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XYZ Corporation uses data to develop marketing   profiles on people. These profiles are then sold to numerous companies for marketing purposes. You work at XYZ as a data analyst. You have just been given a new project working with UVW College, a local college looking to bolster enrollment. UVW has chosen a salary as a key demographic to determine criteria for marketing its degree programs. You must develop marketing profiles using data supplied by the United States Census Bureau, and you will be focusing on $50,000 as a key number for salary. There are many key variables that must be assessed for individuals making less than and more than $50,000, including age, gender, education status, marital status, occupation, etc.

For example, if the data show that the majority of individuals making less than $50,000 is under 34 years old, male, single, and has a high school diploma, the college can market to this demographic with tuition amounts, program concentrations, and even ground or online programs appropriate to this demographic.

To achieve its enrollment target, the marketing team at UVW would like to develop an application to find the factors that determine the individual’s income. One way to accomplish this is to use the United States Census Bureau data provided by the XYZ company. The marketing team wants to group the factors that can be used in the development of their proposed model/application. They also want the application to predict the income of an individual based on different values of the input parameters so that they can tailor their marketing efforts when reaching out to the individuals.

Project Dataset

You will use the following dataset to answer the customer ask:

Dataset (32,561 rows):

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Description of the column names:

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CSE 578: Data Visualization
Course Project Final Report
Write a report that describes the work that has been done to answer the question posed by UVW. The
audience for your report is the “team” who will be in charge of building and maintaining the application that the
marketing department will use based on your findings. Your Python code will be included in a separate PDF.
Note: Tasks such as building a prediction model, suggesting the marketing choices or decisions, or evaluating
feasibility are not included in the grading criteria.
Your final report must follow these guidelines:

Minimum length: four (4) pages
Maximum length: six (6) pages
Format: one (1) column format (IEEE)
○ Template reference:
Your report must include these sections:

Goals and a business objective:
○ Define the most important goals and the objective.
○ Create a list of technical or business assumptions that you might have.
User Stories:
○ List at least five (5) user stories that you prioritized for the project.
○ Stories and visualizations must include a minimum of eight (8) out of 14 attributes.
○ There should be at least one (1) visualization for each user story.
○ Explain what each visualization demonstrates and why you choose to create it.
○ Describe all of the steps of the design process for each visualization.
○ Write your conclusion about each visualization.
○ Out of the five (5) stories and visualizations you select, no more than two (2) may be
univariate (one attribute vs. income), and at least three (3) of the visualizations must be
multivariate (at least two variables vs. income).

○ Report the questions that arose during the project progression.
○ Describe the solutions you implemented.
Not doing:
○ List the things that you are not doing now but plan on doing in the future. (Such a list will help
the developers prioritize features.)
The visualizations that you create should be readable, appropriate, communicate the requested information
effectively, and be pleasing to look at:

○ Use the right data for the attribute(s).
○ Select the best visualization for the attribute(s).

Note: Make your selection from the visualization types you have learned about so far.
Include visual elements that are appropriate for the visualization (e.g., x-axis, y-axis, legend,
Effective communication:
○ Demonstrate which factors are related to income, and address the customer’s question.
○ Include all necessary visual elements needed to convey the information requested.
○ Prioritize information that the customer will find useful to solve the business problem.
○ Follow visualization design principles outlined in the course.
○ Ensure that your visual elements are readable (e.g., color, typeface).
Example User Stories:
● User Story #1: As a member of the UVW marketing team, I want to know if the age of an individual is a
relevant factor in determining their income label.
● User Story #2: The marketing director is curious whether Age, Hours Per Week, and Capital Gain have
any bearing on income.
Python Code:
● Your project will involve submitting (copy and paste) your Python code as a separate PDF.
Submission Directions for Deliverables
You are given unlimited attempts to submit your best work before due date. The number of attempts is given to
anticipate any submission errors you may have in regards to properly submitting your best work within the
deadline (e.g., accidentally submitting the wrong paper).
You must submit your Course Project Final Report and Python Code as two (2) PDFs in the designated
submission space in the course. Learners may not email or use other means to submit any project for review,
including feedback, and grading.
Your Course Project Final Report includes two (2) deliverables:
1. Written Final Report: Your Course Project Final Report must be a single PDF with the correct naming
convention: Your Name_CSE 578_Course Project Final Report.
2. Python Code: Your Course Project Python Code must be a single PDF with the correct naming
convention: Your Name_CSE 578_Course Project Python Code.
Please review the rubric for how your Course Project Final Report will be graded. Submissions will be
evaluated based on each criterion and will receive a total score.
Submissions missing any part of the project will be graded based on what was submitted against the rubric
criteria. Missing parts submitted after the deadline will not be graded.
Review the course syllabus for details regarding late penalties.
Rubrics communicate specific criteria for evaluation. Prior to starting any graded coursework, learners are
expected to read through the rubric, so they know how they will be assessed. You are encouraged to
self-assess your responses and make informed revisions before submitting your final report. Engaging in this
learning practice will support you in developing your best work.
Report Part 1: Report
Undeveloped or
Does the learner define the
most important goals and
the business objective?
Provided no submission, or
most important goals or the
objective are not defined.
Goals and an objective are
defined, but they are
unclear or not considered
the most important.
The most important goals
and an objective are
defined, and they are clear
and specific.
Does the learner provide a
list of technical or business
assumptions that they might
Provided no submission, or
a list of technical or
business assumptions is
not given.
A list of technical or
business assumptions is
created, but it is unclear or
shows minimal reflection.
A list of technical or
business assumptions is
created, and it is clear and
shows reflection.
Does the learner list at least
five (5) user stories?
Provided no submission, or
there are zero (0) user
stories listed or linked.
Between one (1) and four
(4) user stories were listed
or linked.
Five (5) user stories were
listed or linked.
Does the learner include at
least eight (8) out of 14
Provided no submission, or
less than eight (8) attributes
are included.
At least eight (8) attributes
are included, but their use
in the user stories is
unclear. No attributes are
At least eight (8) attributes
are included, and their use
in the user stories is clear.
Some attributes are
Does the learner provide
the visualization(s) for each
user story?
Provided no submission, or
there are no visualizations
or the visualizations for
each user story.
Visualization(s) for each
user story are provided, but
it is unclear, or only some
visualizations are clear.
Visualization(s) for each
user story has been created
and is clear.
Does the learner explain
what each visualization
demonstrates and why they
choose to create it?
Provided no submission, or
what each visualization
demonstrates and why it
was created is not
What each visualization
demonstrates and why it
was created is explained,
but the explanation is
unclear, some visualizations
are not relevant, or only
some visualizations are
What each visualization
demonstrates and why it
was created is explained,
the explanation is clear, and
all visualizations are
demonstrated to be
Does the learner describe
all of the steps of the design
process for each
Provided no submission, or
the design process is not
described for any
The design process for
each visualization is
described, but some steps
are unclear or lack mastery,
or the design process is
described for only some
The design process for
each visualization is
described, and the steps
are clear and demonstrate
mastery of the process.
Does the learner write their
conclusion about each
Provided no submission, or
conclusions about each
visualization are not
included, or are incorrect.
Conclusions for each
visualization are included
but they are unclear or not
entirely reasonable, or
conclusions are included for
only some visualizations.
Conclusions for each
visualization are included
and are clear and
Does the learner report the
questions that arose during
the project progression?
Provided no submission, or
questions that arose during
the project progression are
not reported.
Questions that arose during
the project progression are
reported, but they are
unclear or their impact is
not fully considered.
Questions that arose during
the project progression are
reported, and they are clear
and their impact is fully
Does the learner describe
the solutions they
implemented to address the
questions that arose?
Provided no submission, or
solutions to address
questions that arose are not
implemented or described.
Solutions to address
questions that arose are
described, but they are
unclear or inadequate to
address the issue.
Solutions to address
questions that arose are
described, and they are
clear and adequate to
address the issue.
Does the learner list the
things that they are not
doing now but plan on
doing in the future?
Provided no submission, or
a list of future items is not
A list of future items is
included, but it is unclear or
leaves too much for later
(i.e., demonstrates that not
enough was done this
A list of future items is
included, it is clear and
leaves a reasonable
number of tasks for later.
Undeveloped or
Provided no submission, or
there are no visualizations,
or the wrong data were
Visualizations use the right
data, but the data are
incomplete or include
irrelevant or non-values.
Visualizations use the
correct data. The sets are
complete and were cleaned
Report Part 2:
Does the learner use the
right data for the
Has the learner selected
the best visualization for the
Provided no submission, or
there are no visualizations,
or visualizations are not an
appropriate type for solving
the problem, or are not
appropriate for the data.
Visualizations are
acceptable, but there are
other choices that would
have been better or more
All visualizations are well
selected for the attributes.
Does the learner include
visual elements that are
appropriate for the
Provided no submission, or
there are no visualizations,
or visualizations incorporate
elements that are out of
place or inappropriate for
the choice of visualization.
Visualizations generally
incorporate elements that
are appropriate, but
important elements or
valuable information is
Visualizations include
elements that are
appropriate, and all
important elements and
valuable information are
Does the learner
demonstrate which factors
are related to income, and
address the customer ask?
Provided no submission, or
there are no visualizations,
or factors related to income
are not demonstrated, and
the customer ask is not
Visualizations demonstrate
some factors related to
income, but they are
unclear, or the customer
ask is not fully addressed.
Visualizations clearly
demonstrate the factors
related to income, and
address the customer ask
fully and effectively.
Does the learner include all
necessary visual elements
needed to convey the
information requested?
Provided no submission, or
there are no visualizations,
or no visual elements were
used to convey the
information requested, or
inappropriate elements
were used.
Visualizations include most
of the elements needed to
convey the information
requested, but valuable
information is missing.
Visualizations include all of
the elements that are
needed to convey the
information requested.
Does the learner prioritize
information that the
customer will find useful to
solve the business
Provided no submission, or
there are no visualizations,
or information is given that
the customer will find
distracting or is incorrect.
Information that the
customer will find useful is
given, but valuable
information is missing or
unclear, or supplemental
information is given that is
not valuable or does not aid
Information that the
customer will find useful is
prioritized, any
supplemental information is
valuable and aids
understanding, and
information is clear.
Does the learner follow
visualization design
principles outlined in the
course? Are all elements
readable and clear?
Provided no submission, or
there are no visualizations,
or design choices make the
visualizations unreadable.
Visualizations generally
follow design principles
outlined in the course and
are readable, but some
visualizations violate design
principles without good
Visualizations follow design
principles outlined in the
course and are clear,
readable, and meaningful.
Undeveloped or
Report Part 3:
Does the paper follow
guidelines? Is the report
clear, professional, and free
of typographical or
grammatical errors?
Provided no submission, or
paper does not follow
guidelines, or report is
consistently unclear,
unprofessional, and has
numerous typos and
grammar errors. Most of the
paper is lifted from other
sources when reviewing
plagiarism detection.
Python Code
Undeveloped or
Provided no submission, or
Python code is not
Code is provided, but the
code is not representative
of the work done, or it is not
provided in a separate PDF.
Code is provided in a
separate PDF and is
representative of the work
Does the learner provide
their Python code in a
separate PDF?
Paper follows guidelines.
Report is generally clear
and professional. There
may be some typos or
grammatical errors, but
these do not cause
meaning to be lost.
Paper follows guidelines.
Report is clear and
professional. Report has
been proofread and has
very few typos and
grammatical errors.

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