Reflection of Light Rays on A Mirror Essay

MTCS3002 CW Problem-Solving Assignment –AY2223Instructions:
 Answer all the questions below correctly and independently.
 All diagrams must be drawn using MS-Word tools (NO PICTURES).
 All equations must be written using MS-Word tools (NO PICTURES).
 Any suspected case of plagiarism will be reported to the ADC for disciplinary actions.
 The assignment questions are graded 30 Marks in total.
1. Figure 1 below shows a simple beam with three concentrated loads (X, Y & Z).
a. Write the shear and moment equations. [4 Marks]
b. Draw the shear and moment diagrams, specifying values at all changes of loading
positions and the points of zero shear. Neglect the mass of the beam. In your analysis
and solution, make sure to include the free body diagrams for the beam of all the
considered segments. [7 Marks]
c. In your own words interpret the shear force and bending moment diagrams.
[4 Marks]
Figure 1
NOTE: Based on your respective department, use the following for X, Y and Z point load values.
Systems: X = 700 N, Y = 1400 N, Z = 750 N
Aero: X = 750 N, Y = 1200 N, Z = 650 N
Marine: X = 700 N, Y = 1100 N, Z = 700 N
Civil: X = 500 N, Y = 1500 N, Z = 550 N
2. Figure 2 below shows a simple beam with a uniform load (X).
a. Write the shear and moment equations. [4 Marks]
b. Draw the shear and moment diagrams, specifying values at all changes of loading
positions and the points of zero shear. Neglect the mass of the beam. In your analysis
and solution, make sure to include the free body diagrams for the beam of all the
considered segments. [7 Marks]
c. In your own words interpret the shear force and bending moment diagrams.
[4 Marks]
Figure 2
NOTE: Based on your respective department, use the following X values for the uniformly distributed load.
Systems: X = 12 kN/m
Aero: X = 5 kN/m
Marine: X = 7 kN/m
Civil: X = 15 kN/m
IMPORTANT: The overall organisation and presentation of your answers carries 10 MARKS extra.

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