration issues or needs that, at the same time, are adaptable to the evolving
nature of the American healthcare landscape?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to apply management methods, models, and technologies in innovative and unique manners to enhance operations
or meet community needs?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to implement management tools and techniques that deliver long-term benefits despite a rapidly changing
healthcare environment?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to leverage applicable marketing theories and techniques that may enable communities or organizations to enhance
processes and systems? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to use marketing concepts and theories in proposing solutions relative to how the
identified issue or need may be addressed?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to use the appropriate metrics, theories, and models that enable organizations to maximize the use of human and
other resources? Does student demonstrate the ability to design appropriate interventions that address identified needs and issues while reflecting sensitivity
and consideration to various organizational or community stakeholders?
MS-HAN-CORE-03: Integrate knowledge of microeconomic, macroeconomic, and financial principles to monitor, analyze, and interpret Proficient
healthcare financial and economic data for decision making and strategic planning
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to apply microeconomic, macroeconomic, and financial principles in exposing new areas and possibilities for
administrative interventions relative to the issue or need that has been identified? Does the student demonstrate the ability to research and analyze relevant
financial and economic data that provides depth and supports the analysis?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze data within macroeconomic, microeconomic, and financial contexts and uses within the area of healthcare
administration? Does the student demonstrate the ability to align results of data analyses with appropriate organizational strategy and decision making?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to align recommended interventions with the existing mission, vision, core values, and strategies of organizations?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to effectively articulate recommended interventions according to microeconomic, macroeconomic, and financial
Does the student demonstrate the ability to apply the strategic planning process that reflects the healthcare financial and economic data collected? Does the
student demonstrate the ability to establish evaluation procedures that would inform decision making and guide strategic planning?
MS-HAN-CORE-04: Appraise the effectiveness, utilization, and integration of information-management systems within the
microsystems and mesosystems of the organization
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to apply current information-management systems for making recommendations pertinent to the identified need or
Does the student demonstrate the ability to integrate information-management systems that may potentially facilitate the attainment of positive long-term
Does the student demonstrate the ability to recommend and integrate an information system that is aligned with the existing strategies of an organization?
Does the capstone demonstrate the ability of the student to understand the purpose, value, and advantages and disadvantages of specific types of information
Does the student demonstrate the ability to plan for possible future information system needs of organizations?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to assess possible barriers to implementation of information systems and how these may be addressed?
MS-HAN-CORE-05: Translate the knowledge of U.S. healthcare delivery system, healthcare reimbursement, health policy, governance,
and ethical considerations to promote population health and strategic planning at the organizational level
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze and apply data using statistical methods for addressing population health issues? Does the student
demonstrate the ability critically analyze strengths and weaknesses in existing policies relevant to the issue being investigated?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to apply effective governance models that will enhance strategic planning and population health? Does the student
demonstrate the ability to improve healthcare reimbursement and its processes and challenges?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to develop strategic plans pertinent to healthcare reimbursement, health policy, and governance so that they may be
conducted in an ethical manner? Does the student demonstrate understanding of ethical issues that may arise in relation to healthcare reimbursement, health
policy, and governance?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to use theoretical frameworks for practical applications of healthcare reimbursement, health policy, governance, and
ethical principles to promote population health and strategic planning at the organizational level? Does the student demonstrate the ability to apply research
skills for structuring a theoretical or conceptual framework that is relevant to effective strategic planning at the organizational level?
MS-HAN-CORE-06: Propose strategies that foster a dynamic organizational culture that clearly defines its strategic
Not Proficient
vision, identifies opportunities, and methodically engages in data analysis using epidemiologic and statistical
principals to support strategic planning, operations management, and continuous quality improvement
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to discern shared values and beliefs of organizations that may contribute to understanding the emergent issue or
need? Does the student demonstrate the ability to connect organizational culture with strategic planning?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to provide recommendations pertaining to improvements of organizational culture that will lead to enhanced
performance and continuous quality improvement?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to determine the measurability of success in programs? Does the student demonstrate engagement with the
appropriate research methodologies that will lead to the determination of successful resolutions for identified issues?
Does the student demonstrate understanding of relevant epidemiologic and statistical principles that facilitate data analysis? Does the student demonstrate
the ability to interpret data from primary and secondary sources?
Quality Assurance
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Instructor’s Name
Quality Assurance
Problem Statement
There is always a need for healthcare providers to provide quality services to patients,
however, it is not usually the case in healthcare systems. In recent years there has been researching
and policies made to ensure quality assurance which aims at providing the best possible healthcare
services to patients. Despite the policies put in place, there have been reports of misuse, underuse,
overuse, and variation in the manner in which healthcare services are provided (Cookson, et al.,
2018). A reason for this could be the shortage of healthcare providers compared to the population
size which may lead to the employment of healthcare providers who are underqualified to provide
the services to try and overcome this shortage.
Healthcare systems should be developed with quality assurance being the main goal of the
facilities to ensure the patients get quality services and reduce the risk of Healthcare-Acquired
Infections (HAIs). If quality assurance is addressed with the magnitude it deserves then the results
will be evident in the form of reduced morbidity and increased patient safety and quality. Poor
quality assurance has direct and strong impacts on the health care industry in the following ways;
increase in disabilities, higher costs in receiving healthcare, sicker patients, and the populous in
the nation losing confidence in the healthcare system.
Overview of the Issue
The issue of quality assurance if undermined and left unchecked could result in major
issues arising from poor quality healthcare. First, if a healthcare facility has poor quality assurance
then the cleanliness of the facility is below standards which means that patients who get treated in
the facility may acquire another disease or HAIs unknowingly that will lead to their health
deteriorating further and more quickly (Dadi, et al., 2021). Secondly, poor quality assurance leads
to the patients incurring more costs in different ways such as; double medication, the need to revisit
the hospital because of HAIs, and double purchasing of medication if the first one was wrong
(Dadi, et al., 2021). Third, poor quality assurance may lead to increased disabilities when some
diseases that cause disabilities are mistreated which leads to the patients being disabled (Okoro, et
al., 2018).
Forth, if the healthcare system does not have medical standards that are at par with the
standards set then it means a few people get access to insurance health coverage leaving the rest
who are less privileged to not have access to medical services because of lack of funds. Fifth, poor
quality assurance will result in a high mortality rate in children as children who do not receive
proper maternity care will be decreased because of diseases or infections from poor health services.
Lastly, poor quality assurance will result in the community or the population that receives medical
assistance from institutions that offer poor medical services losing trust in that facility and thereby
opting to use self-treatment, which could endanger their lives.
Target Population
This research will not only be used by students or their professors for study purposes but
also it can be used in day-to-day applications by professionals. This research is relevant to hospital
officials, policymakers, physicians, and medical inspectors. It is important to policymakers since
it will act as a guide to help them make better policies by having clear knowledge of where the
real problem in providing quality health is located. To the physicians, it sheds light on areas where
they are overlooking some issues related to quality and helps them adjust to them. The health
inspectors can also use the data from this research to focus on the major issues that prevent quality
assurance across all health facilities. The hospital officials can use this research to reevaluate the
hospital standards and adjust accordingly so that the hospital offers the best services possible at an
efficient cost to both the hospital and patients.
Cookson, R., Asaria, M., Ali, S., Shaw, R., Doran, T., & Goldblatt, P. (2018). Health equity
monitoring for healthcare quality assurance. Social Science & Medicine, 198, 148-156.
Dadi, N. C. T., Radochová, B., Vargová, J., & Bujdáková, H. (2021). Impact of HealthcareAssociated
Update. Microorganisms, 9(11), 2332.
Okoro, C. A., Hollis, N. D., Cyrus, A. C., & Griffin-Blake, S. (2018). Prevalence of disabilities
and health care access by disability status and type among adults—United States,
2016. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 67(32), 882.
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Instructor’s Name
Statement of Need
Poor quality assurance in ensuring patient safety and quality is one of the leading problems
that increase health risks in patients and does more harm than good to the patients. When medical
personnel and practitioners in various health institutions offer poor services to the patients, the
patients may either not get the treatment they deserve and the disease they had progress to a critical
state or they may get infected by another disease entirely. Quality assurance in healthcare covers
a wide scope if not all the problems in healthcare since if the medical facilities are up to standard
with the best qualities and the physicians are well trained and qualified then healthcare would only
suffer from very few drawbacks.
The government and other stakeholders in healthcare financial support in providing quality
assurance would aid reduce the morbidity rate in the United States and lead to a healthier
population with a lower mortality rate. The funds will be used to ensure there are adequate and
quality health facilities across the country, purchase the latest and most effective medical
equipment for referral hospitals and also as many other hospitals as possible, regular and
mandatory inspection of health facilities, and also keen employment of qualified medical
practitioners. There are steps that the government has taken to improve healthcare like; an
increased number of insured Americans, reduced harm caused in delivery, and effective
communication and care coordination.
Various pieces of evidence show how poor quality assurance has negatively affected the
healthcare system, patients, and the population of the United States as a whole. Most of the data
that support these claims are provided in the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports
(NHQDR) by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) under the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services. According to the 2021 NHQDR, there was a declining
review of over-the-counter medication by home health care providers (AHRQ, 2021). On care
coordination the measure that declined related to less consideration of patients’ preferences when
planning and issuing hospital discharge. In the aspect of effective treatment, 11% of the measures
in this category worsened and the ones that worsened the most related to suicide and opioid
epidemics (AHRQ, 2021). In healthy living, the measure that worsened was associated with a
decrease in the number of pneumococcal vaccinations for nursing home residents (AHRQ, 2021)..
There are significant disparities in quality assurance in healthcare based on the race and
ethnicity of the patients even with the efforts being made to solve these disparities the change has
not been significant enough to say that the disparities are negligible. Though the rate of deaths in
the African American population from HIV decreased significantly from 23.3 deaths to 6.2 deaths
per 100,000 population it is 6 times higher than HIV deaths in the white population (AHRQ, 2021).
From 2001 to 2018, the incidence rates of end-stage renal disease due to diabetes decreased by
48% from 526 to 273 (AHRQ, 2021).1 event per million population in American Indian/Alaska
Native communities and decreased 29% from 525.7 to 372.2 per million population in Black
communities (AHRQ, 2021). There still have been disparities in providing quality assurance in
healthcare despite these gains as in 2018 the incident rates were 273.1, 372.2, and 152.2 events per
million population among non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native, Black, and White
populations respectively(AHRQ, 2021).
Management theories
Various management practice theories can be implemented to ensure quality assurance in
ensuring patient safety and quality. The management practices that can be implemented include;
management by objectives, lean management, total quality management, and Six Sigma
management. First, management by objectives involves the management identifying the goals of
the organization and delegating responsibilities to the managers using the goals as measures and a
point of reference (Nuta, A. & Nuta, F., 2018). This method of management is effective as it
assesses the contribution of each member individually to the goals of the medical facility. It also
allows the staff to focus on a specific goal and effectively work on it. Second, lean management
whose mains focus is increasing efficiency by increasing value and decreasing waste to the
consumer who is the patient. This type of management focuses on achieving perfection by even
considering the small factors in the process of delivering quality assurance in healthcare (Parkhi,
Third, total quality management focuses on making all members of a given healthcare
facility from the lowest ranking to the top ranking to achieve quality improvement. This type of
management does not blame the people for not providing quality assurance but rather the process
and hence works on improving the process (Niñerola et al., 2021). In this type of management
since all employees work on providing quality services, patient safety and quality are assured.
Lastly, Six Sigma management involves ensuring quality by systematically identifying and
eliminating defects in a process to improve the process (Owen, 2022). This type of management
is very useful in improving the healthcare systems and reducing the cost of healthcare provided
thereby ensuring patient quality and safety.
AHRQ, (2021). 2021 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report: Executive Summary.
Niñerola, A., Sánchez-Rebull, M. V., & Hernández-Lara, A. B. (2021). Six Sigma literature: a
bibliometric analysis. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 32(9-10), 959980.
Nuta, A. C., & Nuta, F. (2018). Management of objectives and budgetary
planning. EuroEconomica, 37(3).
Owen, J. (2022, April 20). Quality Management Theories and the Healthcare Practice.
Physician Leadership.
Parkhi, S. S. (2019). Lean management practices in the healthcare sector: a literature review.
Benchmarking: An International Journal.
Resource Allocation
Bianco Bernard
July 9th 2022
Resource Allocation
Resource allocation is one of the key factors required for a successful implementation of a
program. Quality assurance in ensuring patient safety and quality is a fundamental factor to
consider in promoting the best possible healthcare services to patients and thus a vast amount of
resources is required to accomplish this program. The main resources required for the
implementation of quality assurance in ensuring patient safety and quality are; an information
management system, financial resources, qualified staff, and technological equipment. The
management and head physicians should be able to properly allocate these resources to ensure the
program proceeds without a hitch.
First, a health management information system (HMIS) refers to a system whereby health
data are recorded, stored, retrieved, and processed to improve decision-making (Tull, 2020). HMIS
data offers quality data that is easily accessible and reliable, examples of these systems are;
Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Electronic Medical Records (EMR). HMIS, therefore, offers
stakeholders data that they can use for monitoring, planning, and reviewing a program. Second,
financial resources are the most crucial resource since without them, acquiring other resources will
be difficult to acquire. Financial resources are the funds that are used to pay for the costs and
expenses incurred by the health institutions in their projects and activities. The proper allocation
of financial resources will help to avoid wastage of funds and enable the institution to acquire
high-quality resources that will ensure quality assurance in healthcare.
Third, qualified staff has the necessary skills and abilities to perform medical tasks and this
enables them to offer the best possible services to patients and this ensures the safety of these
patients. The health institutions should employ qualified staff for the best service rather than trying
to save up finances and employ staff who are not qualified and end up endangering the patients’
lives. Forth, technological equipment is necessary to help reduce and eradicate human error in
medical practices. Allocating the right technological equipment and giving priority to the most
essential technological equipment is crucial for this program.
Resources are limited in all their forms and therefore I developed a plan to access and
assign the available resources in the most effective way that would be the most economical and
reduce wastage to achieve the future goals of the program. In the case of qualified staff, they can
be acquired by conducting strict interviews and dismissing the unqualified staff. The most
qualified staff will be assigned to the most serious health conditions and the least qualified be
assigned to minor injuries and common diseases. This will improve quality assurance and
minimize the risk to patients’ safety. Technological equipment can be acquired from medical
supplies facilities. Technological equipment should be assigned to major medical incidences and
prioritize purchasing and maintaining technological equipment that would aid patients who are in
a critical situation. Computers also should be prioritized since they help in planning and conducting
a smooth flow of services.
Financial resources can be acquired from out-of-pocket payments, transfers from the
government, and insurance. The financial resources should not be used to increase salaries at first
but should prioritize purchasing and paying for other services that would increase the quality of
services offered to patients and thus ensure their safety. Information management systems can be
acquired from electronic stores after they have been programmed to suit the health facilities. The
HMIS should be allocated to nurses and physicians to enable them to easily diagnose the patients
quickly in case of emergencies. The resources will require a lot of time to acquire to be fully
effective but the resources required for the project to be practical can be acquired within the
timeline of the project.
Tull, K. (2018). Designing and Implementing Health Management Information Systems.
Bianco Bernard
July 9, 2022
In forming the program there are a few objectives that I have set in planning it that will
be the goal as well as a measure of the progress of the proposal. For this program I have set a few
objectives; to ensure the medical services are cost-efficient, to ensure quality and efficient
medical services, and ensuring uniformity in the medical system. First, quality assurance in
ensuring patient safety and quality will be achieved when the medical fees and services are very
affordable and cost-efficient. Cost-efficient services mean that majority of the population will
gain access to medical services as well as medical insurance cover. Second, at the end of this
program, the medical services should be of the best quality and should prove efficient. Quality
and efficient services will result in happy and healthy patients who will be satisfied with the
services provided. Third, uniformity in the medical system ensures that there is a basic standard
set for all health institutions and this will enable the institutions to provide the best services to
cope with the standards set.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
In promoting quality assurance in this proposal ethical and legal considerations must be
taken to account as expected by the law. The ethical and legal considerations fall under four
main principles; beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice. In the implementation of
this proposal, the physicians must also exercise beneficence and always provide services having
the best interest of the patient at heart (Lehmann, 2021). They should do everything within their
power to ensure that the patients get the best treatment and are safe in their hands. Second,
autonomy should be allowed in hospitals where the patients choose the type of treatment they
choose is more comfortable for them or even refuse treatments they do not want (Miller, 2018).
This provides patient satisfaction and does not lay blame on the doctors. Third, nonmaleficence
should be practiced where the doctors should not carry out any treatment that they think will
cause harm to the patient in any way (Lehmann, 2021). Forth, justice should be implemented
where medical practitioners should offer the best services to patients regardless of their
background (Lehmann, 2021).
Financial Considerations
This proposal will involve using a decent amount of financial resources but in the long
run, the number of finances that will be saved and gained from quality assurance would be far
much greater than the amount used in the implementation of this proposal. This use of funds to
finance this proposal will lead to a small drain on the financial resources. This proposal will also
cause the management at the hospitals to always take into consideration the cost-benefit
relationship of each decision and action they make and this will enable them to make better and
more economical plans for the institutions. The use of finances to fund this proposal is therefore
considered to be a great investment.
Anticipated Issue-related Outcome
There are very few issue-related outcomes in this proposal some are easily handled. First,
the doctors may be a little reluctant in changing to adapt to the new system. This problem can be
addressed by prepping the doctors and giving them time to adjust to the new system. Second,
laying off unqualified doctors will lead to the loss of jobs. This issue can be advising them to go
to medical school and even maybe sponsor some of them. Third, the major issue is the financial
drain on the health institutions. This issue will solve itself when the proposal is successful,
patients will be content and happy with the hospital services therefore they would refer the
hospital to other patients, therefore the funds brought in by patients will recover the finances.
The project will take approximately 6 months to fully complete and function.
Miller, S. R. M. (2018). Autonomy. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and
Privacy (pp. 79-82). SAGE Publishing.
Lehmann, L. S. (2021). Ethical Challenges of Integrating AI into Healthcare. In Artificial
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