

Analyze the role of team psychology in managing conflict.

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Isabella is a new team leader in your company. She is replacing a team leader who has been let go. The team is behind in their project deadlines, blaming everyone else. There is a lot of animosity among the team members. Isabella would like some pointers on managing some of the team’s conflicts and getting the project back on track. You are tasked with designing an infographic on ways to manage conflict to review with her and use as a general company resource to distribute to all team leads. 


Design an infographic on ways to manage conflict within teams. Be sure to include graphics and colors. Information should include:

  • Define conflict resolution and explain its importance.
  • Identify possible causes of conflict.
  • Provide ways to avoid conflict.
  • Describe strategies and techniques for managing conflict in the workplace (in-person and remote).
  • Preventing and Managing Team Conflict – Professional & Executive Development | Harvard DCE
  • How To Prevent Workplace Conflict From Impacting Your Team (
  • 14 Conflict Resolution Strategies for the Workplace (

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