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Importance of Political Science: Educate Yourself

MAY 29, 2014 BY 

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Most of us are just ordinary citizens.  That’s not a bad thing; it just means that the majority of us don’t hold a political office.  Our civic duties include mainly voting, jury duty, and paying taxes.  We, ordinary citizens may know and learn about our political rights and privileges from a given form of government that includes the political structure and processes of our state.  Without this knowledge we wouldn’t know which rights we have and more importantly the battles that were fought in order to award us these rights.  As you can see, the study of Political Science is not only useful, it is valuable.  Political Science deals with theory and practice of Politics, as well as the analysis of our political systems, behavior and culture.  It is broken down into several sub-disciplines; political theory, comparative politics, public administration, internal relations, public law, and political methodology.  If you’re interested in studying political science, be prepared to learn about its sub-disciplines as well.  Political Theory covers the contributions of various classical thinkers like Niccolo Machiavelli.  To learn more about Machiavelli, his way of thinking and his contributions I highly encourage you to enroll in our 

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Together, these policies and sub-disciplines constitute the field of political science.  Politics deal with a variety of complex issues.  Economics, Law, Sociology, History, Anthropology, and Public Policy are all pieces of the political puzzle.  In order for our political leaders to make the best possible decisions for their constituents they must be aware of any and all developments in each of these areas.  If economics is something that interests you, check out our 

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 course today.  As citizens the knowledge that we gain by studying Political Science is useful to both our leaders, and we, the citizens.  It is important to always be aware of our rights.  Our right to vote, our constitutional rights, the right to basic services such as education, health, and sanitation.  Join others who want to learn more about our constitutional rights, and how and why the constitution was written by enrolling in a 

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Journalists, special interest groups, politicians, and the electorate rely heavily on the baseline ideology provided by political scientists in order to analyze issues that may be presented to them.  For this reason, political scientists may often find themselves advising politicians, or running for political office themselves.  They may also be found working for political parties, in governments, or as civil servants.  A background in political science will also enable you to add value to corporations looking to add an employee that could give them insight into the social sciences.

What You Need To Do

If a career in Political Science is something that interests you be prepared to search for a college or university that offers Bachelors of Arts programs in Political Science.  Since political science is comprised of several different studies, some colleges may not have a separate School or College of Arts and Sciences.  The department may instead be housed within a division or school of Humanities or Liberal Arts.  If you’re getting ready to begin your quest for the best college, our 

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 course will help to prepare you to better identify which college or university will give you the best return for your investment.

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