Research Topic – Death Penalty DUE TOMORROW!!!!

Your assignment this week gives you practice in dealing with research questions. Make sure you explore ‘each’ of the three topics and hit the minimum length requirements for the assignment (300 total for part II (100 words for each topic) and 150 words total for part III (50 words each topic). This means 450 words plus whatever length you need in part I.

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The week 2 discussion focuses on source evaluation and APA documentation related to a research problem or research question you’ve identified.

Be sure to read carefully, as the initial post has several components that all must be present to earn top points!


Initial post due Wednesday by 11:59 pm Central Time:

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Start your post by stating a clarified research problem/research question on a topic of your choice for us to review and give you comments on.


Then, perform an Internet search for your chosen topic. Find one scholarly source and one popular source. Note: for this exercise, LIRN database searches are inappropriate. You must find sources through Internet searches.


Finally, work to create the following:


Provide a full APA References citation and include at least three reasons the scholarly source is credible (justify your choice) in your initial post this week. Also, provide a full APA References citation for your popular source and include at least three reasons the popular source is credible (justify your choice).


Please remember that your justification must be at least 100 words to satisfy the minimum requirements for a C on this discussion.


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