Part 1: Infants
- Introduction: A brief overview of your observation setting. (1-2 paragraphs)
- Summary of information from the teacher in the infant setting. (2-4 paragraphs)
- Evaluation of infant routines and transitions you observed for safety, consistency, responsiveness, respect, and whether/how they fostered responsive and respectful relationships including attachment and/or autonomy appropriately. Be sure to substantiate your thinking with evidence-based resources. (2-4 paragraphs)
- Three recommendations for enhancing or improving the opportunities in routines and transitions for infants’ healthy development specific to fostering respectful and responsive relationships and appropriate attachment and autonomy. Be sure to substantiate your thinking with evidence-based resources. (2-3 paragraphs)
Part 2: Toddlers
Introduction: A brief overview of your observation setting. (1-2 paragraphs)
- Summary of information from the teacher in the toddler setting. (2-4 paragraphs)
- Evaluation of toddler routines and transitions you observed for safety, consistency, responsiveness, respect, and whether/how they fostered responsive and respectful relationships including attachment and/or autonomy appropriately. Be sure to substantiate your thinking with evidence-based resources. (2-4 paragraphs)
- Three recommendations for enhancing or improving the opportunities in routines and transitions for toddlers’ healthy development specific to fostering respectful and responsive relationships and appropriate attachment and autonomy. Be sure to substantiate your thinking with evidence-based resources. (2-3 paragraphs)
Toddler Setting: Observing Routines and Transitions
Routines and Transitions that Invite Participation |
Observations: · What did you see and hear? · How did the teacher observe and interact with the children? · How did the children respond? · What did you observe about safety in the setting related to this routine or transition? |
Additional Critical Insights · · How did this routine or transition contribute to fostering |
Added Questions for and/or Information from Host Teacher(s): |
Greeting |
Meals & Snacks |
Diapering |
Napping |
Moving to New Activities |
End of Day |
Other |
Toddler Setting: Host Teacher Suggested Interview Questions
Based on your observation, you may have questions for your Host Teacher. However, be sure to include these in your reflective conversation:
As you think about your daily schedule, the children and families with whom you interact and the many routines and transitions that are a part of your daily life with the children:
1. What do you see as the role of transitions and routines in your program?
2. What insights can you share with me about transitions and routines from your experience that may be helpful to practitioners?
3. What’s working well in your setting regarding fostering toddlers’ healthy development and contributing to respectful and responsive relationships between early childhood professionals and the children through routines and transitions?
4. What would you like to improve?
Infant Setting: Observing Routines and Transitions
Routines and Transitions that Invite Participation
· What did you see and hear?
· How did the teacher observe and interact with the children?
· How did the children respond?
· What did you observe about safety in the setting related to this routine or transition?
Additional Critical Insights:
· How did this routine or transition contribute to fostering respectful/responsive relationships between early childhood professionals and children?
· How did this routine or transition contribute to fostering
attachment and/or autonomy appropriately?
Added Questions for and/or Information from the Host Teacher(s):
Meals & Snacks
Moving to New Activities
End of Day
Infant Setting: Host Teacher Suggested Interview Questions
Based on your observation, you may have questions for your Host Teacher. However, be sure to include these in your reflective conversation:
As you think about your daily schedule, the children and families with whom you interact and the many routines and transitions that are a part of your daily life with the children:
1. What do you see as the role of transitions and routines in your program?
2. What insights can you share with me about transitions and routines from your experience that may be helpful to practitioners?
3. What’s working well in your setting regarding fostering infants’ healthy development and contributing to respectful and responsive relationships between early childhood professionals and the children through routines and transitions?
4. What would you like to improve?
©2017 Walden University 1
Competency DI4003: Routines and Transitions that Foster Healthy Development for Infants and Toddlers:
Evaluate effective routines and transitions in infant and toddler care and education settings.
Assessment Rubric
Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Topic 1: Responsive and Respectful Infant Care Routines and Transitions
Introduction: A brief
overview of your
observation settings.
LO1: Describe infant
care and education
Response is not present.
Description of infant care and
education settings is vague,
inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response provides a clear,
accurate, and complete
description of infant care and
education settings.
Summary of
information from the
teacher in the infant
LO2: Explain the role of
transitions and routines
in the program; helpful
insights about transitions
and routines: what is
working related to
fostering infants’ healthy
development and
respectful and
responsive relationships;
Response is not present.
Explanation of the role of
transitions and routines in the
program; helpful insights about
transitions and routines: what
is working related to fostering
infants’ healthy development
and respectful and responsive
relationships; and desired
improvements is vague,
inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response provides a clear,
accurate, and complete
explanation of the role of
transitions and routines in the
program; helpful insights about
transitions and routines: what is
working related to fostering
infants’ healthy development and
respectful and responsive
relationships; and desired
©2017 Walden University 2
and desired
Evaluation of infant
routines and
transitions you
observed for safety,
respect, and
whether/how they
fostered responsive
and respectful
relationships including
attachment and/or
appropriately. Be sure
substantiate your
thinking with evidence-
based resources.
LO3: Evaluate infant
routines and transitions.
Response is not present.
Evaluation of infant routines
and transitions for safety,
consistency, responsiveness,
respect, and whether/how they
fostered responsive and
respectful relationships
including attachment and/or
autonomy appropriately is
vague, inaccurate, and/or
Response provides a clear,
accurate, and complete evaluation
of routines and transitions for
safety, consistency,
responsiveness, respect, and
whether/how they fostered
responsive and respectful
relationships including attachment
and/or autonomy appropriately.
recommendations for
enhancing or
improving the
opportunities in
routines and
transitions for infants’
healthy development
specific to fostering
respectful and
Response is not present.
Recommendations for
evidence-based ways to
improve routines and
transitions to enhance healthy
development specific to
fostering respectful and
responsive relationships are
vague, inaccurate, and/or
Response provides clear,
accurate, and complete
recommendations for evidence-
based ways to improve routines
and transitions to enhance healthy
development specific to fostering
respectful and responsive
©2017 Walden University 3
relationships. Be sure
to substantiate your
thinking with evidence-
based resources.
LO4: Recommend
evidence-based ways to
improve routines and
transitions to enhance
healthy development
specific to fostering
respectful and
responsive relationships.
Topic 2: Responsive and Respectful Toddler Care Routines and Transitions
Introduction: A brief
overview of your
observation settings.
LO1: Describe toddler
care and education
Response is not present.
Description of toddler care and
education settings are vague,
inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response provides a clear,
accurate, and complete
description of toddler care and
education settings.
Summary of
information from the
teacher in the toddler
LO2: Explain the role of
transitions and routines
in the program; helpful
insights about transitions
and routines: what is
working related to
Response is not present.
Explanation of the role of
transitions and routines in the
program; helpful insights about
transitions and routines: what
is working related to fostering
toddlers’ healthy development
and respectful and responsive
relationships; and desired
improvements is vague,
inaccurate, and/or incomplete.
Response provides a clear,
accurate, and complete
explanation of the role of
transitions and routines in the
program; helpful insights about
transitions and routines: what is
working related to fostering
toddlers’ healthy development and
respectful and responsive
relationships; and desired
©2017 Walden University 4
fostering toddlers’
healthy development
and respectful and
responsive relationships;
and desired
Evaluation of toddler
routines and
transitions you
observed for safety,
respect, and
whether/how they
fostered responsive
and respectful
relationships including
attachment and/or
appropriately. Be sure
substantiate your
thinking with evidence-
based resources.
LO3: Evaluate toddler
routines and transitions.
Response is not present.
Evaluation of toddler routines
and transitions for safety,
consistency, responsiveness,
respect, and whether/how they
fostered responsive and
respectful relationships
including attachment and/or
autonomy appropriately is
vague, inaccurate, and/or
Response provides a clear,
accurate, and complete evaluation
of toddler routines and transitions
for safety, consistency,
responsiveness, respect, and
whether/how they fostered
responsive and respectful
relationships including attachment
and/or autonomy appropriately.
©2017 Walden University 5
recommendations for
enhancing or
improving the
opportunities in
routines and
transitions for
toddlers’ healthy
development specific
to fostering respectful
and responsive
relationships. Be sure
to substantiate your
thinking with evidence-
based resources.
LO4: Recommend
evidence-based ways to
improve routines and
transitions to enhance
healthy toddler
development specific to
fostering respectful and
responsive relationships.
Response is not present.
Recommendations for
evidence-based ways to
improve routines and
transitions to enhance healthy
toddler development specific
to fostering respectful and
responsive relationships are
vague, inaccurate, and/or
Response provides clear,
accurate, and complete
recommendations for evidence-
based ways to improve routines
and transitions to enhance healthy
toddler development specific to
fostering respectful and
responsive relationships.
Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose.
0 1 2
©2017 Walden University 6
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
LO1: Construct complete
and correct sentences.
(AWE 2; Sentence-Level
Sentences are
incoherent and
impede reader’s
access to ideas.
Sentences are incomplete
and/or include fragments and
run-on sentences, limiting
reader’s access to ideas.
Sentence structure effectively
conveys meaning to the reader.
LO2: Demonstrate the
effective use of grammar
and mechanics. (AWE 2;
Sentence-Level Skills)
Multiple inaccuracies
in grammar and
mechanics impede
reader’s access to
Some inaccuracies in grammar
and mechanics limit reader’s
access to ideas.
Use of grammar and mechanics is
straightforward and effectively
conveys meaning to reader.
LO3: Create cohesive
paragraphs with a clear
central idea. (AWE 2;
Paragraph-Level Skills)
Paragraphs, or lack of
paragraphs, impede
reader’s access to
Construction of main idea
and/or supporting paragraphs
limit reader’s access to ideas.
Main idea and/or supporting
paragraphs effectively convey
meaning to reader.
LO4: Use supporting
material to support a
claim. (AWE 2; Use of
Supporting materials
are not present.
Supporting material is used
inconsistently or
Supporting material is used to
enhance meaning. Writing is
appropriately paraphrased and
uses direct quotes as applicable.
LO5: Demonstrate
appropriate essay level
writing skills, providing
transitions between an
introduction, body, and
conclusion. (AWE 2;
Essay Level Skills)
Ideas are
disorganized with
no/poor transitions.
Ideas are loosely organized
with unclear paragraphing and
Ideas are organized with cohesive
LO6: Identify sources.
(AWE 2; Credit to
Sources are missing. Writing inconsistently identifies
or misrepresents sources.
Writing clearly identifies the source
of non-original material and/or
LO9: Use appropriate
tone and vocabulary for
a given audience. (Awe
Vocabulary and tone
are inappropriate for
the audience.
Vocabulary and tone vary
throughout the writing, limiting
reader’s access to ideas.
Vocabulary and tone communicate
key concepts that are appropriate
for the audience.
©2017 Walden University 7
3; Awareness of
audience and discipline)
LO10: Apply APA
formatting and style
guidelines. (Awe 3
awareness of audience
and discipline and credit
to source)
APA formatting and
style are not present.
Writing inconsistently uses in-
text citations and references.
Major errors in APA style
impede understanding and/or
violate standards for academic
Writing uses in-text citations
appropriately, includes references
when applicable, and is formatted
according to APA style. Minor
errors in APA style do not impede
understanding or violate standards
for academic integrity.
Mastery Rubric
Exceeds Expectations: Connections to Experience
LO1: Apply relevant
experience and
knowledge to
illustrate concepts
and/or ideas.
Responses include highly relevant and well-developed examples to illustrate evaluations of and
recommendations for infant and toddler transitions and routines that foster healthy development
specific to responsive, respectful relationships and appropriate attachment and autonomy.
¨ Yes
¨ No