Research Paper on Medical Topic (APA Format)

This is for my Medical Terminology class. 

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Written Assignment

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Attached Files:


 Grading Rubric Written Report 50 Point Scale Med Term FA2013

 (189.218 KB)

  Your assignment is to research a medical topic of interest to you using professional medical journals such as JAMA, Nursing or Dental or Physical, Occupational, or Speech journals.  

1)     Write a two page  summary of the material you read.  This must use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.  
 the terms you will be defining in the body of your paper.  These terms must be used appropriately and not just listed at the end of your paper.  

2)  Use APA formatting guidelines.


3)  List and define (in your own words) five terms (each term must have at least  3 elements, each element must be labeled and defined as well as a complete definition of the term provided.) You must provide a complete definition of the whole term in your own words, not copied from a dictionary. Do not merely repeat the meanings of the elements. 

1. & 2.  Endometrial Adenocarcinoma–  A malignant tumor in the mucous membrane lining the uterus.

        endo-:  prefix meaning inside or within

        metr/o:   root meaning uterus

        -al:  suffix meaning pertaining to

        aden/o:  root meaning gland

        carcin/o:  root meaning cancer

        -oma:  suffix meaning tumor or mass

You will attach your completed assignment here as a Microsoft Word document (I will not accept an e-mailed copy).  To attach your completed and saved assignment, click on the underscored title of this assignment and attach your paper.

If you turn it in by October 11, I will give you feedback for improving your paper.  If you turn it in by October 25, I will give you 3 extra credit points.  It is due November 1.  If you turn it in after that date, you will receive a 0.  There will be no excuses accepted for a late paper.

Grading Rubric for AHS 102 Written Report

Critical Thinking Skills

Exceeds Meets Needs Improvement Possible Score Earned Score
1) Identifies / defines
the problem or issue

Clearly defines the
problem or issue
(5 pts)

Main problem or issue
is mentioned
(3-4 pts)

Does not clearly state the
problem or issue
(0-2 pts)


2) Gathers relevant
information and
interprets it

a) Appropriate


The appropriate
(5 pts)

Less than appropriate
(0-4 pts)


b) Content Ample information is
presented that is
directly relevant to the
topic (10 pts)

Content is sufficient
and relevant to the
topic (5-9 pts)

Content is insufficient or
irrelevant to the topic
(0-4 pts)


3) Uses gathered infor-
mation and sound
reasoning to draw
logical conclusions or

Conclusions are clearly
supported by logical
reasoning and ample
(5 pts)

Conclusions are
mentioned and they
have some logical
and/or informational
support (3-4 pts)

No conclusions are
mentioned or the
conclusions are not
clearly or logically
supported (0-2 pts)


Writing Skills

Exceeds Meets Needs Improvement Possible Score Earned Score
1) Formatting –
Follows APA
Style Guidelines*

Follows APA Style
Guidelines with little
or no deviations
(5 pts)

Follows APA Style
Guidelines with
minimal exceptions
(3-4 pts)

APA Style Guidelines are
not followed in multiple
(0-2 pts)


2) Clarity of Writing Writing is clear and
organized so the train
of thought is easy to
understand & follow
(5 pts)

Writing is somewhat
clear, organized, and
easy to understand
and follow
(3-4 pts)

Writing is not clear and
organized. Train of
thought is hard to
understand & follow
(0-2 pts)


3) Grammar Zero to one errors in
grammar (5 pts)

Two errors in grammar
(3-4 pts)

Three or more errors in
grammar (0-2 pts)


4) Spelling &

Zero to one errors in
spelling and
punctuation (5 pts)

Two to four errors in
spelling and
punctuation (3-4 pts)

More than 5 errors in
spelling and punctuation
(0-2 pts)


5) Length Meets the (2 page)
requirement for length
(5 pts)

Does not meet the
requirement for length
(0-4 pts)


Total Score


*APA formatting guidelines are a preferred standard for writing in the health science field

today. To access these guidelines go to

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