Write a reply of at least 200 words for each discussion post. Each reply must incorporate at least one scholarly citation(s) in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include peer reviewed journal articles, content from relevant professional
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Source or original post: Elmore, T. (2010). Generation IY: Our last chance to save their future.
Discussion by Gabriel Findley (Gabe)
Throughout all of Dr. Tim Elmore’s literature, he emphasizes the importance of looking at the student, employee, or athlete as a whole, not just as a fulfillment of a role. Included in this holistic view of the people who entrusted their development to you is the “launching of leaders.” This idea is centered around not only teaching students to learn, but sending them off to do incredible things in the world, which includes becoming leaders in their own right. My hope as a coach for my players is that I send them on to be the best they possibly can be at whatever career they choose, and impact as many people as possible. With this in mind, there are many different strategies for sending people off to impact other organizations or “launching leaders”; Dr. Elmore recommends 12 ideas that are excellent and are extremely relevant. Of those 12, a few stood out to me that I will incorporate into my own 10 ideas.
1. “Work with them to develop strong personal values” (Elmore, 2010). Help young people create a value system they can depend on throughout the course of their whole life
2. Allow them to be themselves: this new generation of youth has an incredible sense of autonomy, let them dive into that, having them embrace the qualities of the generation iY and using it to their advantage as leaders
3. Prioritize character over competence: Leadership is not just about skills, but integrity.
4. “Work with them to simplify their lives and deal with stress.” (Elmore, 2010). This generation is so full of anxiety and stress, work with them to slow their lives down, and focus on whats important while also emphasizing ways to deal with stress and anxiety as leaders.
5. Facilitate peer learning and mentorship: The Bible says “as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another,” (Proverbs 27:17).
6. “Create opportunities for face to face interaction” (Elmore, 2010). This is incredibly important for the development of future leaders. Teach them how to interact with people in different ways to get the best out of them.
7. “Help them to focus” (Elmore, 2010). This generation struggles with going task by task, and instead spread themselves too thin over multiple projects all at once. Teach future leaders to expend their energy efficiently.
8. Model servant leadership: to become a great leader, you must serve your subordinates.
9. Challenge them to remove the stigma placed upon their generation and prove the doubters wrong. Empower them to go be successful and change the world.
10. Mentor future leaders: have one-on-one impactful conversations, and listen.
Elmore, T. (2010).
Generation IY: Our last chance to save their future.
Discussion by Adam Kedge
In Elmore’s “Life-Giving Mentors“ he talks about 12 rules for mentoring. These rules serve as a guide for mentors on how to concisely give direction and advice to young leaders. One of Elmore‘s rules that I find particularly interesting is when he said that a “mentor’s goal is intentional growth investment” (Elmore, 2009). There are a lot of successful people that will not take the time to mentor a younger leader who is at the start of their career. In sports, this is extremely common sense. Coaches and athletic administrators are often very busy. I find this to be a missed opportunity for many coaches and athletic administrators, as mentorship benefits not just the mentee, but also the mentor themselves. Elmore describes a mentor’s goal as an investment, meaning that this relationship has the opportunity to blossom and benefit both parties. For example, many mentees will go on to replace the mentor and carry on their legacy adequately. Also, a good mentee can contribute drastically to an organization that they are working in. My top 10 rules for launching leaders are slightly different than Elmore’s.
- Accountability is mutual.
- Commitment is mutual.
- Steer away from the previous mistakes of the mentor, but allow for the mentee to fail and learn.
- Live what you preach.
- Emphasize importance of daily habits.
- Progress is made by predetermined goals. (Elmore, 2009)
- Mentor’s goal is intentional growth development. (Elmore, 2009)
- Context is personal. (Elmore, 2009)
- Purpose is to reach potential. (Elmore, 2009)
- Application oriented. (Elmore, 2009)
Some of my rules are the same as Elmore’s rules because I feel that it is important to measure progress through the use of goals, like Elmore says. I also believe that the end purpose of mentorship is to allow both parties to reach their full potential. It is important to have a mentorship to be application based, as applying the advice is the proof for what is successful. I added in some of my own goals that I feel are crucial to developing leaders, like emphasizing mutual accountability and commitment. It is crucial for a mentor to practice what they preach, because if a mentor is giving advice that they themselves do not follow, then there is no credibility to that direction. It’s also ties to my rule to emphasize the importance of daily habits, as these habits are the foundation for how you go about your life. I feel that these rules are tailored to my own personal leadership style, and will allow me to mentor more effectively.
Elmore, T. (2009).
Life-giving mentors: A guide for investing your life in others. Growing Leaders Inc.