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1.  Pick out and list 10 songs you like.  Find their length in seconds and use StatDisk to construct a confidence interval.   What can you conclude about your  interval?  What would happen if you increased your sample size? 

2. Let’s have some fun with this DQ.  Browse the Internet to find bizarre or obscure data collection.  Share your data by using a link to a website or a YouTube video.  Explain why you think anyone would collect data on this subject and comment on their results.  Please remember to keep the content school appropriate!

3. Provide an example of the use of the Central Limit Theorem from your own life experience. Explain the scenario.  One example might be calculating driving times to or from work… (you may use this example)

4. Provide an example of the use of the Central Limit Theorem from your own life experience. Explain the scenario.  One example might be calculating driving times to or from work… (you may use this example)

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