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The treatment for Malaria

Damien Kla-diihbah

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H510: Current Health Issues for Health Educators

Instructor: Mary Kaye Sawyer Morse

March 19, 2013


Introduction: Top of Form

Identifying the organization and the procedures involved in seeking permission for training.

Historical and Current Youth Programs

The 4-H Centennial American Premier Youth Organization (2005) is one of the oldest youth program organizations dating from the 1890s to the 1900s. This organization became the model for other programs such as the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. (GSUSA). These programs have been promoting and providing mental and physical health fitness to youth for many years to reduce the risks of juveniles becoming delinquents.

The 4-H Centennial is a youth organization-consulting group that expanded throughout the country to assist youth with their needs, and this organization has a history of successfully establishing boys and girls clubs. In addition, this organization (4-H Centennial), is a community club model that emphasizes youth “learning by doing.” In 1907, the first emblem of this club was a three-leaf clover that represented head, hearth, and hands. In 1911, the fourth “H” was added to represent “health.” In 1912, this organization established federal, state, and county programs to demonstrate work programs as a result, 73,000 boys and 23,000 girls were enrolled in work programs (4-H Centennial, 2005).

The Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. (GSUSA) is another youth program that provides services for the Daisy Girl Scouts from 5 to 6 years of age or grades K-1. The Brownie Girl Scouts are from ages 6 to 8 or grades 1 to 3. The Junior Girl Scouts are from ages 8-11 or grades 3-6; Cadette Girl Scouts are from ages 11-14 or grades 6-9, and the Senior Girl Scouts are from ages 14-17 or grades 9-12. The purpose of these programs is to supplement and fulfill the special needs and desires of girls and to assist them in becoming as close as possible to self-actualization, so they can give back to their


Communities. These programs emphasize a code of conduct that fosters the program’s purpose, rules and regulations. In addition, these programs allow young women the opportunity to select personal goals, learn new skills, explore career possibilities, entertainment, friendly relationships with others, and to understand the power in unity with girls (Girl Scouts of the USA. 2005).

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA), is a youth program that provides services for ages six (Tigers Club), seven (Cub Scouts), and 11 to 18 for (Boy Scouts). This organization was founded in 1910 and has educational programs geared towards character development, citizenship training, and mental and physical fitness for boys and young men. Also, this program assesses problems and needs of youth programs that are offered through community-based religious, civic, and educational groups (Boys Scout of America, 2005).

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Minneapolis provides youth services during the summer and their mission is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens ((Boys & Girls Club of Minneapolis, 2005).

The Children’s Bureau of Minneapolis, Incorporated, is another youth program that provides career guidance and social support through employment training and intermediate computer classes (The Children’s Bureau of Minneapolis Incorporated, 2002).

The East 10th Street United Methodist Church has a youth program that sponsors an eight-week, summer day-camp program that provides field trips, intergenerational activities, music, art, and theatrical drama classes to help reduce the risk of delinquency (East 10th Street United Methodist Church, 2002).


The Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) of Minneapolis also has a youth program and their mission is to build strong kids, strong families and strong communities. This program emphasizes that the community is an intricate part that makes a difference by building the community, bringing people together, or by reaching out to meet their needs. Moreover, the director believes that the Y.M.C.A. of Minneapolis builds strong communities every day (Young Men’s Christian Association, 2005).

This being a big young men and women program, I found was a good place where I can pass the message about different heath issue that are affecting most people. Initially I had to seek the permission to talk to people I targeted from the program management. The procedure required that I write a letter to management stating the purpose of the training and how it will benefit the people concerned. Therefore I had to write a letter seeking permission to train the staff and also the people accommodated in the program about malaria as a disease, its causes, effects and the prevention measures. It was also important for the communities to know the symptoms that arise while suffering from the disease and the care and treatment that is required. Therefore, the target group was the young men and women in the program, and also the employees including the management who would facilitate the spread of knowledge on the malaria disease and how to handle it.

Training on malaria

My training and discussion on my topic was how Malaria disease is caused by a parasite transmitted from human to human, and carried by anopheles mosquito. My focus is the key issues which cause the deadly disease to be harmful to the human population, especially in


Underdeveloped countries. Being from a country with the population of 3.5 million people, Liberia climate is suitable for Malaria transmission. Throughout the rainy season, July through September, the temperatures average is about 24.5c and raise to 26.5c in December and January when it’s predominantly dry which is suitable for habitation of mosquitoes. Malaria disease is one of the leading causes of death in the country although there are so many doctors that are there to treat the patients.

Since we are dealing with both inpatient and outpatient, Malaria is the leading cause of attendance in outpatient department and is also the number one cause of inpatient death. According to the (NMCP, 2009), “hospital records suggest that at least 33 percent of all inpatient deaths 41 percent of inpatient death among children under age 5 are attributable to malaria. It is very important to take the necessary measures of prevention of malaria and early treatments are very advisable. This will help in reducing the high risks of death that can be caused by this disease. During training, I cover the following; Causes and transmission, symptoms, treatment and prevention of malaria.

Malaria disease is caused by a parasite transmitted from one person to another by a female mosquito known as anopheles mosquito. This is where the deadly venom enters the blood vessels in the human body. Mosquito habitats in dirty water in the surroundings and in bushy places. The disease can also be transmitted from person to person through organ transplant, when needles or syringes, and blood transfusion are shared. A mother can pass the disease to her baby when giving birth if she is infected, and this is called congenital malaria.


For early symptoms of malaria, a high temperature fever, chills, headache, sweats, tiredness/fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. With these symptoms, it occurs in cycles, and each symptom has its own different levels of danger in the human blood vessels. How long these symptoms last, depend on the severity of which one occurs first in the human body. Malaria also has common symptoms as well. A person can have a symptom that is rare of the malaria disease, impairment of the brain function, impairment of spinal cord function, seizure/fits and loss of consciousness. A person can also have dry cough, back pain, muscle ache and enlarged spleen. Therefore, doctors should be very keen while performing diagnosis for a patient since some malaria symptoms is hidden.

For the symptoms of the disease, according to the (WHO),”a person with the malaria symptoms, they should start treatment within 24 hours after the first symptoms appear. A person with minor malaria can be treated as outpatient and others with severe malaria need to be hospitalized. The WHO also stated that patients with minor or severe malaria should also be kept under clinical observation. Some of the prefered treatment drugs for malaria are Artemisin, derivatives, (which are not licensed in the United States but very common elsewhere), Atovaqune, progvanil, malaronel, chloroquine, doxycycline, mefloquine, lariam, quinine, sulfadoxine, pyrimethamine and fansidar.

For the prevention of the malaria disease, a team of Israel believes the cure for malaria is a step closer after discovering a genetic cloaking device that parasite uses to evade the immune system and establish infection. To travel to these tropical countries, visitors should take preventive medications in order to be safe from the malaria disease. It is important to seek for


health care service providers before leaving for a trip because treatment may need to begin as long as 2 weeks before travel to the area. For traveling to a country like South America, Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Asia, and the south pacific, it is always good to check with CDC for information on types of malaria in those countries, prevention, and times of the year to avoid for travelling to that country. As it is said prevention is better than cure and therefore it is important to take early initiative before the disease gets into human body.

In conclusion, this disease is a major health problem in most of the countries including America as a state. It is my hope that there shall be a better treatment that will help my people to live a normal life and have a better solution for malaria disease.


Center for disease control and prevention: Malaria .Retrieved from

National Malaria Control Program NMCP (2011). Liberia Malaria Indicator Survey: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Monrovia, Liberia. Retrieved from

WHO (2012).World Malaria Report 2012. Retrieved from

Parent Help Inc. (2003). Runaway Teens: A resource center for parents with troubled teens.

Boys & Girls Club of Minnesotapolis, (2005) providing youth services during the summer. Their mission is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.

East 10th Street United Methodist Church Kids Club Minnesotapolis, Minnesota: a summer youth

Program for community kids to reduce the risk of delinquency.

Young Men Women Incorporated (1993). YMWYP: This program was founded by Rev.

Malachi Walker in 1993 to serve single-parent, low-income families, and youngsters

between the ages of nine and sixteen. Rev. Walker felt that there was a need to reach out

into the community and provide social support to underprivileged children and


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