Psychology Assignment


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For your second reflection paper, I want you to focus on the topic of co-sleeping. First, I want you to briefly describe what it is. Secondly, provide some statistics about how often do North Americans engage in this activity as compared to other countries. Thirdly, what may be the benefits and drawbacks to co-sleeping, as discussed in the textbook (Berger, 2010). Fourthly, what is your position in regards to co-sleeping? In other words, have you or would you co-sleep? What are your reasons for doing so?

Reflection papers must be typed, double-spaced throughout, 1-inch margin on all sides, 12 font size, and Times New Roman font type. 

BOOK “INVITATION TO LIFE” Kathleen Stassen Berger (CHAPTER 3, pp 103-104)

References in APA format (2-3 references would be enough)

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