Solve a Health Problem
In the last module you didsubstantial research into health, science, and technology inventions anduses. It is now time to put into action what you have discoverec. Usethe information you learned or research new information to solve a worldhealth problem. The solution will use science and technology. Youshould then prepare a presentation of your plan.
2. Use the Solve a Problem Directions
Solve a Problem
Work with a team to dream up solutions
In November 1879 Edison filed a patent
for an a carbon filament lightbulb. He
made approximately 1000 attempts.
When asked about the ~1000 failures,
legend has it that he responded,”“I have
not failed. I’ve just found 1,000 ways that
won’t work.” ― Thomas A. Edison
But why did he try so many times? What
was the problem he was attempting to
Would you persevere through so many
attempts to solve a problem?
Solve a Problem
Have you ever solved a problem? Where did
the problem come from? Where did you first
get the idea you needed to solve the problem?
Where did you first look to find the solution?
In this activity, brainstorm problems. Describe a
problem that you would like to solve. It can
should be a health problem that science and
technology might be able to solve. Then solve it.
1.Define the problem or issue?
2. How does the problem or issue effect you or
3. What steps would you take to resolve
problem or issue?
4. Share your solution.
Do you need help brainstorming activities to
get started?
‣ Flip It
‣ 2 Brains: Tell It & Sell It