Reading Homework Questions

I got the other answers easily, it’s just im struggling to understand errors in reasoning. 

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Because pornography is harmful, our legislature should pass more laws to regulate and censor it. Pornography undermines standards of morality. It degrades sex into little more than an act that satisfies an animal instinct. It encourages people to view sex as a commodity to be bought and sold, rather than as an expression of love between two committed people. Children who accidentally stumble upon pornographic materials are in danger of forming skewed attitudes about the nature and purpose of sex. Pornography is even more harmful to women. As all the reliable research shows, it reinforces negative stereotypes of women as inferior, and it encourages men to view women as little more than sex objects. Such stereotypes perpetuate discrimination against women in all areas of society. Pornography also promotes violence. Much of it portrays rape scenes, torture, and other violent acts, legitimizing them as a means of achieving sexual pleasure. Those who view pornographic materials are more likely to want to reenact those scenes, which can lead them to commit violent crimes against women.
Read the passage and then choose the error in reasoning.

A. unidentified or dated research

B. no reasoning error

C. irrelevant reason

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D. hasty generalization

E. circular reasoning

F. slippery slope

Practices for college and professional football players should not be scheduled for hot summer afternoons. Coaches who push their teams to hit the field for workouts during 98-degree days are asking for trouble. The death in 2001 of Korey Stringer, a 27-year-old tackle for the Minnesota Vikings, provided tragic proof that summer workouts are too dangerous. Football teams everywhere should learn from his example and never give training precedence over players’ safety. Having the best football team in the world is just not worth the risk.
Read the passage and then choose the error in reasoning.

A. no reasoning error

B. unidentified experts

C. unidentified or dated research

D. circular reasoning

E. slippery slope

F. hasty generalization

If you have a grass lawn surrounding your house, you are probably contributing to this country’s environmental problems. For one thing, you could be using fertilizers and pesticides that can damage the soil structure, pollute wells, and kill wildlife. Homeowners with lawns actually use more fertilizers annually than the entire country of India puts on its crops. They also apply up to ten times more pesticides that U.S. Farmers do. Unfortunately, research has proven that these chemicals wash off and pollute water supplies, thus contaminating the food chain. Law mowers cause another environmental problem. Studies show that they produce as much air pollution in one hour as a car produces in a 350-mile drive. In addition, grass clippings are choking already overflowing landfills. Yard waste, most of which is cut grass, is the second-largest component of the 160 million tons of solid waste we dump into landfills every year. If that weren’t enough your lawn may be contributing to the destruction of plant and animal species. When developers building new houses bulldoze complex habits and replace them with houses and grass, many plants and animal are killed or starved out.
Read the passage and then choose the error in reasoning.

A. hasty generalization

B. Unidentified or inappropriate expert

C. circular reasoning

D. Irrelevant reason

E. Unidentified or dated research

The U.S. Government needs to invest more money to improve and expand the country’s rail service.
In particular, Congress should commit to developing a national intercity network of high-speed trains. An intermodal transportation system (one that includes rail along with highways and airlines) is essential to keeping Americans moving in the event of a crisis. During a national emergency, if one mode of transportation is disrupted, the others should be able to absorb the traffic and allow travel to continue. For example, when airplanes were grounded for several days following terrorist attacks in September 2001, people relied on Amtrak passenger trains to get them where they needed to go. Without the trains, our nation would have been paralyzed. Furthermore, countries such as France and Germany have high-speed rail systems. Railroad transportation is an important public service, and it needs to be kept efficient and up to date.
Read the passage and then choose the error in reasoning.

A. Irrelevant reason

B. circular reasoning

C. Unidentified or inappropriate expert

D. hasty generalization

E. Unidentified or dated research

Thousands of people who need organ transplants die every year because too few people agree to donate organs. Consequently, some people have begun to argue for tempting donors or their families with financial incentives in the form of either cash payments or tax credits. This is a terrible idea. Under no circumstances should we institute a system that permits the exchange of money for organs. Individuals or their families should not be allowed to gain financially form helping people who need transplants. Indeed, putting price tags on human organs is an appalling solution to the problem of and inadequate organ supply. We may need more donors to solve this crisis, but buying organs is just not the right way to address the shortage.
Read the passage and then choose the error in reasoning.

A. Irrelevant reason

B. Unidentified or dated research

C. Unidentified or inappropriate expert

D. hasty generalization

E. circular reasoning

It just may be nature itself—not humans burning fossil fuels—that is causing global warming. Naturally occurring gases, such as water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone, contribute to the so-called greenhouse effect that has raised Earth’s temperature 30 degrees since the “Little Ice Age” of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The oceans, too, seem to be partly responsible for the overall increase in our planet’s temperature. From 1998 to 2008, Dane Chang and his colleagues carefully studied the correlation between ocean temperatures and levels of carbon dioxide, the gas that causes global warming. These researchers found that increases in ocean temperature follow a rise in the atmosphere’s carbon dioxide level. Such studies would seem to indicate that natural factors are producing our warmer climate.
Read the passage and then choose the error in reasoning.

A. Irrelevant reason

B. hasty generalization

C. Unidentified or dated research

D. Unidentified or inappropriate expert

E. circular reasoning

A growing number of school districts are banning the childhood game of dodge ball from physical education classes, and rightly so. The game is simply too aggressive and can cause serious harm. In one California incident, a child playing dodge ball was knocked to the ground by the ball’s impact. The child suffered a broken arm due to the fall. Dodge ball is also not especially good exercise, particularly for those who are overweight. The slowest and heaviest children usually get knocked out of the game quickly. They then spend the rest of the game on the sidelines while the more athletic kids keep playing. It doesn’t take a highly trained psychologist to realize that this experience cannot be good for an overweight child’s self-esteem or self-image.
Read the passage and then choose the error in reasoning.

A. circular reasoning

B. Irrelevant reason

C. hasty generalization

D. Unidentified or inappropriate expert

E. Unidentified or dated research


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