Within the Discussion Board area respond to the following questions
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Many hospitals have achieved Magnet® Recognition through the adoption of standards to recognize nursing excellence in the organization. The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) accredits these organizations and has identified
5 model components and forces of magnetism
. They contain the following (ANCC, n.d.a):
Transformational leadership
Structural empowerment
Exemplary professional practice
New knowledge, innovation, and improvements
Empirical quality results
The 14 Forces of Magnetism correlate with the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) competencies and the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies. These forces are as follows (ANCC, n.d.b):
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Quality of nursing leadership
Organizational structure
Management style
Personnel policies and programs
Professional models of care
Quality of care
Quality improvement
Consultation and resources
Community and health care organization
Nurses as teachers
Image of nursing
Interdisciplinary relationships
Professional development
Identify 3 of these forces of magnetism, and discuss why these 3 are the most important forces or characteristics that optimize system effectiveness in your organization and your individual performance within an organization
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