
Week Five Quiz

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NSCI/280 Version 5


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Week Five Quiz

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Chapter 11 Functional Organization of Nervous Tissue

1. The nervous system 

a. monitors internal and external stimuli.

b. transmits information in the form of action potentials.

c. interprets or assesses information.

d. maintains homeostasis.

e. All of these choices are correct.

2. Dendrites 

a. are the input part of the neuron.

b. conduct action potentials away from the cell body.

c. are generally long and unbranched.

d. form synapses with the microglia.

e. contain the trigger zone.

3. The blood-brain barrier 

a. permits passage of foreign substances from the blood to the neurons.

b. prohibits the transport of amino acids and glucose to the neurons.

c. prohibits the removal of waste materials from the neurons.

d. protects neurons from toxic substances in the blood.

e. does not prevent fluctuations in the composition of the blood from affecting the functions of the brain.

4. Action potentials are conducted more rapidly when transmission is 

a. from node to node on a myelinated axon.

b. on a small diameter axon.

c. on an unmyelinated axon.

d. from internode to internode.

e. from internode to node on a myelinated axon.

5. In hyperpolarization 

a. K+ ions tend to diffuse out of the cell.

b. the plasma membrane’s permeability to K+ decreases.

c. the resting membrane potential moves closer to zero.

d. Na+ ions enter the cell in large numbers.

e. the resting membrane potential becomes more positive.

6. A stimulus either causes an action potential or it doesn’t. This is called 

a. an all-or-none response.

b. a graded response.

c. a latent period response.

d. a relative refractory response.

e. a local response.

7. The absolute refractory period assures 

a. prolonged depolarization during the action potential.

b. completion of repolarization before another action potential.

c. that no after-potential occurs.

d. reversal of the direction of propagation of the action potential.

e. that the stimulus is strong enough to elicit a response.

8. Neurotransmitters are released from the 

a. epineurium.

b. synaptic cleft.

c. presynaptic terminal.

d. postsynaptic membrane.

e. calcium channels.

9. When a neurotransmitter binds to its receptor and increases the permeability of the postsynaptic membrane to sodium ions, 

a. the membrane will be hyperpolarized.

b. more chloride ions will also diffuse into the cell.

c. an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) will result.

d. the membrane will become impermeable to potassium ions.

e. the sodium ions diffuse out of the cell.

10. When two action potentials arrive simultaneously at two different presynaptic terminals that synapse with the same postsynaptic neuron, 

a. the direction of the action potential is reversed.

b. temporal summation occurs.

c. spatial summation occurs.

d. hyperpolarization occurs.

e. threshold is never reached.

Chapter 12 Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

1. The thickest of the meninges is the 

a. pia mater.

b. arachnoid mater.

c. subdural space.

d. subarachnoid space.

e. dura mater.

2. The sensory root of a spinal nerve is also referred to as

a. anterior root.

b. dorsal root.

c. efferent root.

d. ventral root.

e. lateral root.

3. The muscles of the back contract to straighten so that you sit at a more erect posture and subsequently the muscles are suddenly stretched as you nod off. Which of the following best represents the sequence of events when you start to nod off?

(1) muscles of the back are stretched

(2) the muscle spindle is stretched

(3) action potentials in sensory neurons of the muscle spindles increase

(4) action potentials in alpha motor neurons of skeletal muscle fibers increase

(5) skeletal muscle of the back contract 

a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

b. 1, 5, 2, 3, 4

c. 1, 5, 3, 2, 4

d. 5, 2, 3, 4, 1

e. 4, 5, 3, 2, 1

4. The endoneurium 

a. surrounds nerve cell bodies.

b. surrounds individual axons and their Schwann cells.

c. bundles axons into fascicles.

d. bundles fascicles into nerves.

e. surrounds nerve tracts in the spinal cord.

5. Ventral rami of some spinal nerves join with each other to form a 

a. ganglion.

b. dermatome.

c. cord.

d. plexus.

e. nerve.

6. An injury to the wrist that results in edema in the carpal tunnel would compress the 

a. axillary nerve.

b. radial nerve.

c. musculocutaneous nerve.

d. ulnar nerve.

e. median nerve.

7. Adduction of the thigh involves the ____________. 

a. peroneal nerve.

b. femoral nerve.

c. obturator nerve.

d. pudendal nerve.

e. tibial nerve.

8. What does “C” represent? 

a. spinal nerves

b. conus medullaris

c. cervical enlargement

d. filium terminale

e. cauda equine

9. What does “D” represent?

a. spinal nerves
b. conus medullaris
c. cervical enlargement
d. filium terminale

e. cauda equine

10. What does “E” represent? 

a. spinal nerves
b. conus medullaris
c. cervical enlargement
d. filium terminale

e. cauda equina

Chapter 13 Brain and Cranial Nerves

1. A patient with a traumatic head injury may exhibit vomiting as a result of irritation of nuclei in the 

a. pons.

b. cerebellum.

c. medulla oblongata.

d. corpora quadrigemina.

e. midbrain.

2. The white matter of the cerebellum forms a branching network known as the 

a. folia.

b. superior peduncle.

c. arbor vitae.

d. tentorium cerebelli.

e. vermis.

3. Which of the following is a function of the hypothalamus? 

a. initiates voluntary movements

b. involved in psychosomatic illnesses

c. control of balance

d. unconscious swinging of the arms while walking

e. perception of sensation

4. The limbic system involves various neural connections between

a. the medulla and pons.

b. the pons and cerebellum.

c. the cerebrum and diencephalon.

d. the diencephalon and midbrain.

e. the cerebrum and midbrain.

5. The cerebrum develops from the embryonic region called the 

a. telencephalon.

b. mesencephalon.

c. diencephalon.

d. metencephalon.

e. rhombencephalon.

6. Dentists anesthetize a portion of the _____ nerve to stop pain impulses from the teeth.

a. facial

b. trigeminal

c. hypoglossal

d. glossopharyngeal

e. abducens

7. Which nerve has branches that extend to the thoracic and abdominal viscera? 

a. facial nerve

b. vagus nerve

c. trigeminal nerve

d. glossopharyngeal nerve

e. accessory nerve

8. This is a midsagittal section of the right half of the brain. What does “B” represent? 

a. cerebrum

b. cerebellum

c. corpus callosum

d. diencephalon

e. brainstem

9. This is a lateral view of the brain. What does “B” represent? 

a. temporal lobe

b. cerebellum

c. frontal lobe

d. occipital lobe

e. parietal lobe

10. What does “B” represent on the diagram of the skull and brain? 

a. subarachnoid space

b. dural venous sinus

c. pia mater

d. arachnoid mater

e. subdural space

Chapter 14 Integration of Nervous System Functions

1. Vision is dependent upon 

a. chemoreceptors.

b. photoreceptors.

c. thermoreceptors.

d. mechanoreceptors.

e. nociceptors.

2. Specialized muscle fibers associated with detection of muscle length are

a. muscle spindles.

b. Pacinian corpuscles.

c. Ruffini’s end organs.

d. Golgi tendon organs.

e. Merkel’s disks.

3. In an ascending pathway, axons of the secondary neuron travel from the 

a. receptor to the spinal cord.

b. receptor to the brain.

c. spinal cord through the brainstem to the thalamus.

d. thalamus to the cerebral cortex.

e. spinal cord to cerebellum.

4. Which of the following functions is most likely to be performed by the visual association area? 

a. “recognizes” the face of a close friend

b. “sees” the shape of the visual image

c. “senses” pain impulses

d. “moves” the eyes

e. “sees” color

5. A patient has suffered a cerebral hemorrhage that has damaged the primary motor area of his right cerebral cortex. As a result the

a. patient cannot voluntarily move his right arm or leg.

b. patient feels no sensations on the left side of his body.

c. patient cannot voluntarily move his left eye.

d. patient’s heart stops beating.

e. patient cannot voluntarily move his left arm or leg.

6. Lesion of the basal nuclei could cause 

a. loss of memory.

b. uncontrolled rage.

c. fluent but circular speech.

d. a slight shaking of the hands or head.

e. loss of sensation.

7. Which of these activities is associated with the right cerebral hemisphere in most people? 

a. adding numbers

b. reciting the Gettysburg address

c. painting a watercolor landscape

d. using a calculator

e. making a household budget

8. A baseball pitcher was hit on the side of the head by a line drive. When he was revived, he could not remember how many balls and strikes the batter had. This was because 

a. short-term memory had not been converted to sensory memory.

b. he lost both sensory and short-term memory.

c. long-term memory had not been converted to sensory memory.

d. he lost long-term memory.

e. None of these choices is correct.

9. The diagram illustrates sensory nerve endings in the skin. What structure does “B” represent? 

a. Meissner’s corpuscles

b. free nerve endings

c. Ruffini’s end organ

d. Pacinian corpuscle

e. Merkel’s disks

10. The diagram illustrates sensory nerve endings in the skin. What is the function of “E”? 

a. detects deep pressure, vibration, and proprioception

b. responds to painful stimuli

c. detects bending of hair

d. detects touch, involved in 2-point discrimination

e. detects continuous touch or pressure

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