sandwich food web

sandwich_food_web x

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You hit Subway for lunch between classes. You order a ham sandwich on wheat bread with cheese, lettuce, and tomato, and a side of potato chips.

Draw a food web for your meal. In order to do this, you will need to know 1) what the main ingredients in your meal were, and 2) what those ingredients eat (if anything). For example, ham comes from pigs. In order to complete this assignment, you’ll need to research what pigs eat and make that part of your food web. Make sure you draw arrows on your food web, and that the arrows are following the direction the energy is flowing. Each organism needs its own space on the food web – do not combine multiple organisms into one box.


1. What trophic level(s) did you feed from with this meal?

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2. What is the ultimate source of energy for this food web?

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