Research paper

1. Paper should be 5-pages min. + 1 page works cited

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2. Should have annotated bibliography with10 annotated sources (copy article onto word, highlight main point, write a few sentences about how it’ll help you in writing the paper at the bottom of page) all of which should be recent articles book etc


4. Use in-text citations and have organized mla format works cited page


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Research Paper Outline


Title: Rebellious Libya

Thesis: The United States should not get involved with Libya’s conflicts.




 Start with the question, what is war? Explain briefly.


Talk about the wars of the United States.


What were the outcomes of some of those wars?


A.     Give some background on Libya.

B.     Explain how Col. Muammar Gaddafi became the leader of Libya

C.     Talk about why the citizens of Libya want to overthrow Gaddafi.


Explain why the people feel that the United States should get involved in Libya’s conflicts.


A.     Thesis: I believe that the United States should not get involve with Libya’s conflicts.

B.     Essay Map.

1.Cost of war.

2.Using money in other Departments other defense.

3.Killing innocent civilians and soldiers.

4.Helping unknown rebels

5.Involvement of foreign wars


A.     The cost of war is rising by the minute. The Obama Administration proposed a budget of $553 billion dollars for the department.

B.     Instead of spending all that money on war, we should be investing that money on health care and education.

C.     This conflict has caused the lives of many innocent civilians. NATO openly admitted to have killed innocent civilians, due to misguidance.

D.     The rebels fighting against Gaddafi are in need of military supplies. I don’t think that it is a good idea to help unknown rebels. We helped the Afghanistan rebels when they were fighting Russia. After they were victorious, they later became the “Taliban” and used those weapons to attack the US.

Getting involved in foreign wars is not a good idea. The US has been involved in many foreign wars lately. These wars have been in foreign countries where Islam is the prominent religion. Libya is one of these countries. The involvement of the US in these places, builds a bad reputation worldwide and among the Muslim community.


A.     Gaddafi’s actions against the civilians of Libya are totally wrong. Killing your own people is bad and therefore, we should help the rebels overthrow him.

B.     Gaddafi has been in power for many years. In fact, he holds the record for most years in power in a single country. This type of power can potentially lead to corruption and mistreatment of civilians.

C.     The people of Libya deserve to have democracy. They should have the right to elect their own leader.

D.     If Al Qaeda is threatening NATO and Libyan mercenaries then we should help them fight terrorism.


A.     Summarize my arguments.

B.     State why we should not get involve with Libya’s conflicts and give possible solutions.

Works Cited

Thesis: Stem cell research is one of the most important and groundbreaking advancements made in medicine and scientists should be able to pursue research freely until we reach a point where the benefits of stem cell research can be reaped by everyone who is in need of it.

“Couples Willing to Give Embryos to Research.” Chicago Tribune 21 June 2007: 18. Newsbank. Oakton Community College library, skokie,il. 25 June 2007 . The Tribune reports on a recent study done by John Hopkins University that polled 2000 couples who have embryos in storage at fertility clinics, asking them if they would be willing to donate the embryos to stem cell research. An overwhelming majority of the coulpes said are in favor of their embryos going towards research. The study also found that people would rather have the embryos go to research instead of to other couples who are undergoing fertility treatments. This information will offer great support for my argument and can also be helpful in refuting the opposing sides argument.

“Dobson: Media Coverage on Stem-Cell Issue a ‘Scandal'” Christian Examiner Aug. 2004. 11 July 2007 . The Christian Examiner offers an account of a speech made by Dr. James C. Dobson to the National Press Club on June 25, 2004. Dobson strongly opposes embryonic stem cell research and critizes the media for making supposed false claims about ESC’s. I will present Dobson’s view on stem cells in the opposing argument section of my paper. I will also give evidence that refutes his assertions.

Hoffman, William. “Stem Cell Policy: World Stem Cell Map.” MBBNet. 14 July 2007. University of minnesota medical school. . This website provides a map illustrating which countries have a permissive or flexible policy on stem cell research. It also shows how much money each country allocates to stem cell research. This information will be helpful when I introduce my topic and compare U.S.’s stem cell research policy with the rest of the world.

Lavelle, Etain. “Blair Lures Scientists as Bush Ban Stalls Science.” Bloomberg. 01 Feb. 2006. 17 July 2007 . This article reports on the U.K.’s efforts to advance stem cell research by providing $177 million in funding. Also discusses the U.S.’s restrictive policy on stem cell research and how this is driving many fed up scientists to the U.K. This article provides a good comparison of the U.S. and U.K.’s policies on stem cell’s which will be very helpful in my introduction. The information provided will also prove to be useful in my argument because it provides an interesting insight into the reasons for Bush’s ban against stem cell research.

Solter, Davor. “From Teratocarcinomas to Embryonic Stem Cells and Beyond: a History of Embryonic Stem Cell Research.” Nature Reviews 7 (2006): 319-327. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Oakton Community College Library, Skokie,IL. 13 July 2007 . Provides an extensive history of embryonic stem cell research beginning with teratoma tumor research in mice in the 1950’s to the isolation of human stem cells in 1998. Also includes numerous definitions of terms that are usually associated with stem cell research. The extensive history of stem cell research that the article covers will be extremely helpful for the narrative section of my paper in which I give the background information on my topic.

Strode, Tom. “New Stem Cell Guidelines ‘Morally Unconscionable,’ Bioethicist Says.” Christian Examiner 09 May 2005. 11 July 2007 . This article reports on the guidelines set forth for stem cell research by the National Academy. Also provides a reaction and criticism of the guideline by bioethicist Ben C. Mitchell. The Christian Examiner sides with Mitchell and argues against embryonic stem cell research and goes on to advocate the research of umbilical cord and adult stem cells. This article will be very useful in providing the opposing argument in my paper. I also have evidence that will contradict their claims that state that adult stem cell research is more beneficial and promising.

“The Cutting Blob of Ethical Politics.” The Economist 07 July 2001: 31-32. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Oakton Community College Library, Skokie,il. 17 July 2007 . Outlines the controversy surrounding stem cell research. The article is for stem cell research but also presents three opposing arguments. This article is very helpful to me because it presents both sides of the argument. The points made for and against stem cells will all be useful in my argument and opposing argument as well.

“The Cutting Blob of Ethical Politics.” The Economist 07 July 2001: 31-32. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Oakton Community College Library, Skokie,il. 17 July 2007 . Outlines the controversy surrounding stem cell research. The article is for stem cell research but also presents three opposing arguments. This article is very helpful to me because it presents both sides of the argument. The points made for and against stem cells will all be useful in my argument and opposing argument as well.
“The Cutting Blob of Ethical Politics.” The Economist 07 July 2001: 31-32. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Oakton Community College Library, Skokie,il. 17 July 2007 . Outlines the controversy surrounding stem cell research. The article is for stem cell research but also presents three opposing arguments. This article is very helpful to me because it presents both sides of the argument. The points made for and against stem cells will all be useful in my argument and opposing argument as well.

Von Radowitz, John. “Stem Cell Research- a Promised Land for Science?” Press Association Newsfile 5 June 2007: 1-3. LexisNexis. LexisNexis. Oakton Community College Library, Skokie,IL. 28 June 2007 . Radowitz outlines the basics of stem cell research. He gives a simple explanation of how stem cells work and their potential uses. Also outlines progress made by researchers in the past couple of years. This source was helpful to me because it gives a simple explanation of how stem cells work which I will include in my paper. The timline of progress will also help me cite when I talk about the benefits of stem cell research.



Research Paper Outline

Title: Rebellious Libya

Thesis: The United States should not get involved with Libya’s conflicts.

I. Introduction:

A. Start with the question, what is war? Explain briefly.

B. Talk about the wars of the United States.

C. What were the outcomes of some of those wars?

II. Narration:

A. Give some background on Libya.

B. Explain how Col. Muammar Gaddafi became the leader of Libya

C. Talk about why the citizens of Libya want to overthrow Gaddafi.

D. Explain why the people feel that the United States should get involved in Libya’s conflicts.

III. Partition:

A. Thesis: I believe that the United States should not get involve with Libya’s conflicts.

B. Essay Map.

1. Cost of war.

2. Using money in other Departments other defense.

3. Killing innocent civilians and soldiers.

4. Helping unknown rebels

5. Involvement of foreign wars

IV. Arguments:

A. The cost of war is rising by the minute. The Obama Administration proposed a budget of $553 billion dollars for the department.

B. Instead of spending all that money on war, we should be investing that money on health care and education.

C. This conflict has caused the lives of many innocent civilians. NATO openly admitted to have killed innocent civilians, due to misguidance.

D. The rebels fighting against Gaddafi are in need of military supplies. I don’t think that it is a good idea to help unknown rebels. We helped the Afghanistan rebels when they were fighting Russia. After they were victorious, they later became the “Taliban” and used those weapons to attack the US.

E. Getting involved in foreign wars is not a good idea. The US has been involved in many foreign wars lately. These wars have been in foreign countries where Islam is the prominent religion. Libya is one of these countries. The involvement of the US in these places, builds a bad reputation worldwide and among the Muslim community.

V. Refutation:

A. Gaddafi’s actions against the civilians of Libya are totally wrong. Killing your own people is bad and therefore, we should help the rebels overthrow him.

B. Gaddafi has been in power for many years. In fact, he holds the record for most years in power in a single country. This type of power can potentially lead to corruption and mistreatment of civilians.

C. The people of Libya deserve to have democracy. They should have the right to elect their own leader.

D. If Al Qaeda is threatening NATO and Libyan mercenaries then we should help them fight terrorism.

VI. Conclusion:

A. Summarize my arguments.

B. State why we should not get involve with Libya’s conflicts and give possible solutions.

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