Race, Poverty, and Socioeconomic status and the impact on Literacy

Race, Poverty, and Socioeconomic status and the impact on Literacy Discussion about race and ethnicity and their overall impact on society has increased steadily over the last several years. Recent discussion has centered on whether the differences between race and ethnicity are necessary, damaging, or beneficial. There is also much to be said about race relations across the globe and many questions to be pondered. Writing about race can be difficult, and discussion about race even more difficult. The idea is that with research and knowledge, it is much easier to have an intelligent, well-informed discussion about issues that affect all of us. Listed below are some possible essay topics:

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Examine race, poverty, socioeconomic status and the impact on literacy

Assignment: Write a 4 pages essay that examines some aspect of race, poverty, socioeconomic status, and the impact of any or all of these on literacy and/or education. This essay should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 point font, and should be double spaced. It should adhere to MLA formatting guidelines. The essay should include at least 4 sources, one of which must be census data that is relevant to this discussion. Include visual charts in your essay, but these will not count toward page count.


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