question answers


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1. [10p] Convert the numbers: 2145 and 5431 from base 10 to base 16 and reverse base 16 to base 10. To obtain credit for the answer please show the details of your work. No details, no credit even if answer is correct! 

2. [10p] Explain the main difference between an IMAP email service and a POP email service. Use at least 300 words for your detailed explanation. 

3. [10p] What is the MIME protocol used for? Use at least 500 words for your explanation. 

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4. [10p] Read the section on Spam in Above and Beyond for Chapter 3. Describe in detail the three ways that spammers cover their tracks so they are hard to trace. Use at least 300 words for your explanation. 

5. [10p] What is a Web 2.0 application? What are the characteristic features of a Web 2.0 application? Use at least 500 words for your explanation. 

6. [30p] Design a simple web page that has a head, title and a body. The web page must have a 3 rows by 4 columns table with border set to 2, aligned in the middle of the webpage. In each cell of the first column add a hyperlink to a news website. In each cell of the second column add a 2×2 table. Provide the code in the pdf document. Make sure the code is nicely indented. A 10 points penalty will be taken if the indentation is not correct. 

7. [10p] What is the characteristic feature of a wiki? What key ingredient is necessary for a successful wiki? Use at least 300 words for your explanation. 

8. [10p] Explain in detail the RGB color codes and their representation on 32 bits. Use at least 300 words for your explanation and provide examples. 

Assignment rules: 

1. Please submit your assignment online as a file named: Assignment_2_LastName Only the PDF file format is accepted. 

2. Please read at least 5 articles from different resources for each questions requiring more than 100 words input and provide your original summary of the information you read as a response. Do NOT CUT/PASTE! 

3. Provide an APA style reference section for your assignment. Failure to provide a correct and complete APA reference section will result in a 25 points penalty. 


Home Assignment 3 Instruction: C# 2012 Applications

100 points

Due: Thursday March 19, 2018 9:00pm ET to the Course Assignment dropbox.

Hours Spent on this Assignment:


Objectives of Assignment:

1. Convert a temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

2. Use special character to display the degree of temperature.


Use selection structure to display appropriate weather advisement based on the temperature in Celsius.

4. Use Loop structure to prompt the user to repeat the app until the user enters N or n to exit the app.


Please write, test the following application using the following criteria:

· Please make sure you are using Visual Studio .Net 2012. Do not use anything else especially the newer version of Visual Studio.Net, since I am using Visual Studio.Net 2012 Ultimate Edition and I will not be able to read project files newer than VS 2012.

· Use good programming development principles in your application development.

· Using Hungarian Prefix for application name (Pascal Notation), variables, methods, and controls (Camel Notation).

· Display a program header for the purpose of the program, the author, last update etc.

· Comment (document) your code adequately, do not comment too much or too little.

· If you need it, sketch your ideas on paper, draw flow charts, write pseudo code and more.

· Test your code thoroughly on the local computer.

· Knowing how to deploy your code onto another computer.

· Test your application on another computer

· Zip the project folder including the program source code files and the .exe into a zip file call If your name is Jennifer Jones, then the zip file name should be

· Rename this file name with your actual Lastname and Firstname, and submit this file and the project zip file to the course assignment dropbox before or on due date.

(100 points)
Enhanced Console C# Temperature Conversion with Advice Application and infinite loop:

This application is enhanced version of the console temperature conversion application. It is an extension of Assignment 2 and the Demo_InfiniteLoop that I demonstrated in class.

In this application, you will use a while loop to continuously ask the user to enter any character to continue or N or n to quit after one iteration of temperature conversion operation. This application also requires the use of a method for the temperature conversion and temperature advisement (Figure 1)

Called the namespace Assign3_ConEnhancedTempApp, and the C# program Program.cs

(See Figure 1 for a sample run).

Figure 1: Infinite Loop Temperature Conversion with Advisement App

Figure 2: Infinite Loop Temperature Conversion with Advisement App Sample Run 2

Figure 3: Infinite Loop Temperature Conversion with Advisement App Sample Run 3

Compile, and run your app. Examine carefully for the user inputs and the outputs from the app. Test your app with intended and extreme data to make certain it is running as expected. (Hint: You want your app to run similar to Figures 1-3).

2. Take three screen shots for your running application, and paste your screen shots with clear explanation in the following Table:

Screen Shot 1
Paste your screen shot at right

Screen Shot 2
Paste your screen shot at right

Screen Shot 3
Paste your screen shot at right

Take three screen shots for your running application, and paste your screen shots with clear explanation in the following:


Submission checklist (please fill out):



Time Spent (in hours e.g. 1.5)

Complete (Y/N)


What you submitted

(do not write in this column)

Professor Comment (do not write in this column)


Analyze the problem


Design a solution


Code the solution


Compile the code (is the code error free)


Test your app with intended and extreme data


Debug and fix errors if needed



Compress and submit the whole project folder in a zip file, not just the source code file. I will give you a second chance the first time you did not submit the correct zip file and the complete renamed project assignment instruction file with a 20-points reduction penalty.



Infinite Loop functions properly.



Include a method for temperature conversion.



Application runs without any errors



Include three sample run screen shots



Use meaningful naming convention for namespace, program name, variables, methods, classes and more



User friendliness



Include Program header



Include appropriate comment in code



Include your name, version number, and date in welcome message




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