Python code

Okay, here the scenario. 
1) The attachment (“Output.bmp”) is the final output after my coding (Codes.txt). 
So right now, I would need to filter some codes out. 
2) Look at the textfield from “Node selection expression:”
This would be the filter. Right now it is “all”. It basically means all nodes will be exported. However, this is not what I want. What I want is only export nodes with ui3. ui3 is nothing but a ID and it represents major intersections. 
3) Right now, once I typed something in the “Node selection expression:” textfield, the system basically return an error. (Error.bmp).
After consulting my leader, it was made known to be that we would be mostly dealing with ui3.
4) Instead of a textfield, you could maybe create a drop down list with 2 options (ui3, All). In this case, if an user selects the option of “ui3”, he/she will only get back those nodes with ui3. Similarity, if a user were to select “All”, the solution would just be like the current code.
I have attached the relevant files to make u understand more. thanks

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import math as _math
import traceback as _traceback
import os
import inro.modeller as _m
import inro.emme.core.exception as _except

class AdjacentNodes(_m.Tool()):
node_selection = _m.Attribute(unicode)
north_angle = _m.Attribute(float)
export_file = _m.Attribute(unicode)
export_file_5 = _m.Attribute(unicode)
export_file_6 = _m.Attribute(unicode)
scenario = _m.Attribute(_m.InstanceType)
tool_run_msg = “”
def __init__(self):
self.north_angle = 90
self.node_selection = “all”
def page(self):
pb = _m.ToolPageBuilder(self,
title=”List Adjacent Nodes”,
description=”Exports the nodes specified by a selection expression to ”
“a text file, with a list of the adjacent nodes ”
“sorted North, Northwest, West, Southwest, South, Southeast, ”
“East, and Northeast.
branding_text=”INRO – Emme”)
if self.tool_run_msg != “”:
pb.add_text_box(“node_selection”, size=20,
title=”Node selection expression:”, multi_line=True)
pb.add_text_box(“north_angle”, size=10,
title=”North Angle:”,
note=”Angle which is North, counterclockwise relative to the horizontal axis.”)
pb.add_select_file(“export_file”, window_type=”save_file”, file_filter=”Text Documents (*.txt)”,
title=”Export file (4 or less nodes) :”)
pb.add_select_file(“export_file_5″, window_type=”save_file”, file_filter=”Text Documents (*.txt)”,
title=”Export file (5 nodes):”)
pb.add_select_file(“export_file_6″, window_type=”save_file”, file_filter=”Text Documents (*.txt)”,
title=”Export file (6+ nodes):”)
if not self.scenario:
self.scenario = _m.Modeller().desktop.data_explorer().\
pb.add_select_scenario(“scenario”, title=”Scenario:”)
return pb.render()
def run(self):
self.tool_run_msg = “”
self(self.node_selection, self.north_angle,
self.export_file, self.export_file_5, self.export_file_6,
self.tool_run_msg = _m.PageBuilder.format_info(“Tool completed.”)
except Exception, e:
self.tool_run_msg += _m.PageBuilder.format_exception(
e, _traceback.format_exc(e))
@_m.logbook_trace(name=”List nodes and directionally sorted adjacent nodes”,
def __call__(self, node_selection, north_angle,
export_file, export_file_5, export_file_6, scenario):
UTILITIES_NAME = “inro.emme.utility.export_utilities”
export_utils = _m.Modeller().module(UTILITIES_NAME)
network = scenario.get_network()
node_ids = export_utils.apply_node_selection(scenario,
{“node”: node_selection})
classify = ClassifyAdjacentNodes(north_angle)
f = None
f5 = None
f6 = None
file_hdr = “Node N NW W SW S SE E NE\n”
if export_file:
f = open(export_file, ‘w’)
if export_file_5 and export_file_5 != export_file:
f5 = open(export_file_5, ‘w’)
if export_file_6 and export_file_6 != export_file and export_file_6 != export_file_5:
f6 = open(export_file_6, ‘w’)
if not (f or f5 or f6):
raise _except.Error(“Missing output file name”)
for node_id in node_ids:
node = network.node(node_id)
adj, node_count = classify(node)
line_buf = str(node_id)
l = 0
while True:
for i in range(8):
d = [“N”, “NW”, “W”, “SW”, “S”, “SE”, “E”, “NE”][i]
if d in adj and l < len(adj[d]): line_buf = "%-*s %s" % (i * 8 + 7, line_buf, adj[d][l]) if not line_buf: break line_buf += "\n" if node_count < 5: if f: f.write(line_buf) elif node_count < 6: if f5: f5.write(line_buf) elif f6: f6.write(line_buf) line_buf = "" l += 1 return @_m.method(return_type=_m.UnicodeType) def tool_run_msg_status(self): return self.tool_run_msg class ClassifyAdjacentNodes(object): def __init__(self, north_angle=90): self.directions = ["N", "NW", "W", "SW", "S", "SE", "E", "NE"] # counter clockwise order, starting with North self.expected_angles = [(x + north_angle) % 360 for x in range(0, 360, 45)] def __call__(self, at_node): out_link_nodes = set([l.j_node for l in at_node.outgoing_links()]) in_link_nodes = set([l.i_node for l in at_node.incoming_links()]) adjacent_nodes = out_link_nodes.union(in_link_nodes) directional_nodes = {} for node in adjacent_nodes: closest = self._closest_direction(at_node, node) if not closest in directional_nodes: directional_nodes[closest] = [node] else: directional_nodes[closest] += [node] return directional_nodes, len(adjacent_nodes) def _closest_direction(self, at_node, dir_node): angle = _math.degrees(_math.atan2(dir_node.y - at_node.y, dir_node.x - at_node.x)) angle_names = zip(self.expected_angles, self.directions) angle_diffs = [(self._normalize(a - angle), n) for a, n in angle_names] angle_diffs.sort() return angle_diffs[0][1] def _normalize(self, ang_diff): v = abs(ang_diff) % 360 if v > 180:
return 360 – v
return v

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