Psychology-Mental health Counseling

  This assignment BID consists of (3) different projects $20.00 each

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Biopsychosocial Summary Report 

If you are new to this: the biopsychosocial form is what you use during your interview, and the biopsychosocial report is your own summary of information, from the form, written for your case.

Biopsychosocial forms: Your form must contain (or you must modify it to contain) the following sections: presenting problem, history of problem, developmental/medical history, family history, educational/social history, special considerations, mental status and client’s strengths, clinical findings, diagnostic impressions, and tentative treatment recommendations. When submitting your genogram add it to your biopsychosocial form that you have already completed and submitted.  

After completing your interview, use the biopsychosocial form and write up a biopsychosocial summary report which will become a 10 page summary report. You can reference it in your PowerPoint presentation where you think it is needed to make a point. Upload the biopsychosocial form into the appendix of the summary report. Do not include a link; again, the forms must be uploaded into an appendix.


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Genogram Report

Please draw or include a genogram generated from a graphic program that would best fit your case used in the Biopsychosocial. You can reference it in your PowerPoint presentation where you think it is needed to make a point. The genogram should includethree generations of relevant information. The genogram should be scanned and uploaded into the appendix of your narrative paper. Do not include a link; again, the forms must be uploaded into an appendix. Again, the genogram form does not count toward the narrative paper 10 pages.  The narrative is just the biopsychosocial you previously submitted.  


Case Study Paper 

Students are required to complete a paper on a specific child and adolescent diagnosis. The purpose of this assignment is for students to develop a clinical diagnosis and treatment plan in a case report. This is exactly what you will be doing on your own one day very soon. The paper should be 10 typewritten double-spaced pages.  The body of this paper should consist of the diagnosis you gave the interviewee that is consistent with the findings in the biopsychosocial for your specific interviewee, and your tentative treatment recommendations. Discussion of diagnosis, differential diagnosis and tentative treatment recommendations will become the remaining 10 pages that complete your paper. The paper must follow APA style guidelines.

Submit this via assignment link for each respective Assignment in Blackboard.



PowerPoint Presentation 

The PP presentation is directly related as a matter of fact it is the summary of each of the previous assignments put together. The PP presentation must contain 10 slides plus an appendix. Your introduction slide (very first slide) is not counted as part of the 10 slide body. At the end of the 10 slide body you will insert an appendix section which will contain the consent form(s). These documents are a fundamental part of your presentation. Upload them into your PP. Do not give me a link to either of them.  They do not count toward the 10 slide body.

The 10 slide body will contain the following:

a. Demographic Information

What are the names (first name only) ages, and birth order of all family/couple members?

· What are the occupations and education levels of all family/couple members (where appropriate)?

· What are the roles of each family/couple member?

· Who does each member spend most of his or her time with?

· Who makes decisions within the couple/family and how are they made?

b. Developmental Information

· What is the developmental stage of the couple/family at this time?

· Are there any recent significant events/losses in the couple/family?

· Are there any anticipated changes/transitions in the near future?

· How are the current goals of the couple/family, including what goals have already been met and how?

· What is the spiritual life/climate of the couple/family like? 

c. General Impressions

Who did the most talking and what might account for this?

· What are the couple’s/family’s boundaries with the outside world?

· How affectionate is the couple/family?

· What are the strengths and weaknesses of the couple/family system?

· Is there any evidence of cutoffs, triangles, rituals, secrets or multigenerational effects

· Other comments/observations


February 25, 2018

Biopsychosocial Summary Report

If you are new to this: the


biopsychosocial form
 is what you use during your interview, and the biopsychosocial report
 is your own summary of information, from the form, written for your case.

Biopsychosocial forms: Your form 
 contain (or you must modify it to contain) the following sections: presenting problem, history of problem, developmental/medical history, family history, educational/social history, special considerations, mental status and client’s strengths, clinical findings, diagnostic impressions, and tentative treatment recommendations. When submitting your genogram add it to your biopsychosocial form that you have already completed and submitted.

After completing your interview, use the biopsychosocial form and write up a biopsychosocial summary report which will become a 10 page summary report. You can reference it in your PowerPoint presentation where you think it is needed to make a point. Upload the biopsychosocial form into the appendix of the summary report. Do not include a link; again, the forms must be uploaded into an appendix.

March 15, 2018

Genogram Report

Please draw or include a genogram generated from a graphic program that would best fit your case used in the Biopsychosocial. You can reference it in your PowerPoint presentation where you think it is needed to make a point. The genogram should include
three generations
 of relevant information. The genogram should be scanned and uploaded into the appendix of your narrative paper. Do not include a link; again, the forms must be uploaded into an appendix. Again, the genogram form does not count toward the narrative paper 10 pages.  The narrative is just the biopsychosocial you previously submitted.  

April 3, 2018

Case Study Paper

Students are required to complete a paper on a specific child and adolescent diagnosis. The purpose of this assignment is for students to develop a clinical diagnosis and treatment plan in a case report. This is exactly what you will be doing on your own one day very soon. The paper should be 10 
typewritten double-spaced pages
.  The body of this paper should consist of the diagnosis you gave the interviewee that is consistent with the findings in the biopsychosocial for your specific interviewee, and your tentative treatment recommendations. Discussion of diagnosis, differential diagnosis and tentative treatment recommendations will become the remaining 10 pages that complete your paper. The paper must follow APA style guidelines.

Submit this 
via assignment link for each respective Assignment in Blackboard.

April 20, 2018

PowerPoint Presentation

The PP presentation 
is directly related
 as a matter of fact it is the summary of each of the previous assignments put together. The PP presentation must contain 10 slides plus an appendix.
 Your introduction slide (very first slide) 
is not
 counted as part of the 10 slide body. At the end of the 10 slide body you will insert an appendix section which will contain the 
consent form(s).
 These documents are a fundamental part of your presentation. 
Upload them into your PP.
 Do not give me a link to either of them.  They do not count toward the 10 slide body.


The 10 slide body will contain the following:

a. Demographic Information

What are the names (first name only) ages, and birth order of all family/couple members?

· What are the occupations and education levels of all family/couple members (where appropriate)?

· What are the roles of each family/couple member?

· Who does each member spend most of his or her time with?

· Who makes decisions within the couple/family and how are they made?


b. Developmental Information

· What is the developmental stage of the couple/family at this time?

· Are there any recent significant events/losses in the couple/family?

· Are there any anticipated changes/transitions in the near future?

· How are the current goals of the couple/family, including what goals have already been met and how?

· What is the spiritual life/climate of the couple/family like? 


c. General Impressions

Who did the most talking and what might account for this?

· What are the couple’s/family’s boundaries with the outside world?

· How affectionate is the couple/family?

· What are the strengths and weaknesses of the couple/family system?

· Is there any evidence of cutoffs, triangles, rituals, secrets or multigenerational effects

· Other comments/observations

d. Presenting problem, diagnosis, and differential diagnosis

· developmental/medical,

· family history, educational/social history, treatment,

· medication (if applicable), diversity issues, and ethical issues

e. Evaluation and Self-Reflection of the Experience

· What did you learn through this experience?

· How would you evaluate yourself regarding how the interview was conducted?

· What did you feel were your strong points?

· How did the information gathered compare to your couple/family of origin and your couple/family experience or relationship?

· What do you see as areas of further personal or professional development in working with couples/families?


f. Counselor Implications

· What are 3-4 important practical counseling implications that you can share with your classmates when it comes to counseling couples/families, based on your experience?

· Explain (based on reading from the text) why you believe these are important points to make.




The appendix for the PowerPoint will consist of consent form(s). You should already have an appropriate signed consent form from your interview (as specified above). The 
consent form
(s) should be scanned and uploaded into the appendix of your PowerPoint presentation. Do not include a link; again, the forms must be uploaded into an appendix. Again, these forms do not count toward the 10 slide minimum. Please inform your interview family that this assignment is only for a class project and no one else will see it but me. You will use fictitious names in the PowerPoint presentation as added security, so reassure them that the only place their name will show is on the consent form. Both parents must sign consent form unless you can provide custody paperwork and then you will have to submit that also into the appendix.




(1) Informing your Participant:

When an individual is approached to be interviewed, either with or without electronic recording, it is important that you explain to them very clearly who you are, what the project is about, why you are doing it, what risks it poses to them, who will benefit, and what will become of the materials. This makes for “informed consent,” meaning they truly understand what they are getting involved in. You can read the materials to them, and you may also give them the option of reading the description themselves.

(2) The Agreement to Interview Form

The Agreement to Interview form is a very good and appropriate way to ensure that your participants know what they are getting into. After you have read the project description to them, and explained clearly what the project is about, why you are doing it, and what will become of the interviews and other materials.

You may then, if you feel it’s appropriate, ask them to sign the Agreement to Interview form, and give them a copy. Keep the other copy in a safe place.

Alternatively, you can obtain their consent “on tape,” in the actual interview.

(3) Final Consent Form

(a) Draft Review: Before obtaining final consent, it is essential that the participants be given the opportunity to look over any final product(s) that you produce from the interviews, and they should have the opportunity to request changes (which you should then make). Remember, this is their words you are using, and those words are their intellectual property. It is important that you respect their requests to have their words read as they want them to.

The final consent form is designed so that you can get their signature in advance, providing that you will make the changes that they request. They may also want a family member or other third party to edit their materials, and the form also allows for this.

(b) Final Consent: this form allows you to go ahead and publish their words in whatever form is appropriate to your project. Note that there are also places where they can choose to be identified. If they do not sign these, but request to remain anonymous, you must respect that and protect their identities from being released.

Informed Consent:
[Name of the Project]

[Your Contact Information]

Project Description: [insert]

Procedure and Risks:

We would like to record the interview, if you are willing, and use the tapes to write our materials. We will record the interview only with your written consent, and will ask that no personal identifiers be used during the interview, to ensure your anonymity. Please feel free to say as much or as little as you want. You can decide not to answer any question, or to stop the interview any time you want. The tapes and transcripts will become the property of project.

If you so choose, the recordings and recording-transcripts (or copy of notes taken) will be kept anonymous, without any reference to your identity, and your identity will be concealed in any reports written from the interviews.

There are no known risks associated with participation in the study.


It is hoped that the results of this study will benefit the community through providing greater insight into the culture and history of our area.

Cost Compensation:

Participation in this study will involve no costs or payments to you.


All information collected during the study period will be kept strictly confidential until you sign a release waiver. No publications or reports from this project will include identifying information on any participant without your signed permission, and after your review of the materials. If you agree to join this study, please sign your name on the following page.

Agreement to Participate in Interview Form


I, _____________________________________, agree to allow myself and my child to be interviewed for a Master’s Level Psychology course at University.

I certify that I have been told of the confidentiality of information collected for this project and the anonymity of my participation; that I have been given satisfactory answers to my inquiries concerning project procedures and other matters; and that I have been advised that I am free to withdraw my consent and to discontinue participation in the project or activity at any time without prejudice.

I agree to participate in one or more electronically recorded interviews for this project. I understand that such interviews and related materials will be kept completely anonymous, and will only be shared with the course professor, Dr. Wilkins.

I agree that any information obtained from this research may be used in any way thought best for this study.

________________________________________ Date ________________________

Signature of Interviewee

Final Consent Form

Dear Participant:

This form gives us final authorization to use material from your interview.

I, _________________________________________________, hereby grant the right to use information from recordings and or notes taken in interviews of me and/or my child, for a Master’s Level course at University. I understand that names will be changed to assure anonymity and the interview records will be kept by the interviewer, and that the information contained in the interviews will not be used in materials to be made available to the public. The information will only be shared with the professor, Dr. Wilkins

____________________________________________ Date: __________________________

Signature of Interviewee

____________________________________________ Date: __________________________

Signature of Interviewer

Final Consent Form



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