q5 with bonus


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CSE/EEE 230 – Bonus 3
Important: This is an individual assignment. Please do not collaborate.
Make sure to follow the academic integrity policies. Using work done by someone else will be
considered a violation of the academic integrity and will result in a report to the Dean’s office.
Your work should not match with anything found online.
Copying any part of this assignment, and providing them to another person or posting them on
the Internet without a permission of the instructor will be a violation of its copyright.
No late submissions will be accepted.
Show all the steps including how you arrived at your solution to receive full credit.
There is one question that counts towards Bonus points, if you turn it in. It will be graded for
10 points and scaled down to 1 point.
Question: Write the C code for the following MIPS code:
MIPS Code:
Line1: lui $s0, 16240
Line2: lui $s1, 16472
Line3: mtc1 $s0, $f0
Line4: mtc1 $s1, $f2
Line5: c.le.s $f0, $f2
Line6: bc1f Line9
Line7: mul.s $f4, $f0, $f2
Line8: j Line10
Line9: div.s $f4, $f0, $f2
CSE/EEE 230 – Assignment 5
Important: This is an individual assignment. Please do not collaborate.
Make sure to follow the academic integrity policies. Using work done by someone else will be
considered a violation of the academic integrity and will result in a report to the Dean’s office.
Your work should not match with anything found online.
Copying any part of this assignment, and providing them to another person or posting them on
the Internet without a permission of the instructor will be a violation of its copyright.
No late submissions will be accepted.
Show all the steps to receive full credit.
There is one question. The score will be scaled down to a total of 3 points.
Question: Show the execution of the given code. For each line of the code, write the following:
(a) Name of register modified and the updated value
Address of memory modified and the updated value
Specify No change in registers and memory if none of them are modified
Specify Not executed if the instruction is not executed for the given inputs
(b) Label of the next instruction executed.
MIPS Code:
Line1: lui $s0, 16240
Line2: lui $s1, 16472
Line3: mtc1 $s0, $f0
Line4: mtc1 $s1, $f2
Line5: c.le.s $f0, $f2
Line6: bc1f Line9
Line7: mul.s $f4, $f0, $f2
Line8: j Line10
Line9: div.s $f4, $f0, $f2

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