responding to disscusion questions

You will also be required to post replies to at least three of your colleagues based on their postings. Your replies must be no less than 100 words each.

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All three posting are located in the word document file.

1. D’Jimas

Sexual harassment is exploding in the media lately between Bill Cosby, Weinstein, and just recently, Steve Wynn. It seems every time I turn on the television, there is a new claim or accusation that is being broadcasted, turning into an unfortunate epidemic. Law enforcement is no different from the above examples of notable sexual harassment, whether it creates a hostile work environment or becomes a quid pro quo transaction. However, sometimes these lines are blurred when used to relieve the tension while working a scene or in other stressful situations. Office humor is abundant in my unit. We work long, grueling hours while looking at the worse people can do to each other. We have used this “humor” to make the unbearable, bearable. Sometimes these jokes and the comments cross over the line and can become hurtful. While it is meant to be funny, we are still in a professional environment and must take many factors into consideration. Who are we joking with? What tone am I using as I joke? How are my body gestures being taken? Is the person in a bad mood today or just not in the mood for joking? These variables all come into play while using “office humor” and may be unintentionally hurtful, demeaning, or may even cause anger.

Office tension-relievers differ from hostile working environments because the latter uses intimidation, ridicule, and insults that are discriminatory and make a working environment abusive in nature (Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, GO 3-4). As stated in Avery (2014), certain conditions must be present which mirrors our General Orders such as presence of ridicule, intimidation, and insults; perception of abuse; abuse causing decrease work productivity; and the discriminatory abuse must be based on gender, race, and so on. I have had experience with member’s claiming a hostile work environment; however, because what was taking place did not meet ALL the criteria, Human Resources stated that it didn’t meet the requirements of a hostile work environment. I completely disagree that it must meet all standards, especially the last requirement, gender. I have seen a supervisor demean an employee on a continual basis to the point the employee was physically sick. It met some of the criteria for the hostile work environment; the employee was constantly being ridiculed and insulted, the employee voiced that she felt abused by the supervisor, and the employee’s work suffered. She started second guessing everything she did because she was so nervous she would get reprimanded for even the tiniest mistake. Her gender wasn’t the issue and did not lead to the ridicule, insults, and abuse, so her claim was denied. I felt that some of us did what we could, and we still support the employee and what she went through.

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Strong core values will help alleviate sexual harassment in the workplace, but it takes excellence, integrity and respect to be that leader that doesn’t tolerate the slightest bit of harassment. The presence of these values shows others the appropriate way to behave and conduct oneself when dealing with others. If someone believes it is okay to harass a co-worker (someone they know), then what will stop them from harassing the public and abusing their power to conduct and condone inappropriate behavior?




Avery, I. T. (2014). Legal issues in criminal justice administration. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office. Retrieved from:


· Sexual harassment in the workplace is an issue that exists in employees’ fringe. Basically they are aware that it is a serious issue that takes place, most are ill-prepared to deal with it firsthand. Workplace harassment is not particularly discussed in the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which safeguards employees against injustice on the base of sex, color, race, religion and national origin. Sexual harassment has already been covered to a magnitude, however, this is a weighty matter that organizations face around the globe. This is one of the most prevalent and all-too-regularly happening forms of inequity in the workplace (Jada A Graves, 2015).

The positive atmosphere that humor brings into the office does not only assist in individual work efficiency, it enhances the overall company attitude and can lessen turn over rate. If each worker in the office is having fun and feels as if they are connecting with each other, then, work is plausible to be done with devotion, keen interest, and an improved work ethic (Emily Salswedel, 2017). Trust. One method of demonstrating and acquiring trust is for co-workers to show their sense of humor and demonstrate what they really like under their professional mask. Humor can also cut through tension in various circumstances (Emily Salswedel, 2017). Telling an inappropriate joke can however, do serious damage. Founding out if a joke will fly needs deciding whether it connects with the setting, those listening taste as well as their ambition at the time. A CEO who jokes after a round of dismissals that he is going to acquire a smaller yacht is probable to come across as hostile and mean (Sue Shellenbarger, 2017).

The Saint Leo core values impact skills on the students on which they later will apply later in their lives once they begin working. They are as well able to develop character and learn on the importance of delivering, being just and honest. They acquire values such as listening, learning, sharing and serving, this are tools that assist them to make a positive influence to the world hence they are prepared for a great career ahead.


Jada A Graves, 6 Things to Know about Workplace Sexual Harassment, February 12, 2015; Retrieved from

Emily Salswedel, How Humor in the Workplace Boosts Relationships ad Productivity, September 8, 2017, Retrieved from

Sue Shellenbarger, The Joke that Makes or breaks you at Work, January 24, 2017,

3. ford

· Sexual Harassment is a major problem within the workplace today, which could range from touching, sexual intercourse, or even making inappropriate comments to anyone in the workplace. Harassing someone could affect their work productivity on the job because they feel uncomfortable. I feel that some individuals don’t report sexual harassment that’s happening on the job because either they’re scared to report or just embarrassed. Some harassers try to cover their harassment on another worker by saying they were just joking. Harassing or abuse of an employee because of the employer’s race, color, religion, sex or natural origin amounts to discrimination in the terms and conditions or privileges of employment and is an unlawful employment practice under Title VII (Avery, p.55). Sexual Harassment is a bad look for the agency not just the individual who is being harassed. It’s important to keep sexual harassment out of Law Enforcement agencies because officers work long hours to complete job duties and sexual harassment can lowers job productivity and negatively impacts mission and safety within the law enforcement.


Avery, I. T. (2014). Legal issues in criminal justice administration. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

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