I have done step 1 and step 2, now need to finish step 3. Watch the instructions with name “final”, and finish this asap.
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
Peiqi Fang
Oct. 25th 2024
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
The Violence Against Women Act, passed in 1994 and reauthorized subsequently, is a
landmark federal policy of the United States in combating domestic violence, sexual assault,
stalking, and human trafficking (Hanson, 2023). VAWA funds and grants crisis services,
shelters, and legal aid for victims while teaching law enforcement and the judiciary to obtain
justice. The act significantly requires cooperation in the fight against gender-based violence
locally, at state, and federal levels (The White House, 2022). The act has grown to include
protection for LGBTQ+, immigrants, and Native American women, showing growth in
becoming more inclusive and supportive of victims.
I chose VAWA because it embodies feminist ideas like women’s safety, fairness, and
equality. VAWA has sought to change patriarchy and other power dynamics that foster gender-
based violence, which are central to feminist studies. VAWA represents the best of feminist-
driven policy in advocating for systemic change and standing with survivors to change lives and
attitudes around violence against women (Patel, 2023). Feminist scholarship on VAWA
emphasizes its role in the feminist fight for a safer, more equitable society for all women and
legal reform as part of the fight against pervasive social issues.
Ginger Mueller-Testerman
What are “feminist ideas”? We’ve discussed in class how varied feminist values can be.
Ginger Mueller-Testerman
What Threshold Concepts are you using?
Ginger Mueller-Testerman
Justice? Interesting.
Ginger Mueller-Testerman
Like what? Vague language
Ginger Mueller-Testerman
What does “more inclusive” mean?
Hanson, E. J. (2023). The 2022 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Reauthorization.
Congressional Research Service. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R47570/2
Patel, A. (2023). Reimagining the violence against women act from a transformative justice
perspective: decarceration and financial reparations for criminalized survivors of sexual
and gender-based violence – NYU Law Review. NYU Law Review.
The White House. (2022, March 16). Fact Sheet: Reauthorization of the Violence Against
Women Act (VAWA). The White House. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-
Ginger Mueller-Testerman
Primary source
Ginger Mueller-Testerman
Primary source
Ginger Mueller-Testerman
Scholarly source
Step 2 – Conceptual Framework
Peiqi Fang
Nov. 14th 202
Concept 1: Social Construction of Gender/Sex
The social construction of gender/sex refers to how certain things that we normally
consider to be true about gender and sexual identity are, in reality, constructed through social
norms, expectations, and roles. Rather than viewing gender as an innate or biological fact, the
concept of gender in this context is seen to develop through social interactions and is cultivated
by cultural beliefs and institutions (Ezebuilo, 2023). This idea supports the notion of gender roles
and expectations as social constructs created to fit people into a hierarchical and often restrictive
framework that defines what is acceptable for men and women. These roles contribute to the
overall structure where men may have power over women, thus fostering environments where
gender-based violence normalizes or gets overlooked.
Applying this concept to VAWA addresses deeply held cultural assumptions that
facilitate violence against women. VAWA addresses some of the immediate repercussions of
socially created gender standards by supporting crisis services and legal aid. It does not address
the underlying norms that perpetuate gender-based violence (Hanson, 2023). VAWA was
founded on women needing legal protection, tacitly acknowledging social-gender disparity.
Despite VAWA, gender-based violence shows how society still views women as weak and
subordinate to males. VAWA should expand to include educational programs that deconstruct
detrimental gender/sex stereotypes by increasing awareness of their social formation.
Concept 2: Intersectionality
Intersectionality examines how race, gender, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic
background interact to generate distinct knowledge of oppression or privilege. It assumes that
identity categories do not stand alone but rather interlink, signifying that individuals experience
discrimination and privilege in layered ways. Such techniques recognize that women from
Ginger Mueller-Testerman
I think I understand what you’re saying but I nudge you to reconsider your phrasing here
Ginger Mueller-Testerman
Ginger Mueller-Testerman
different origins face distinct obstacles, and gender-based violence is understood not just through
“womanhood” but via race, class, and sexuality (Wyatt et al., 2022).
Progressive expansions of VAWA that protect LGBTQ+ people, Native American
women, and immigrant communities against gender-based violence show a knowledge of
intersectionality. This is essential since gender-based violence varies by group, Native American
women are disproportionately targeted, and tribal grounds provide specific jurisdictional issues.
VAWA knows that a one-size-fits-all strategy for gender-based violence is ineffective because of
intersectionality (Hanson, 2023). However, intersectional feminist critiques of VAWA argue that
the act has room to deepen its intersectional commitments by addressing how other systemic
factors, such as economic inequity and racial biases in the justice system, exacerbate these
issues. The concept may require extensive minority community support and tailored approaches.
Why These Concepts Are Important to Consider
Social construction and intersectionality reveal why addressing survivors’ legal and
immediate needs is insufficient to generate enduring change in VAWA. The social construction
of gender/sex puts forth the definition that unless something is done to alter the cultural norms
perpetuating violence, society continues to create environments where women remain in such a
position to be victimized. Intersectionality, in turn, ensures that policies like VAWA do not
cover just one monolithic idea of “women” but actually reach and respond to the unique
struggles of all different types of women.
Incorporating these concepts reveals VAWA’s limitations in challenging deep-rooted
societal norms while appreciating its inclusivity strides. VAWA’s laws aggressively engage
marginalized voices, demonstrating feminist policy praxis. However, genuinely feminist policies
change cultural gender perceptions and expand intersectional safeguards. Future VAWAs could
Ginger Mueller-Testerman
Good examples!
use compulsory education programs in schools and workplaces to challenge and reframe gender
notions and expand response tools to combat injustice.
Ezebuilo, H. C. (2023). Is gender a social construct? A philosophical appraisal. Preorc Journal
of Gender and Sexuality Studies, 1(0).
Hanson, E. J. (2023). The 2022 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Reauthorization.
Wyatt, T. R., Johnson, M., & Zaidi, Z. (2022). Intersectionality: a means for centering power and
oppression in research. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 27(3).
Term Project Guidelines
Your main writing assignment for Femst 20 is a
1,500 word paper (approximately 6 pages, double-spaced) analyzing
either 1) a policy OR 2) a piece of media that stands out to you in the context of Femst 20. Due
Monday, December 9th at midnight
Option 1) Policy analysis
Choose a policy that impacts the politics of gender. For the purpose of this assignment, you should understand policy as a law, regulation, or procedure put into place by a government, organization, or other institution. For example, your analysis could focus on a federal or state law, a workplace policy, or a school regulation, among others.
You will analyze this policy in light of
at least 2 threshold concepts explored in this course. Make sure you include important background information (where and when it was implemented; who developed the policy; the context, or supposed justification for why it was needed; who is ostensibly targeted by the policy and why; if there are any penalties / repercussions for violating the policy…).
Some questions you may want to think about: how does this policy privilege certain people or groups and exclude others? How does this policy construct or prescribe gender and/or gender roles? How does this policy affect people differently when gender intersects with race, class, ability, citizenship status, sexuality, and any other mode of privilege/oppression? How might you employ a feminist praxis to change this policy?
Option 2) Media analysis
Choose a media or pop culture artifact that speaks to the content of this course. This could be a TV show, film, magazine, advertisement, piece of fictional writing, music video, visual art, comic book, advice column… You should establish a fairly narrow focus so that you can closely analyze the details of your chosen media artifact: you are
not analyzing how women are portrayed in television as a whole, or the gendered dynamics of advertising overall—both of these projects would take much more than 6 pages to complete. Instead, think of focusing on a particular ad or ad campaign, an episode from a TV show, a specific issue of a magazine, or even a scene or excerpt of a film (or something of similar scope).
You will analyze this media artifact in light of
at least 2 threshold concepts explored in this course. Include relevant background information (when and where it was published / aired / produced); by whom it was created; who the target audience is…).
Some questions you may want to think about: Where do you see gender in this media artifact? How does this media artifact construct or prescribe gender and/or gender roles? How diverse are the people / communities represented in this media artifact? What type of representation is there of gender, class, race, ethnicity, ability, nationality or citizenship status, sexuality, or any other mode of privilege/oppression? What message does this media artefact send about gender? How might you employ feminist praxis to interrupt or shift this message?
Step 3 – Final Paper
This step is worth
25% of your total course grade and is due
December 9, 2024, by 11:59pm.
In Step 3, you will write a final paper of approximately 1,500 words (6 pages double-spaced) that analyzes your chosen policy or media artefact as described at the beginning of this outline. This paper will present a thorough analysis of your chosen policy or media artefact, drawing on at least two threshold concepts from the course to conduct this analysis. Your analysis should make connections to at least three readings assigned in this course (citing specific pages / sections), as well as at least one scholarly sources from outside the course (accurately cited).
This paper should follow a standard essay / paper format, including an introduction, main paragraphs, and conclusion, and provide proper citations for all sources (your TA will inform you which citation style they prefer). In addition to your 6-page paper, you should include a bibliography/works cited page that lists all the sources you used in researching and writing your paper.
Please save & submit your paper in
PDF format.
Why is this a useful Femst 20 assignment?
In Feminist Studies, as well as other disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, scholars bring analyze a variety of sources in order to better understand the world around them/us: historical archives, public policies, written texts, artistic representations, visual media, and lived experiences of particular significance to them personally and politically. This analysis involves applying concepts and theories to the source(s) to get to its deeper meaning or to understand its potential impact. This assignment is meant to help you begin to apply the concepts and theories we are learning in the course to a “source” of your choice (either a policy or media artefact). By using two threshold concepts and at least two course readings in your analysis, you will be deepening your understanding of these ideas.
The term project is scaffolded into different “steps” for the following reasons:
· Working on this assignment throughout the quarter will allow you to get feedback from your TA at different stages of your writing. This will give you the chance to make revisions and improve on your drafts, and enhance your understanding.
· It can also help you with time management and avoid a last-minute rush to get your paper written at the end of the quarter since you will already have made significant progress.