Read Chapter One of “The Night” if not done so . Here is the Link:
Choose Prompt Two .
Read the Document Carefully follow all directions!
No Plagiarism!!
English II World Literature
25 January 2018
HW: Thesis Statement Prompt from Chapter One of Night
This assignment is due on February 5, 2018. You must compose your own work; do not copy another’s work.
Read Chapter One of Night if you have not done so.
CHOOSE ONE prompt from the three prompts provided. Prompts One and Two are expository, and Prompt Three is a literary analysis prompt. The literary analysis prompt is an “uphill challenge”–go for it! 🙂
Compose ONLY: the introductory paragraph and thesis statement. Your introductory paragraph should have a narrative hook and one short piece of background information. THE FINAL SENTENCE OF YOUR INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH SHOULD BE YOUR THESIS STATEMENT. An outline of your paragraph would look like this:
Narrative hook
Background information
Thesis statement
For instance:
Many teenagers spend a lot of time contemplating what they want to do when they
graduate from high school. I am fortunate in that I already know; I decided to become a
veterinarian when I was two or three years old. A veterinarian practices veterinary medicine, or medicine “of, relating to, practicing, or being the science and art of prevention, cure, or alleviation of disease and injury in animals and especially domestic animals” (“veterinary”). Just like humans, animals need people to treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve, and I want to be one of those people. To prepare for my future as a veterinarian, I plan to attend college and veterinary school, learn about all species of animals, and learn the skills I need to help animals.
Your thesis statement must have one main point and two supporting points.
Prompt One:
Imagine that you are a townsperson listening to Moishe the Beadle’s story. Explain why you believe Moishe’s story to be false.
Prompt Two:
There were several opportunities for Wiesel and his family to escape before they were sent to Auschwitz. Explain what these opportunities were, and explain why the family did not take advantage of them.
Prompt Three:
Define irony, and discuss Wiesel’s use of irony in the first chapter of Night. What message is he trying to convey about the Jews’ attitude and how does his use of irony help him get his message across?