Research Project

Marketing Research, check the attachment.

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Due date for Assignment – Final Project:

T-R classes – Thursday, April 11 no later than the starting time of your class section

Written Assignment:

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Based on the information systems topic chosen by the student based on their major the student will develop a 10 page research paper. The research paper will follow the APA style manual. For assistance with the APA writing style you can locate assistance through the FSU library, FSU Librarians, and by accessing web sites such as


Your chosen topic must be based on your major and its use of information systems to reach its goals and remain competitive. Example- If you major was marketing you could chose CRM as one of the systems that allow marketing professionals to be successful and assist their company with meeting its goals.

At a minimum each research paper will contain the following sections:

Title Page


Table of Contents


History of Information Systems in the chosen Profession

Advantages and Disadvantages




Definition of Terms

Appendix – as needed

The ten page count will consist of the body of the paper beginning with the Introduction and ending with the Recommendations.

Remember, APA does not allow the use of bulleted list in any form. If tables, charts, graphs, or other pictorial items are used and require a page or more they must be put into the Appendix of the research paper. Each paper must be supported by at least three authoritative reference sources other than the textbook used in the course. You are welcome to use the course textbook as an additional source. The course textbook cannot be counted as one of your three, required, authoritative sources.

You are required to support all of your ideas in the paper with an authoritative source. If a student does not sight a source within the body of the paper than the source cannot be entered into the reference portion of their paper. If a source is used and not cited properly its use will be considered plagiarism or in other words the theft of someone’s intellectual property?

All documents, spreadsheets, databases, and slide presentations must be completed using Microsoft’s office suite of products. You should use Office Suite versions 2003 or 2007 only. These are the products that are in general use in the professional business world. The FSU campus has MS Office 2007 on most of its computers.

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