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1. What is the evidence that what people find to be sexually arousing and sexually attractive is, in large part, culturally learned? What factors influence our sexual attitudes and behaviors? Describe some cultural diversity in sexual attitudes and behaviors around the world.
2. Discuss the origins of the idea that the only legitimate purpose for having sex is procreation. How did the published works of two of the following researcher(s) Sigmund Freud, Henry Havelock Ellis, Alfred Kinsey, or Masters and Johnson, both reflect and help to change the Zeitgeist (the spirit, or trend of thought of the age) of their respective time periods?
3. Consider what you learned about different research methods from the reading. If you were to suddenly find yourself as the director of a psychology lab devoted to the study of human sexuality, what research topic(s) would you be interested in pursuing? What questions about human sexuality would you want to try and answer with your research? Explain which research methods described in the text would help you address the research question(s)? Describe how you would address ethical considerations such as informed consent, freedom from coercion, protection from physical /psychological harm, and the risk-benefit principle.

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