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Develop a 10 to 12 minute presentation in which you do the following:



State the primary reasons for the organization’s existence from an analysis of the mission, vision, values, and goals.

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·       Analyze the reason for the type of organizational structure employed by the organization, and identify the key positions that support that organizational structure.


·       Identify and explain the steps of the collaboration process among the functional areas that must be employed to achieve organizational goals, and prepare an action plan to implement the collaboration process.


·       Identify and provide an example of the use of lateral collaboration and vertical collaboration within the organization, and prepare an action plan to use lateral and vertical collaboration.


·       Identify the key stakeholders and their roles needed to achieve the organizational goals, and recommend the collaborative interactions among the key stakeholders to facilitate the organization’s success.


** You will be evaluated on the quality of the content and your delivery of it!

Please make sure your speaking notes (the details) are in the notes section of the Powerpoint along with the citations.

Yoreme Crab Company


Yoreme Crab History
Yoreme Crab Company has been offering service for last 18 years.
Started with production, processing, packaging, and exporting of pork, and beef.
In 2010 was add production of Mexican crabmeat.

Yoreme Crab Company have a strong sense of responsibility:
By being committed to offer the best service, and quality.
Teamwork collaboration.
Health, and safety environment.

Liaison with the company
Respect for the enviroment
Searching for quality
Promoting equal opportunities

Tolerance error

Creativity and dynamism
Initiative and participation
Ability to change


Yoreme Crab company is committed to providing our customers with a variety selection of the best quality crab meat and beefs, it is located in Sonora, Mexico and it is in constant evolution with their products, with 18 years of experience in the production, processing, packaging, and exporting of pork, 15 years of beef, and there most recent addition to our product catalog is Mexican crabmeat since 2010.


By analyzing the values ​​of Yoreme Company we have a strong sense of responsibility by being committed to our work , profesionalism, teamwork collaboration, innovation, commitment, health, safety and environmental ownership, total quality and environmental ethics.

The values that identify in our company could focus mainly on the following four points:

We are committed to our work.

– Liaison with the company:
to improve processes through consulting, training and specialized services which contribute to the solution of problems and challenges of the organization.

– Customer focus:
through customer advice we look to fill orders, desires and expectations to solve their problems and improve their quality of life, taking into account the values ​​of respect, kindness, goodness, opportunity and excellence.

-Respect for the environment:
it is important not to contaminate water and respect the time of closure of the crab and not affecting other marine species

– Searching for Quality:
always try to offer high quality products in our production systems and customer service.

– Integrity:
Integrity is essential for success as well as the relationships, we are a company that has earned the trust of its customers through excellence in service and high quality

– Promoting equal opportunities:
we offer opportunities for growth within the company based on merits and aptitudes of each individual.

We create value offering results

– Personal and professional development (based on the principles: to know do it, be capable, be equipped and willing to do so)

-Personal development: based both on knowledge, comprehension and management principles, models and administrative issues, as of those who dignify and perform the individual as such: the ethics and values​​.

-Professional Development: Professional development is the result of career planning and includes aspects that enriches and enhances a person in a view to achieving objectives within the organization. Can occur through individual efforts or for the support of the company.

– Fitness and positive attitude: For the success of a company is important to know the staff you have working within it, self-concept is important to know that each one has of itself, this will help to know how the person is and what thinks he can achieve.

-An important emotional aptitude is self control; handling well the impulse feelings and stressful emotions, stay positive and undisturbed even in difficult times, have self-control is to think clearly and stay focused when you are under pressure, be tolerant without falling apart.

procedure that the company performed to achieve important goals where everyone are important creating a compromise with the employee.

-Respect andsolidarity:
créate a positive work environment between employees helping them improve their performance.
It has a comprehensive human resources program where each area has a direct line to express the needs and ideas of the employee to improve efficiency. We also have a program for transparency within the company where the employee is informed of future projects of the company. 
– Motivation
: it is very important for Yoreme to motivate employees to achieve greater productivity and competitiveness, every leader is one who knows how to motivate.

– Tolerance error:
contributes to a quality work environment where employees feel comfortable to use the most of their skills, which does not condemn an error if there is precedent in the case.

We develop safe and cost effective solutions

– Investment:
Yoreme crab is a constantly growing company that sets its efforts in the evolution and development of new technologies to increase production, meet the needs of its customers and thereby increase profits

– Creativity and dynamism:
To break the monotony and fatigue of a physically demanding job yoreme encourages its employees to contribute in different areas of production creating a supportive work environment.

– Initiative and participation:
All staff are highly qualified to perform their duties and within the company has updated programs to promote the optimal use of the technologies that we count

– Ability to change:
yoreme is a company with nearly 20 years of experience within which they had to adapt to the different demands that the market has expanded its product catalog, and offering new alternatives to existing customers and new prospects. It is a value that has helped purchase and stay as major exporter of meat and seafood nationwide.

we are a company that came in strong with very low prices on all our products and services to gain place in the market.

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