respond to each in a paragraph

respond in a paragraph

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For this week’s discussion, post a response to the following:

As an appellate judge, you have been assigned the following court case. When Gayle Benz left her husband, Jeffrey, she left personal property valued at $10,000 at their residence. After Gayle and Jeffrey divorced, she sued for the value of the property. The court found that Gayle had abandoned the property. Gayle appealed.

As the appellate judge faced with these facts, how do you decide?  Explain your answer fully. In your response to another student, explain if you agree (or not) with their ruling.

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then resopond to this in a paragraph


As we wrap up our discussion on communication, we will look ahead to the critical thinking in the Sophomore Seminar course. Please share your thoughts about critical thinking and its connection to communication by answering the following questions with your peers.

What is critical thinking? How does it relate to communication? A good place to start might be to think about what critical thinking skills are needed to communicate effectively? Don’t worry about getting the exact “right” definition of critical thinking (you’ll cover much more on that topic on Sophomore Seminar), but do think about the thought process behind those who communicate well.


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