RES 351 Final Exam(30 Mcqs Answered)


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1) Northwest Airlines applied mathematical models to determine which customers in its database were

currently responsible for most of its profitability and which customers were not currently profitable but had similar characteristics to the most profitable customers. Northwest Airlines utilized _____ to identify these customers.

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A. computer programming


B. data warehousing


C. customer relationships management


D. data mining


2) Minute Maid sees research as the fundamental first step in any business decision, and it created proprietary methods for conducting research. At what level of the hierarchy of business decision makers does Minute Maid operate?


A. Top tier


B. Middle tier


C. Base tier


D. Foundation tier


3) Which of the following questions is considered first when discussing a management dilemma?


A. How can management eliminate negative symptoms?


B. What does the manager need to know to choose the best alternative from the available sources of action?


C. What is the recommended course of action?


D. What symptoms cause management concern?


4) The goal of ethics in research is to _____.


A. ensure that no one is harmed


B. protect researchers from legal liability


C. identify what behavior is appropriate


D. ensure research sponsors fulfill their legal obligations


5) _____ occurs when the participants are told only part of the truth or when the truth is fully compromised.


A. Coercion


B. Deception


C. Informed consent


D. Debriefing


6) The process of stating the basic dilemma and then developing other questions by progressively breaking down the original question into more specific ones is called the _____.


A. research question


B. management-research question hierarchy


C. management dilemma


D. management question


7) The fundamental weakness in the research process is _____.


A. incorrectly defining the research question


B. identifying a flawed sampling frame


C. misdefining the target population


D. failing to identify all relevant secondary information


8) Which type of management question asks what do we want to achieve?


A. Choice of purpose


B. Evaluation of solutions


C. Troubleshooting


D. Control


9) In the Southeast, the potato chip market share held by the Lays brand is 46%. This is an example of _____.


A. a research question


B. a descriptive hypothesis


C. a relational hypothesis


D. an explanatory hypothesis


10) An increase in hours of television viewing leads to increases in the sales of snack foods. This is an example of a _____.

 A. research question 

B. descriptive hypothesis


C. correlational hypothesis


D. causal hypothesis


11) To be categorized as a customer, an individual must have a history of shopping at the establishment at least twice before the start of the study with expenditures of more than $10. This is an example of _____.


A. a hypothetical construct


B. a conceptual scheme


C. an operational definition


D. a dictionary definition


12) James is entering data on client gender. Because the values entered reflect male or female, this variable is _____.


A. discrete


B. dichotomous


C. continuous


D. ratio-scaled


13) Which variable in an experiment is the variable expected to be affected by the manipulation?


A. Dependent variable


B. Extraneous variable


C. Moderating variable


D. Independent variable


14) Qualitative research seeks to _____ theory while quantitative research _____ it.


A. examine; interprets


B. build; tests


C. test; understands


D. apply; builds


15) Which of the following is true of quantitative research?


A. It uses a nonprobability sampling method


B. Results are generalizable


C. Data analysis is ongoing during the project


D. Sample sizes are generally small


16) The use of a control group in experimentation _____.


A. provides for the manipulation of the independent variable


B. serves as a comparison to assess the manipulation


C. minimizes the cost of experimentation


D. allows for discovery of the average effect of the independent variable in different situations


17) What is the first step in conducting an experiment?


A. Specify the level(s) of the treatment


B. Choose the experimental design


C. Control the experimental environment


D. Select relevant variables


18) Data originating from studies that are conducted by others and created for a purpose different from the purpose of the study for which the data are being reviewed are called _____ data


A. primary


B. secondary


C. quantitative


D. statistical


19) The goal of a formal study is to _____.


A. discover future research tasks


B. expand understanding of a topic


C. test hypotheses


D. provide insight


20) A _____ scale is a scale that scores an object or property without making a direct comparison to another object or property.


A. ranking


B. rating


C. categorization


D. sorting


21) What type of data is produced by simple category scales?


A. Nominal


B. Ordinal


C. Interval


D. Ratio


22) _____ is the extent to which a measurement tool actually measures what we wish to measure.


A. Reliability


B. Validity


C. Practicality


D. Significance


23) The list of elements in a population from which the sample is drawn is known as the _____.


A. sampling frame


B. population extent


C. database


D. sampling base


24) The process of ensuring the accuracy of data and their conversion from raw form into classified forms appropriate for analysis is called _____.


A. coding


B. data entry


C. data preparation


D. data measurement


25) _____ involves assigning numbers or other symbols to answers so that the responses can be grouped into a limited number of categories


A. Editing


B. Data entry


C. Coding


D. Measurement


26) The standard error of the estimate is a type of measure of _____.


A. central tendency


B. accuracy


C. significance


D. standard deviation


27) _____ are summary descriptors of variables of interest in the population


A. Sample statistics


B. Population parameters


C. Systematic estimates


D. Standard errors


28) The measure of deviation from the mean such that cases stretch toward one tail or the other is called _____.


A. kurtosis


B. platykurtic


C. skewness


D. ku


29) Which of the research questions/hypotheses below is best answered using cross-tabulations?


A. What percentage of men and women prefer Brand A over Brand B?


B. What percentage of residents shop at the local grocery store?


C. Is brand loyalty related to brand image?


D. What happens to sales when prices drop?


30) If a difference is not caused only by random sampling fluctuations, it is said to have _____.


A. resistance


B. statistical significance


C. substantive significance


D. reasonable doubt

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