Scholarly Activity & Case Study

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Unit VII Scholarly Activity:

You are a new union representative. Draft a memo requesting copies of documents, policies, and procedures the union has in place so you can begin your job effectively. Be sure to indicate the importance of these documents on your position. Your memo should be at least one full page.

Below is a suggested format for the memo: To: (Include the name of the supervisor and any others to whom the memo needs to be sent)

From: (Your name and role in the organization/union) Date: Re.: Specify the Topic (In this case—Requesting specific documents, policies, and procedures pertaining to your role as the new union representative) Request: Include paragraph explaining your request (For example: “I am compelled to express concern about how we at ____ Company handle issues related to equal employment opportunity and sexual harassment prevention laws. In an attempt to do my job efficiently and effectively, I respectfully request the following documents, policies, and procedures that reflect our organization’s efforts to affirm equal employment opportunity and those documents that reflect the organization’s sexual harassment prevention efforts:”) Name of document Name of document Name of document Requested date: (when would you like to meet with the company leadership to discuss the documents?) Be sure close the memo with a sincere thank you for the cooperation of the person(s) to whom the memo is addressed and a desire to work together often in the future.

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References and citations are not necessary for this assignment.

UnitVII Case Study

Read Case Study 11-2, “Sleeping on the Job,” on pages 426-427 of your textbook. Then, answer the following questions:

1. Should the company’s treatment of the grievant for the first two “sleeping on the job” incidents influence the outcome in this case? Explain.

2. Did the Company have just cause to dismiss the grievant for violating safety rules when in each instance cited, the truck was out of gear with the safety brake on?

3. Is the union’s argument that the grievant just appeared to be “sleeping” creditable in the absence of any testimony of support by the backhoe driver, a fellow union member?

Your response should be a minimum of 150 words per question. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations, and cited per APA guidelines.

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