Religious and Ethnic Groups Paper Instructions

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Religious and Ethnic Groups Paper Instructions

ETH/125 Version 8




Associate Program Material

Religious and Ethnic Groups Paper Instructions

Part I

Select at least 1 religious and 1 ethnic/racial group not your own from the list below.

· Religious groups (based on )

· Christianity

· Evangelical Protestant

· Mainline Protestant

· Historically Black Churches

· Roman Catholic

· Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)

· Jehovah’s Witnesses

· Orthodox (Greek, Eastern)

· Judaism (Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform)

· Buddhism (Theravada or Mahayana)

· Islam (Sunni, Shia, Sufism)

· Hinduism

· Racial/ethnic groups (based on divisions in U.S. Census Bureau documents)

· Asian (Asian descent)

· Black (African descent)

· Hispanic and Latino (South or Central American descent)

· Pacific Islander (Polynesian descent)

· White (European descent)

Part II

Write a 750- to 1,400-word paper in which you consider the following regarding the religious group and racial/ethnic group you selected:

Religious group:

· How does your selected religious group differ from other religious groups (such as in their beliefs, worship practices, or values)?

· What has been the experience of your selected religious group with others that do not share its beliefs or practices?

· In what ways has the religious group you selected contributed to American culture?

· Provide specific examples of prejudice or discrimination your selected religious group has experienced.

· What were the sources of this prejudice or discrimination?

· Does what you’ve learned about this religious group help you understand it? In what ways?

Racial/ethnic group:

· How does your selected racial/ethnic group differ from other racial/ethnic groups (such as differences in ancestry, language, or culture)?

· What has been your selected group’s experience with other groups?

· In what ways has the racial/ethnic group you selected contributed to American culture?

· Identify some specific examples of prejudice or discrimination that your selected group has experienced historically.

· What were the sources of this prejudice or discrimination?

· Does what you’ve learned about this racial/ethnic group help you understand it? How?

Include the following as part of your conclusion:

· How are the prejudice and discrimination experienced by your selected religious group and racial/ethnic group similar?

· How are they different?

· Can you draw any conclusions about discrimination from this comparison?

Provide citations for all the sources you use.

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