
Animations: The Cardiovascular System

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Version 5


1. List the steps for red blood cell (erythrocyte) production

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Platelets are formed when .

3. Leukopoiesis is the .

4. The myeloid cell line gives rise to .

5. The lymphoid cell line produces .

6. Eosinophilic myelocytes differentiate into .

7. Basophilic myelocytes differentiate into .

8. Neutrophilic myelocytes develop into .

9. Monocytes are derived from .

10. Lymphocytes are derived from .

11. The two types of lymphocytes that develop are .

Hemoglobin Breakdown

After viewing the animation, answer these questions.

1. What happens to the hemoglobin released by the rupture of old red blood cells?

2. The globin chains .

3. What is released from the heme?

4. The remaining structure of the heme goes through a two-step process, being converted to the following two products sequentially .

5. What plasma protein transports the iron?

6. Where is iron transported for storage (two locations)?

7. Where is iron transported to make new hemoglobin?

8. What plasma protein transports free bilirubin?

9. Where is it transported?

10. Liver cells make , excreted as part of into the .

11. convert into , which contribute to the .

12. Some of the are absorbed into the blood and excreted from the in the

. (This product is urochrome, which gives urine its yellow color.)


Broyles, R. B. (2012). Workbook to accompany anatomy & physiology revealed version 3.0. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Adapted with permission.

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