reading response

just fix any grammar and tense mistake I have and make it more fluency ,

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The poem, My Life, written by Billy Collins, describes the trifles in a normal life. But the negligible things discussed in the poem creates a wonderful mental picture in the author and also in me.The Poems mentions, “A pencil and a ruler transecting the circle of the world”, this is a vivid sentence which makes the reader feel like the whole world is in his hands. When I read this, I feel like a champion in my mind. The next two paragraphs are; “A finger piercing a smoke ring, casual, inquisitive, but then the sun will come out or the phone will ring, and I will cease to wonder”, has two parts, first a finger piercing a smoke ring and the second the sun coming out. I think the author is trying to say that these two parts make two different emotions. With the comparison of the two, the author expresses his believe that good things will happen after a disaster or an undertow. Sometimes we even don’t know what we are doing or we are lost in the outer world that is when we need someone to show up and give us a warning, leading the way for us.

It reminds me when I was at junior middle school; my parents were too busy working to keep an eye on me. So no one took care of me when I was out of school. So I went to the internet café and soon I was addicted to the place. All kids love to play video games and so did I. I took all the money supposed to be for my lunch and used it in the internet café. As a result, I was absent from school for a couple of days. My grades kept dropping rapidly so my class teacher noticed that something must have been wrong. Unlike the other teachers, he didn’t call my parents to inform them my problem. If he had done so, I think I would have been scolded by my parents and beaten hard. Instead, Wu told me that he was not angry of me staying the internet café during school time, he once had a student just like me, he went on to tell me how I would end up if I did not change. He had given the same warning to that student, but he did not consider any of his warnings. That student got worse and finally he became a scoundrel, he didn’t remember anything. After this story, I was shocked and I felt like I was behaving the same way as the student did, it was just like a thunder blow in my head. I was back on tract doing as much as I could to catch up with everything I had left behind. No more games, no more absences since then.

Later, I saw a smile on Wu’s face after he knew I was admitted to a key high school, I was speechless, so I just hugged him with appreciation, that’s all I could do, as his student. Years have passed since I saw him on the ceremony of the graduation. I knew owed him a lot, the only thing I could do for him was to try my best to study well and become a person who he would be proud of. I think that is the best way I could repay him for what he did for me.

This poem gives the picture of how simple life is, full of leisure and fun. To me, the simple life is to live with your true faith, as long as I keep like this. I can have a real life which has true meaning, as my teacher said; self-respect is to respect other people.

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