
Think of a computer program that you use regularly, other than the Microsoft Office applications we have reviewed this term. What is the program, and why do you use it? Does it improve some aspect of your life? Explain if it does or doesn’t.

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1.When creating software, you need to make sure that everything is organized and put
together properly so that when the program runs, all of your items move at the same time.
This will give the impression that the program is more professional and bring it closer to
representing real life. The first step that should be taken in creating a strong program is to
determine your objectives for the program. Once you have an idea of what you hope to
achieve by participating in the program, the next step is to determine how you might
improve it. In the end, you need to check both your input and your output to ensure that
the program will function smoothly. No, it does not imply that the output will be accurate.
Because there is always the possibility of a mistake, it is critical to check that both the
output and the input are functioning correctly.
2.The process that I take when creating an Alice program consists of first opening the
program and selecting a background/backdrop. I then make selections of which
characters to include, their outfits, and items to assist telling the story. Afterwards, I
select each object and execute procedures by dragging each procedure/action into the
editor [coding the program]. I perform a test run to determine if the actions that I
assigned to each object are performed correctly. Finally, I make certain to save the file as
I do not want to risk losing the work. Logical steps that are needed to create a complete
functioning program consist of defining a problem, planning a solution, coding the
program, testing the program, and saving the file. Even if a program is working (output
is generated/a task completed), the output does not mean it will be correct. For
example, while creating last week’s lab assignment, I remembered assigning actions for
each object, and after performing a test run, certain objects did not perform the exact
way that I had imagined that I assigned the object. One object turned the opposite view
and did not greet the other object. I had to constantly keep tweaking the coded actions
and performing test runs until finally matched exactly what was the true and accurate
action assigned. Lesson: try and try again until you finally succeed and match the correct
3. One of the conflicts that happens with the IMA’s ethical guidelines is confidentiality. The
creation and actual costs of a product from a company is usually not shared public knowledge
unless for some reason they feel inclined. Sharing this information to a former colleague who no
longer works at the outdoor living company is a breach of confidentiality guidelines. Integrity is
also part of the guidelines that I feel makes this situation wrong. Part of the integrity guidelines
is “abstain from engaging in or supporting any activity that might discredit the profession” (IMA,
Imanet) by giving information to a colleague you are discrediting the profession. You are
allowing the information to then be used against the outdoor living company. The Association of
Accountants and Financial Professionals in Business states way to resolve the issue are going to
your immediate supervisor, theirs an anonymous helpline, and their own attorney when
needed. I would recommend going to supervisor to ask for advice and understand the
guidelines more. I would not jump straight to talking to an attorney unless the situation is a lot
worse that you have somehow been involved in.
4. If you are a member of IMA your role is to act and behave ethically. They have to follow
certain standards that regard to competence, confidentiality, integrity, and credibility. There
are many conflicts in this particular scenario. First, in regards to competence, I should be
competent enough in my job to be able to review costs and set standard costs because it is
my responsibility. If I am not able to do so, then I may not be competent enough to carry
out my job. The other main standard of IMA is confidentiality. The proposal from the formal
colleague in this scenario might lead to me not staying true to confidentiality because I
would end up sharing this information in order to get benchmarks of other companies in
return. This may also be a lack of integrity. In order to fix this, I should have a meeting to
discuss this with more superior employees and see what they think. I should also suggest a
different approach such as purchasing the benchmarks from my precious firm, or I could
find associations that could provide such data. However, if the controller decides to share
this data I should act with honesty and be fully transparent in doing so, including
documenting everything. Overall, I will try to do what is best for the company in this
situation while also abiding by IMA standards.

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