PU Programming Diagram Showing the Structure of The Database Project

Design Assignment: Directions

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The task of this assignment is to design the structure of the database for a startup company that would allow the storage of user’s preferences.

Submit a document with tables that lists the following:

Field name

Field type (use

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A comment on the role of the field

In order to complete the assignment, you will need to identify the number of tables that would efficiently store data collected by the startup company. And design the fields including the ones that would store ID values of other table(s) in order to ensure relations between tables. Please use arrows to identify the relations between table fields.

Coding Assignment: Directions

For the database design in the design assignment for this week write an SQL script to:

Make sure to use appropriate DML and DDL statements.

Create four new users;

Retrieve the list of places in a given category;

Find the number of ratings submitted by a given user;

Delete all preferences submitted by a user with a given ID = 342

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